Hi Kaira,
I am trying to add a SSL security seal to the bar at the bottom of the page that currently lists facebook, twitter, etc. icons. I have the following for the seal:
<span id=”siteseal”><script type=”text/javascript” src=”https://seal.godaddy.com/getSeal?sealID=ToOG7wrtTvj5XZw9NzEHNey9gal2EljiDCRumqZwhjDjaLMS1FoD7QMciMiT”></script></span>
If I try to add it via the Footer Widget, it creates a large space above the bar with the icon. If I try to add it to the Footer Text in Albar Settings, nothing appears. I tried editing the text a little to see if the image would appear, but I could only have text appear. it is in the right place, but I’m hoping for an image.
Is there a way to load in image in the grey footer of Albar?
Thanks for the Help,