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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
If it’s like dice, I apologize for the misunderstanding.
Having said that …
– With respect to …
… “the fact that you do not see anything in Performance> Support is not because you are not subscribed to the Pro version of the plugin, but because of a temporary error” …
I tell you that said “temporary error” is still valid. That is, the same poster still appears, as you can see in this screenshot;– As for …
… “I told you that I could not replicate the problem, and this means that the plugin works as expected in My final using W3 Total Cache plugin with JS minify enabled, check the screenshot” …
On the one hand, I can’t verify … “the screenshot” … well, I don’t see any screenshots ??And on the other hand, I could NOT replicate it because, the bar does NOT appear to me at ANY time.
That is to say…
1) It doesn’t appear to me when “Performance / General Settings / User Experience” has the “Disable jquery-migrate on the front-end” box checked or when it doesn’t. As you can see in the following screenshot; Nor does it appear to me when in “Performance / Minify / Never minimize the following JS files”, I have excluded the 2 files that say jquery, nor when I exclude ALL the JS files that the plugin contains (which are 5). Not when I have them NOT excluded (as suggested by the plugin developer). As you can see in the following screenshot;
And finally…
3) It also didn’t appear to me when I had “Cloudflare / Speed ??/ Optimization / Rocket Loader” disabled, as you can see here; Nor, when I had it enabled (as I just did now because – as I said – the test did NOT work).In conclusion:
a) I have just deactivated / deleted the plugin in question (GDPR)b) I left everything as it was. Is that;
b.1) In “Performance / General Settings / User Experience” the box “Disable jquery-migrate on the front-end” is unchecked.b.2) In “Performance / Minify / Advanced / Never minimize the following JS files”, there are NO excluded files.
b.3) To “Cloudflare / Speed ??/ Rocket Loader” I have it in “Activated”
c) Please, could you tell me step by step how you did to enable the cookie bar on your pc?
That is to say…
c.1) Should I proceed as I did previously with the JS files? This is:
c.1.1) Upload the plugin through my Control cPanelc.1.2) Download the JS files to my computer
c.1.3) Compress them (with an online tool) and upload them again (already compressed) to replace the originals.
c.2) Should I exclude JS files in “Minify / Never Compress …”? Or not?
And if so, would it have to be all or just the 2 that say jquery?
Would they have to include the slash from / wp-content or not? (Yes. I tried both ways, heh!)c.3) Would I have to leave “Cloudflare / Speed ??/ Rocket Loader” permanently disabled? Or just to test?
I’m asking you because, as I already mentioned, the only time it worked for me was when this happened …
1) I uploaded the JS files of the plugin already compressed2) I didn’t have “Disable jquery-migrate on front-end” checked or, NO JS file excluded from minification in W3TC
3) I had Rocket Loader enabled
Butoo …
It worked … As soon as I turned off “Performance / Minify / JS minify Settings”!So, as you can see, your results and mine are a kind of “mystery” ??
I await your comments.
From already thank you very much.
PS: AND NO. I never had or have minification enabled on my Cloudflare because, I read around (and also tried at the time ?? that it was too redundant.In other words, having it enabled in W3TC was more than enough.
P.d 2: Just now that I entered you can see the “famous” screenshot that is mentioned in the email that I received (where as I told you, said capture is not seen).
And what I observe is that you, you have “Minify / JS” configured the same as me, except that, I have the boxes …
…”Elimination of protected comments (does not apply when” only combine “is active)”…
…”Elimination of newlines (not safe, does not apply when “only combine” is active)”…
Marked (checked) and you don’t.Could this have influenced my results?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
I’m sorry to tell you that what you suggest is NOT going to happen.
Okay. I just went where you suggest, that is to “Performance / Support” of your plugin (W3TC) and I came across this “surprise” ??
Which suggests to me that, in order to do what you recommend … I have to pay!
And that is NOT going to happen because, with less than 10 average visits per day (as I currently have), my site (yet) is NOT economically sustainable.
Which does not mean that, at some point “go through the box.” But not for now. Thanks.
By last:
– It is a pity that you did not suggest this to me before we started with this topic and / or that … It took you almost a week to suggest it to me! ??– Much more why, in all our conversation, I showed you thoroughly that …
Both plugins (W3TC and GDPR) ARE incompatible!Anyway.
What if it is going to happen is that, I will try another cache and / or cookie bar plugin.
Or that, directly, I will run out of cookies bar ??
After all, here in my country (Argentina), the GDPR is not even mandatory.
Still, I really appreciate the time you gave me and, although you couldn’t / wanted / knew how to find the way around, you treated me with respect and a lot of patience.
And I appreciate that.I also respect your work. And even that of the developer of the GDPR plugin (although he hasn’t answered anyone for more than 1 year, heh!)
And I understand that, as in my case, you need to make your plugins economically sustainable.
But in my case, I still can’t do what they suggest (Upgrade to a PRO product)
Therefore, I can only thank you and regret that we have not found a “free” solution for you.One way or another, thanks for your time.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
Thanks for answering. AND NO.
I tell you that, that of …
… “there are a lot of bugs on the console caused by the cloudflare rocket loader” …
It is something that I also see but … I DO NOT understand! ??However, your observation just gave me an idea and that is, I am going to send the folks at Cloudflare the following screenshot …
Let’s see if it helps them to solve it.
… “can you disable Cloudflare’s rocket loader, save all settings and purge cache and purge Cloudflare cache and see if the problem persists?” …
I just proceeded as you suggest and yes the problem persists! (That is, the bar does NOT appear)Which is kind of weird because, as I mentioned in other threads:
1) As soon as I deactivate the “JS Minification” of W3TC the problem is solved. And this is independent of EVERYTHING else.
That is to say:
– Whether or not the “Disable jquery-migrate front-end” box is enabled (checked) in the General Settings / User Experience Section
– Whether or not the javascript files of the GDPR plugin are excluded in the box in the section “Minify / Advanced / Never minimize the following JS files” (as they are currently)2) As I also mentioned before, the developer himself in response to an observation from a user, regarding that … “the geographical location does not work” … he answers that …
… “the plugin has a database with IPs from all over the world that is used for geolocation, that database weighs 3 megabytes approx and there is a possibility that the automatic installation has failed due to the weight” …Something that, if you want, you can read in this thread;
Color note: At the end of that thread you can see my comment “flattering” in 1st. instance to the plugin in question, heh!
3) Similarly, the developer faced with another observation from a user that … “Nice but it won’t work” … replies that …
… “your cache plugin doesn’t minimize the js file” … (?)As, if you want, you can read in this other thread;
Color note II: In this other thread; – which I opened – “I retrace my steps” and, instead of “complimenting” the plugin, I make a constructive criticism because, after WordPress was updated to 5.6.1, the plugin stopped working well.
And also, I mention the steps that I followed in the beginning to make the plugin work and that, for this to happen, I followed their own “recommendations” with that of … “do not minimize the js file” …
In fact, as I also mentioned, I did EVERYTHING the developer recommends. This is:
a) I uploaded the plugin directly to my server.b) I downloaded to my pc, one by one, the 5 js files, I uploaded them to an online js compressor, I downloaded them again to my pc (already compressed) and, I uploaded them to my directory (as “replacement” of the originals).
In other words, ALL the JS files of this plugin are already compressed.
And then? They were? Should these files be compressed or not?
However, as I mentioned, as soon as I deactivate Minify W3TC JS the cookie bar appears correctly (where it should appear).
But obviously I can’t leave this permanently disabled, just for a single plugin to work ??
So, like I told you, frankly I don’t know what to do anymore ??
By last:
Could you see if, in the code – either from W3TC and / or from the GDPR plugin – there is nothing we can modify, even manually, to make this work?I await your comments.
Thanks a lot.
PS: The most “strange” thing is that, despite the fact that the GPDR developer has NOT responded to ANYONE for more than a year, I just observed that in the plugin repository it says that …
… “Tested up to 5.6.2” … (the LATEST version of WordPress) (?)That is to say that, apparently, purplelightsoftware (that’s the name it uses), is out there but, does NOT want to “talk” to us ??
A real “mischief” because, in my humble opinion, if you resolved this issue of the cache and “talked” a little more with your users, surely you would have many more downloads than you currently have.
It’s just an opinion, but if you can get it across, please do so.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
How’s it going, everything okay?
Were you able to analyze the last thread I sent you?
Something new?
I’m still here, without the “blessed” cookie bar appearing on my site.
And that’s despite the fact that, as I told you, I have ALL your latest suggestions implemented.
In other words, my site currently has:
1) The option “Disable jquery-migrate on the front-end” disabled.
2) The 5 Javascript files of the plugin in question excluded.
As I told you before, frankly I don’t know what to do anymore ??
Anyway, the following just occurred to me (let’s see what you think) …
What if you, get into the plugin code and tell me which line I would have to modify whatever you tell me?
And I know that, it is something that the plugin developer should do but …
If you look at this;
You will see that the same …
It has been more than 15 months since I have answered ANY questions!
Could you see if you can do something?
Thanks in advance for your patience and willingness.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
I am sorry that I was not understood.
With respect to…
… “1. The option” Disable jquery-migrate on front-end “should be disabled, so please do” …
As I explained before, ALL of this section was always “disabled” well, I NEVER knew of its existence, until you mentioned it to me, heh!
Ergo, this option is currently disabled, as you can see in this screenshot;, the cookie bar DOES NOT appear.
Although, strictly speaking, in the previous thread, I understood that you had to “activate” it (tick it), and that is precisely what I wanted to show you with this link; the cookie bar NEVER appeared.
And refering to…
… “3. If the console error persists after changing these settings and saving all settings and purging the cache, you should try to exclude other JS files associated with the plugin” …
On the one hand, you should know that I, I DO NOT know how to “read” console errors ??
And on the other, after I replied to you in my previous thread, I also excluded ALL … “JS files associated with the plugin” … as you can see in this other screenshot;, currently, ALL these recommendations are or were ALREADY implemented on my site. And yet the cookie bar DOES NOT appear or ever did! :( Which is at least rare because: a) The cookie bar appears as soon as I disable the "JS minify Settings" completely. b) And this even when I didn't even know about the option of "User Experience / Disable jquery-migrate on front-end" c) The plugin has 5 javascript files but only 2 that say .jquery. However, the bar does NOT appear excluding these 2 but, neither, excluding the 5 (as I currently have). So I don't know what to do anymore! :( Could you help me? I await your comments and in advance, thank you for your patience. Greetings. P.d 1: If you want, I can resend the JSON file with ALL my current W3TC configuration. Or, you can ask me about a specific section. P.d 2: In my modest understanding, shouldn't we include W3TC, something that makes plugins without Ajax - as you say this plugin lacks - work the same? P.d 3: This should partly explain why this plugin has so few downloads. However, it is a good plugin and gathers all the features and functionalities that I need ... That's why, for almost a week that I have been (we are) reneging on this, heh!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
I tell you that, following your instructions regarding …
… “I should exclude them again so I can check the console for errors” …I have just left out the only 2 (two) files that mention something about said technology (jquery).
This is;
/wp-content/plugins/gdpr-cookies-pro/resources/js/jquery.sticky.jsIn other words, the “Never minimize the following JS files” box remained like this; regarding …
… “There is also the possibility that you disable jquery migrate in the interface in Performance> General settings and minified jQuery file” …
I tell you that I had never seen this Section before, heh! It is probably due to the fact that, since I installed / configured your plugin (W3TC), I was testing configurations until it was as you can see in the JSON file that I sent you.But this section must have appeared in one of the many updates that your plugin had after I finished my last configuration.
Ergo, since I had not seen it and, I did not find anything that made me see that it could be of use to me, I had never touched it. Up to now.
However. Based on your recommendations, I just did what you suggest and, consequently, this section looked like this; and as for …
… “and since some files depend on jQuery you may also need to exclude jquery so that it is not minified” …
I don’t understand it so, I looked in ALL the source code of my site and, the only thing I found that refers to jquery, is this;, it is an external file that executes a script so that some file files load asynchronously or lazyload (I don't remember anymore, heh!). That is, NOTHING to do with this. Having said that: 1) What you suggest (it was installed as is in case you want to check it yourself) ... It did NOT work! 2) Having done that of ... "disable jquery migrate in the interface in Performance> General settings" ... my videos DO NOT work! 3) And what's worse, my site now, which was slow in itself ... It's SLOWER than before! In short, the cost / benefit of having implemented these recommendations is negative. This is... - I DO NOT get the cookie bar to activate - My videos DO NOT work - My site loads much slower I'm going to leave it like that so you can take a look at it and, depending on what you tell me, I'll put everything back as it was before. I await your comments. From already thank you very much. Greetings.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
Thanks for answering.With respect to …
… “Re-enable minify and disable settings under Performance> minify one by one (HTML minify, JS minify, CSS minify) and see which one could be causing the problem.” …I must say that, as I mentioned above, whenever I try something and, it doesn’t work, I return everything to how it was. That is, minification on my site was enabled.
In fact, in the following screenshots you can see how I have configured my Minify area in W3TC;
1) “General” section Section “JS” I: I show you this ONLY for information purposes, because I don’t want to have to change it since, as I already mentioned, W3TC covers ALL my expectations regarding cache but, yes and only yes, I have it configured the way you are seeing.
Note II: At the time, too, I tried a large number of configurations but THIS is the one that is currently working for me in EVERYTHING I need (at the level of cache, loading speed, etc.). And also, it is the one that covers all my needs to “pass” the Pagespeed, Gmetrix, Pingdom, Etc. tests.
But going back to this problem and, regarding …
… “minify one by one” …
Luckily I did not have to search much then, 1st. I tried HTML and it didn’t work (and yes, I returned everything to how it was ?? but, as soon as I deactivated JS … soooo!
Not only did it work with the option “Only for EU visitors” activated, but the cookie bar loaded as it had to (only for EU visitors ??
Now, once this was determined, I tried to try excluding (one by one at the beginning, all together at the end) the 5 Javascript files that the plugin contains, that is;
/wp-content/plugins/gdpr-cookies-pro/resources/js/jquery.sticky.jsBut frankly, it did NOT work!
Which is kind of weird because in theory it should have loaded the cookie bar, just like it does when I disable js minification for the entire site.
Just in case, I show you some screenshots of how I had configured the “Advanced” section: even, as I read something out there, I also tried this other way; is, this is how this Section had been, with the aforementioned js files (one below the other) excluded.
But now (as always), I removed these files from “Exclude …” and it was like this;
“Advanced” section (current); you can see, I already tried everything and it DOES NOT work!
So frankly, I don’t know what to do!In short, the problem is generated by the javascript minification but, I cannot leave it deactivated because, as you know, it would end up “inflating” (more) my site.
I hope you can help me.
Again, thank you very much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] My GDPR plugin does NOT work with W3TC activatedHi Marko.
First of all, thank you for answering me. If it helps you, you are one of the few who takes this service of users seriously.
That said, I must add that … you are a crack! (Or almost. And now I’ll tell you why ??
Indeed you were right in that … “most likely the cache” … but not the page cache but, the minified.I tell you:
– I did what you did. That is, I deactivated the plugin (GDPR cookies pro), the option to … “Show only in European Union countries” and, contrary to what happened to you, to me – even with this option deactivated – I did not the bar came out (nowhere ??
With which, regarding … “Check if the plugin shows a warning if the option Show only in European Union countries is disabled” …, the answer is NO.Therefore I proceeded with, your 2nd. suggestion. This is…
… “If not, disable the W3TC settings one by one and see which option may be causing this (most likely the page cache)” …That is, I went to Performance / General Settings and, of course, I started with the 1st. section (precisely “Page cache”). But there was NO case [Even with this disabled, the bar did NOT appear]
– Then I continued with the 2nd. section, that of Minimize and … soooo!
Not only did the bar go out, but it went out where it had to go (EU countries) and, it did not go out where it didn’t have to.Although, strictly speaking, this is something that I “suspected” because, as I told you, I was reading a lot (literal) and, in the meantime, I found a thread in the support of your plugin in which …
– The same thing happened to a user but, with another plugin for a cookie bar (I think Cookie consent) and, like me, she opened a thread in this same support to find solutions.And among so many suggestions that they made, she found the answer herself because she said that …
… “it was a problem with the minification of the javascript file, I excluded it from the minification and it worked” … (or something like that).– Another user, commented something about …
… “If it can be of any use. I had problems with Asset Cleanup Pro (not shown here).
The issue was related to css minification and was fixed by adding /plugins/cookie-law-info/public/css/cookie-law-info-gdpr.css to the do not minify list “…
However, in my case, NOTHING of that worked.I will tell you what I have already done so you can see if it can help in your diagnosis:
1) In 1st. Instead, you will have been able to see in the links that I sent you when I opened this thread, the type of W3TC configuration that I currently have and that, as I also mentioned, works perfectly for me for everything … except for this! ??2) In 2nd. Instead, as you can see in these threads of the GDPR cookies pro plugin developer support …
2.1) In this thread; in which, a user mentioned that precisely … “the geographical location does not work” … I explained how (based on my research and even based on a comment from the developer), I had managed to solve the problem in a timely manner.Basically, what I had done was, paradoxically, compress the js files of the plugin ??
Not because he knew something but because, as you can see in this other thread, the plugin developer himself mentions to another user that. .. “your cache plugin does not minimize the js file” … (Which is why I am struck by the fact that the problem is in minified caching ??
Note: If you look at the link within the thread, you will see that when it says cache plugin, it means your competition (autooptimize).But going back to point 2.1) you will notice that, at that moment, I had found a solution to this same problem but …
2.2) If you look at this other thread; here “I retrace my steps” because, as I explain in it, after the last WordPress update to the version 5.6 (prior to the current 5.6.1), instead of getting a cookie bar, I got a horrible message.
For this reason, I deactivated / deleted the plugin in question and decided to wait for the developer to find a solution for it.3) Since I had to solve this and after a lot of searching for options (literal), I went back to see if the plugin had been updated and, since I saw that it was supposedly updated to the latest version of WordPress (5.6.1), I decided try again, with the results I mentioned to you when I opened this thread.
Therefore, I honestly don’t know what to do anymore, I’ll tell you about the (other) things that I (also) ALREADY tried:
a) I went to the source code of my site and I noticed that, in the html they are repeated several times … “. gdprcp-cookies-bar” … So (following one of the many things I read out there), I went to Performance / Group Cache / Manage cookie groups, I created a group with that name (with and without period at the beginning), I activated (I left the box checked) and I deactivated (I distilled) the cache box, I added gdprcp- cookies-bar (with and without a dot at the beginning) in the Cookies box, I saved everything, emptied the caches, tried it and … NOTHING!
Ergo, I deleted said group of cookies and emptied the caches to leave everything as it was.b) I opened my site again and, following another (one more) tutorial, I used the chrome inspector to go to Application / Cookies and find out which cookies (related to this plugin) were being loaded, I found ONE that is called precisely “gdprcp-country” and that, all it does is add the location of the browser, it returns to W3TC, I created another group with this name and, I repeated the operation described in a) and … NOTHING!
Ergo, I deleted the group and went back to “sheet 0”.
b.1) I noticed that the other groups I have have the “Enabled” checkbox unchecked and the cache checkbox checked. Ergo, I repeated the operation with “cookie-country” like this and … NOTHING!
I deleted the group again and go to “page 0”c) Going back to “exclude from minification” I literally tried EVERYTHING.
That is, I excluded from the minification one by one and, in different procedures (separated from each other), the following files (in their corresponding section):
/public_html/wp-content/plugins/gdpr-cookies-pro/resources/js/gdpr-cookies-pro.js[Note: Of the latter – javascript – there are 4 other files but, honestly, I don’t think they have anything to do with it, they have these names: gdprcp-admin.js, jqColorPicker.min.js, jquery.growl.js and, jquery .sticky.js So, I opted – for now – with not trying anymore. Unless there are opinions to the contrary :)]
As you can see, we have to;
1) The problem is in the minified cache because, when deactivating it, everything works correctly.2) I cannot leave this cache disabled because, as you know, my site would “inflate” like a balloon when, in itself, it is too “heavy” a site.
3) Neither did it work: Create Cookie Groups or Exclude Files.
Please could you help me?
Excuse “the can” and from now on, thank you very much for your patience and attention.
PS: Just in case I didn’t make it clear;
In this last opportunity, I re-uploaded the cookie plugin file as suggested by its developer (I downloaded the .zip to my pc, uploaded / installed / activated it) and then, I left my cPanel, I downloaded the js files one by one, I uploaded them to an online compressor, compressed them, downloaded them and uploaded them to my directory, replacing the “originals”.In other words, these files are compressed. But this is neither good nor bad “per se” since, as I mentioned in 2.1 this procedure had already worked well for me (until WordPress was updated to 5.6).
On the other hand, even compressed, the files work correctly, as soon as I (as I explained at the beginning), I deactivate the W3TC minification cache.
Ready. I just gave them 5 stars (because there was no more, heh!)
Greetings and, thanks for your attention, prompt response and effort in creating such an efficient plugin.
See you!
Dear: The 1st. What I have to say is that they are GENIUSES! ??
I just downloaded the new version, installed it, activated it and … soooo!
Now ALL the texts in my images look just PERFECT!
And I didn’t even have to configure it since your plugin probably read some of my old configuration.
So, I just activated it, cleared my caches and “done the chicken”.
Of course I also did what they recommended about setting WP_DEBUG to false. Honestly at this point I thought I already had it set up like this.
But I suppose that, those of my hosting (when they were “reaching out” to solve another problem, they left it true) I don’t know. And it doesn’t matter, heh! (Now it was false).
That being said, one might think that then, the error message does not appear because, WP-DEBUG is false.
But no.
Y lo sé porque fui a ver mi archivo de error de hoy (después de volver a colocar v / plugin) y, aunque hay “pilas” de otros errores, con respecto a FSM personalizado, no aparece ninguno ??
So, dear: For now it is all.
Thank you in advance for solving the problem in such a short time.
Back, you guys are geniuses.
See you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Various errorsGood. Since you insist even though, as I told you …
… “I’m NOT premium” …
I just sent you an email with the subject:
… “Miscellaneous errors. Reference: support / topic / various-errors-8 / # post-13688584” …
See if you received it and, “let’s start” whenever you want, give it?
See you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Various errorsHi Andrew.
And yes, you’re right, said screenshots are from the front-end (as you mention).
Although, strictly speaking, I have NO idea what difference there is and / or which is which, heh.
That said if, as I suspect, the back-end is my Administrator Panel, here it goes, a screenshot of the code for it …
And before you tell me that the “responsible” seems to be the Yasr plugin (which adds “stars” to my articles), let me remind you of 2 (two) things …
1) The test I did a while ago in which I deactivated ALL my plugins (including Yasr) and then activated them one by one.
2) I also have problems with this page …
And in it, despite what the console says, there are NO stars.
Ergo. The console is probably taking the “implicit” code directly into the WordPress Dashboard for my ALL site.
The one that makes, whether or not you use the “stars” in an article or page, Yasr makes them “available” even if you want to rate an article or page, directly from the Administration Panel.
I never use it but, I suppose it could be useful, for example, if I had several editors and I liked a page or article that they have written for me.
But, it is not the case then, the only one who: Manage, Write, Edit here, it’s me, heh!Finally and as for …
… “email our premium support service” …
Just in case I can tell you that I am NOT “premium”.
In the sense that, I have the free version of v / plugin installed.I hope this info can be useful to you.
I await your comments.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Various errorsHi Andrew.
First of all, thank you for your patience.
That said and, I continue with the “odyssey”, I tell you that …
– About …
… “go to the page you can’t edit. Open the browser console, here’s how. Take a screenshot of the page and browser console, upload it to any online image storage site, and send us the surround “…
Well, here you go, the code of the Entry with which, currently I have problems;
As you can see, rocket-loader still appears.
But this is because, now that I have just checked that, in ANY part of my site, there is a single reference to this expression, it turns out that, as always …
This is an external call to Cloudflare that is activated as soon as you enter my site!
And there, then, I can do nothing.That is to say…
Or I choose to disconnect the excellent rocket-loader service that Clodflaure offers me for FREE, which helps me serve my assets (JS and CSS) a little faster (so imagine if I didn’t have a rocket-loader, heh). ..
Or I choose to disconnect your plugin.
So I do not know. I leave to your judgment.
I await your comments.
Pd: In other words, if your theory is correct, in that that error is the one that “triggers” the problem, here I show you the same “open” so that you can see what, in reality, it is “questioning”. ..
And I’m not a “programmer” (and I also “hate” them, heh!) But, from what little I understand it says that …
… “Undetected reference error: jQuery is undefined
in <anonymous>: 1: 1 “…
And when I click on <anonymous>: 1: 1, I get this …
I hope it helps you to clarify this problem.
From already thank you very much.
See you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Various errorsHi. A thousand apologies for not answering you before but, I was doing a little research based on what you mention, and I came to the following conclusion:
But first, you need to know a bit of history to put yourself in context.
Rocket-Loader, is a Cloudflare script that serves precisely to … “Improve the initial loading time of pages that include JavaScript”
Some time ago I installed it on my site to, precisely, solve the “famous” PageSpeed ??message that says … ”
Remove resources blocking rendering “…Although, in truth, it is not that I installed it a priori.
What happened was that PageSpeed ??mentioned it as one of the many external resources (Rocket Loader actually operates directly from Cloudflare), which blocked the first rendering of the page.
And obviously, the code I installed, to solve cloudflare and other assets (css and js), worked. That is why it remained. But …
When you mentioned the rocket-loader “product” bug, I started looking for information and, since I couldn’t find anything to solve the problem, I decided on a radical “old-fashioned” “solution”. And, following the saying of, “dead dog the rabies is over”, I tried removing the code from my site and … soooo!Then I measured, measured and re-measured and, guess what … Rocket Loader No Longer Needed to Install on my site! Why? Well, because I guess the folks at Cloudflare must have gotten quite a few complaints about this “side effect” and they’ve obviously fixed it already. I mean, I still have Cloudflare on my site but, as always, externally. But, contrary to when I installed it (back in 2019) now … It DOES NOT block rendering of my site anymore!
Ergo. And that’s why I waited until so late to answer you … There is NO LONGER trace of rocket-loader on my site anymore!
However. Although I searched and searched my ENTIRE directory, with a plugin called String Locator that, what it does is, precisely, search for a phrase in the ENTIRE site, the phrase rocket-loader is mentioned ONLY in 2 caches: This ; wp-content / cache / page_enhanced / / topic / tips-to-get-job / _index_ssl.html_old and, this other; wp-content / cache / page_enhanced / / project-de-vida-profesional / _index_ssl.html_old
And both cases, as you may have noticed, are about archives; cache, minimized and, old (old). And, they still are because, even though, like I told you, I cleaned and re-cleaned my caches, the fucking word (rocket-loader) clung like a tick to those two files. But, give my cache plugin (W3TC) one more time, for sure, for tomorrow, there is NOTHING left.
And speaking of W3TC and, in relation to the question you asked me earlier. The answer is no. If I disable W3TC the problem is NOT fixed. What’s more, I mentioned something to you in my presentation of the problem because, as I told you, once (following the recommendations of the Yoast developer), I deactivated ALL the plugins (except for Yoast, obviously) and, I reactivated them one by one to see which conflicted with Yoast. And I left (on purpose) for last, my 2 suspects. These are precisely W3TC and Site Origin Page Builder. And, as I think I also told you …
When I also reactivated the penultimate one (W3TC), EVERYTHING was still working OK but … As soon as I reinstalled Page Builder, wham!
Now to finish, what we have is that:
– It is NOT W3TC
– NOT Yoast
And now, it’s not Rocket-Loader either.
And yet it still DOESN’T let me edit !!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] Various errorsP.d 2:P.S. 2: I swear I copied and pasted the link as is from my browser but for some reason it doesn’t take it.
The concrete thing is that, when I go to my article and, I give: Right button / See source code that link appears. I dont know. Hope this can help you. See you.