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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Apple Pay aborts@anastas10s So there are actually two issues:
- The original one, that the payment aborts “clean”, which probably is caused by the child theme. I am on this updating the child theme files to the current woocommerce version.
- The new one happened after switching temporarily to Storefront theme. So this probably works in normal cases. However the issue was, that I as the payer received an error message that my address is invalid (don’t know why). But this was after the payment was successful. So the payment worked, but to the payer it looked like it did not. So the main issue is, that if the address looks invalid (this is probably checked after payment – idk, but it did not hinder the payment but was only shown afterwards) the payment is completed, but the user is left in the believe, that it did not.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Apple Pay abortsSure, I have uploaded here, again with password “woocommerce” expiring in 1 week:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Apple Pay abortsOk wow, did not expect that. Sorry, should have tested that. Changing to storefront actually brought my one step further. So I will check the theme and thank you for the upgrade guide!
This time the payment was completed on Stripes end and also shown in Woocommerce. However on my mobile it said the same error message, that the payment was not completed. The shipping address was then marked as invalid. I was not able to figure out why. In the log I found in the response the property:
[source] => [card] => [address_line1_check] => unavailable.
But that only looks like it was not checked, not that it should have failed. So the issue is, that with Storefront the payment completes, but the user receives an error message and could pay again (if eg the address is invalid).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway] Apple Pay abortsHi, thanks for the reply.
Yes the card works on other pages.
Also the Stripe Payment Gateway update did unfortunately not change anything.
Thanks. To get it working in the meantime, I programmed the following snipped, if anyone needs that right now:
<?php function taubenkorb_filter_root_variable_elements($xml, $product ) { // Remove variable root element from feed if($product->is_type('variable')) { return ''; } // Return the normal xml item return $xml; } add_filter( 'pinterest_for_woocommerce_feed_item_xml', 'taubenkorb_filter_root_variable_elements', 10, 2);
FYI – it only filters the output, after all the products have been queued and the code for that xml has been generated, but it was the only solution I found ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pinterest for WooCommerce] Way to set default product Condition?I solved it with the following query:
For products:
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) SELECT id, "_wc_pinterest_condition", "new" FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type="product" AND post_status="publish" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key="_wc_pinterest_condition" AND wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id);
For variations:
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value) SELECT id, "_wc_pinterest_condition", "new" FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type="product_variation" AND post_status="publish" AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key="_wc_pinterest_condition" AND wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id);
INSERT INTO wp_postmeta (post_id, meta_key, meta_value)
Insert values into wp_postmeta table with the following fields: post_id, meta_key, meta_valueSELECT id, "_wc_pinterest_condition", "new" FROM wp_posts
Use the id from the wp_posts table, as well as two constants (“_wc_pinterest_condition” for meta_key and “new” for meta_value)WHERE post_type="product" AND post_status="publish"
only for products (not the variations in this example) and the ones, that are published (not trashed, draft, etc)AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key="_wc_pinterest_condition" AND wp_posts.ID = wp_postmeta.post_id);
and where there is not already a condition set for this product (would result in a double key)
Probably there are “better” ways like replace or on duplicate, but this also works ??
Hope that helps.
FYI I did something similar with Google Product categories:
- Exported wp_posts for published products and variations (id, post_title)
- Filled out in Excel Spreadsheet all the Google Categories
- Removed post_title column (was just for easy editing), Exported that into a text file
- Regex Replace to create statements “INSERT INTO …”
- Exectuted those thousands of queries
So if product with the product_type “variable” can never be purchased (but only its children variants), then I think the code in ./src/ProductSync.php#582 needs to change from:
array_splice( $product_ids, $i + 1, 0, $children );
array_splice( $product_ids, $i, 1, $children );
to replace the root id (variable base product) with the children (variants).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Pinterest for WooCommerce] Manually recreate xml feedWorks. Thanks for your quick and competent response!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [User Access Manager] Redirection to login page not working?For me also setting “Redirect user” to “Custom page” … did not work.
Thanks @kongedam. Your approach finally worked for me.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Polylang] Great plugin – please add flag for austriaThanks @chrystl, I already did that in the past. But as Austria is a own country I have to do this every time for my clients. It would be easier to just include the flag ??
I got exactly the same error. The error is because a wrong redirect_to data is sent (status if the user should be redirected (1=true) instead of the url).
This is how I fixed it until the plugin author fixes it:
Open plugins/login-with-ajax/widget/default/widget_out.php and goto line #36
and save the file.So this line
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo esc_url($lwa_data['redirect']); ?>" />
becomes this line:
<input type="hidden" name="redirect_to" value="<?php echo esc_url($lwa_data['login_redirect']); ?>" />
EDIT: Remember to clear your wordpress cache if you use one ?? Took me a few minutes to see that it still displayed the old page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Wordfence] Update failed (Could not copy file)Thank you Tim, I will try to get them and send them to you asap.
Thank you tim. I created a new issue here:
I had the same issue for the last few updates with Wordfence and have no idea how to deal with it beacuse I do not want to do it via ftp every time.
Also for the last update from 5.2.3 to 5.2.4 the following happens:
Installing Plugin: Wordfence Security 5.2.4
Downloading install package from…
Unpacking the package…
Could not copy file. wordfence/images/forward_enabled.jpg