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Nevermind, guys!
Solved it (with a bit of help) by using this code:
// Add specific CSS class by filter add_filter( 'body_class', 'my_class_names' ); function my_class_names( $classes ) { if ( get_post_type() == 'am_extra' ) { if ( is_single() ) { // add 'class-name' to the $classes array $classes[] = 'full-width'; } } // return the $classes array return $classes; }
It adds the full width class only to single posts that use the “am_extra” template for my registered post type. I think it’s neat in that it’s short and won’t get wiped out if we ever get a new twenty fourteen version.
Hi, I tried to add the following code to a child theme. It’s supposed to call a custom post type template I made but every time I try it, I get a blanks screen and WordPress breaks:
function astra_body_classes( $classes ) { if ( ( ! is_active_sidebar( 'sidebar-2' ) ) || is_page_template( ‘page-templates/single-am_extra.php' ) $classes[] = 'full-width'; return $classes; } add_filter( 'body_class', 'astra_body_classes' );
Please help!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't access Network Admin or Admin for Main BlogUpdate: the main blog is down as well and gives the same error as above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Password Reset Email BugIs anyone experiencing this as well?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpOh man. I don’t know if that works the way I want it to either! Now I’m anxious!
The point of the cookieless domain is to lower http requests to the server so will load faster. I’ll test it and then we’ll see how it goes. Man… this is scary
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpThank you for clarifying that!
Once it’s been added, what should I do? Say instead of making the CNAME point to I make it point to a distribution on amazon cloudfront. Should I do any edits to the wp-config.php afterwards?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpAlso, I found this information regarding using subdomains as cookieless domains:
If your website uses the root domain ( as opposed to ,for instance) to serve traffic and uses Google AdSense, you cannot make a cookieless domain as a sub-domain and MUST use an alternative domain name. The reason for this is that the Google AdSense code sets cookies on the requested domain and all sub-domains. They do not allow you to override this behavior.
If my FTP is anything to go by, my domain root points to instead of, so I guess I need a separate domain to store my static files.
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpI’m using the following values on a subdomain named “”:
Name: I’m leaving it blank for “” (as per instructions on the dhost page there)
Type: CNAME:
Value: “”
I’m now quite certain I’m doing it wrong, since I created the subdomain and I’m trying to input this information on the subdomain DNS. I’m assuming I should be adding this info in the actual domain, am I correct?
Thanks for your help, Mika. You’re like a caped crusader with hyper-patience superpowers!
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpHm. I tried creating a cname DNS record for the subdomain I created on dreamhost, but It’s not allowing me to do it.
I have created DNS records before, but only on the main domain (, but this time when trying it on a subdomain I get the following error:
You already have a record for this name. You can't have a CNAME and any other record on the same name.
Apparently, dhost doesn’t allow me to just leave the name of the DNS record as “”, requiring me to enter something before the subdomain URL (i.e. Will that work?
Forum: Networking WordPress
In reply to: Cookieless Domain HelpThanks for your reply, Patrick! ??
I’m assuming, once the subdomain points to my CDN URL (a separate one from the “main” I use for w3tc), I should like the cloudfront distribution to the s3 bucket that has the static files. Is that correct?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Achievements for WordPress] "Press here to pick events" not workingHm… now that you mention that the admin screens should only be visible to blog_id==1, I think this is assuming that the blog with buddypress installed in it hasn’t been changed in the wp-config.php
In my case that wouldn’t be correct, since I added “define ( ‘BP_ROOT_BLOG’, 10 );” to my wp-config so I could change where Buddypress pulls its page info from. Before I did that, I had the issue where I would activate BP locally on subdomain id 10, but all the pages listed in the setting where being pulled from blog_id == 1, which is the default.
I think it’s neat that I can define new achievements regardless of which dashboard I’m in. For me it makes it faster to manage.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Achievements for WordPress] "Press here to pick events" not workingWell, check this! I went through my error log and found nothing.
However, I started checking the other sites in my network (the plugin is network activated after all), and they all presented the same problem, so then I tried deactivating it on the network and just activating it locally per subdomain.
The list was working locally, but only for that site on the network. So then I deactivated the plugin locally and then activated it in the network again. The site I tested this on had the list working still after network activating the plugin, but the others didn’t.
I had to repeat the process with all my subdomains in the network to finally get it working, but it did the trick! ??
Thanks for the assistance with this and for creating this amazing plugin!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Achievements for WordPress] "Press here to pick events" not workingYeah, I thought the same thing. I checked and there’s a ul.chzn-choices which only has a single
- element (the
Further below, outside the ul.chzn-choices is the chzn-drop which has a ul.chzn-results in it, but neither of these has actual information in it.
So weird! Would you like access to my install to check it when you have time?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Achievements for WordPress] "Press here to pick events" not workingOH, ok that makes sense lol
Anyways, the only JS files are those of the theme (which aren’t loaded in this case because I’m looking at a wordpress core edit screen) and the JS files included in two plugins:
1. Genericon’d
2. WordPress AchievementsAll other JS is from the WP core in wp-includes and wp-admin. The dev console doesn’t catch any exceptions either.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Achievements for WordPress] "Press here to pick events" not workingYup, I can use Chrome dev tools for that. Anything in particular I should be looking for?
Also tried changing the theme just in case, but that didn’t change anything.
When I type in the “press here to pick events” field I get a “no results match “x” where “x” is whatever I type in the field. It’s as if it’s just trying to do a search instead of showing me the list of available options.