I am building my first WordPress site, and it is intended to have a public section and a private section. The private section requires a different user name and password for each authorised user. After successfully logging in, any authorised user will be presented with the same single page that contains a list of choices linking to daughter pages that can also only be revealed by virtue of the fact that they have successfully logged in.
Also, I have a requirement that when each user logs in their name, the date and time of logging in is recorded and placed on a list for retrieval only by the administrator, or other persons with that level of access. This database list needs to keep a complete and continuous record of every user’s login for call-off at any time. The information stored in this list has to be easily accessible and readable by non-technical staff at a time convenient to them.
Is this an area that User Access Manager can handle or has the potential to be adapted to handle.
I’m completely new to WordPress, so would not be competent at developing plugins myself.
Many thanks