Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Iframe] Imbed Leaflet map with iframe?Greetings and thanks for your reply! However, I can’t get Simple Iframe to successfully
embed the map I sent you the URL for last night.The Simple Iframe icon appears in my embed group (see pic), but the I get an error saying
the url could not be embedded (see pic).Attached are screenshots of the errors I get. Any suggestions?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [evolve] Archives and 404 PageYou opened your site in FTP and ran a page search for page.php and error404.*?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Remove big space where replying used to be?Ran some more searches on this, but I can’t find anything. It’s nice to be able to turn off Replies, but is there a way get rid of the huge white space where it used to be?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Italic, bold stripped by mobileAnd there’s more! Just looked at the site in question on a friend’s Samsung Galaxy S3 (in other words, the same phone I have), and ALL the text styling (bold, italic, size modifications) displayed perfectly on her S3, but not mine. Wha?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comprehensive Google Map Plugin] hyperlinks not working in bubble markersAnd there’s no way to get hyperlinked marker bubble text into Comphrehensive Google Map Plug-in via GPX URL? So sorry to hear that because it means that GPX tracked maps can’t have hyperlinked bubble markers, which is a bit of a setback for me…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Italic, bold stripped by mobileThe plot thickens. Turns out the non-display of italics is a known problem with Chrome on Android on the Samsung Galaxy S3 (that’s what I was testing on). There’s a tech note about the problem at and an Android italic test page at
However, the browser in my Samsung Galaxy S3 does not display any text styling in Twentytwelve mobile EXCEPT underline…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Italic, bold stripped by mobileIn the following line in twentytwelve on a mobile device, the underlining displays, but the bold face does not. Something must be happening in the CSS, but I can’t get any handle on it from using the Firefox Inspector or Firebug…
The all new 2014 <span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span> is now designed exclusively for <span style="font-weight: bold;">use on the trail with your smartphone. </span>
Also ran 45 minutes of searches without any luck. Does anybody know where in the CSS the mobile font display is controlled? Would really like to get bold and italic on Twentytwelve mobile! Thanks for your help…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comprehensive Google Map Plugin] hyperlinks not working in bubble markersHey Alexander. Thanks for the clarifying info! As I now understand it, to get bubble markers with hyperlinks, the waypoints and bubble marker text (including hyperlinks in the format you described — see above) must be inserted via the SHORTCODE BUILDER in Comprehensive Google Map Plug-in.
Now I hope I can ask one more question. Is it possible to have a map that utilizes BOTH way point markers and bubble text from a GPX URL, and way point markers and bubble text from the Shortcode Builder? In other words, is it either or? Do you have to get your way points and bubble text into Comprehensive Google Map Plug-in by one method or the other, or can you use BOTH GPX file and Shortcode Builder entered data on the same map?
The reason I ask is that I have found that if I enter waypoints via Shortcode Builder, and then also specify a GPX URL for the same map, the Shortcode Builder data disappears. Am I doing something wrong, or is that just the way it is?
Interesting. Can you do the same thing the other way around — meaning force display of the mobile version of a theme on the desktop? I can see that you’d have to change the min-width: 600px statement to force mobile theme. Is there anything else that needs to be changed to force mobile on desktop? Thanks for your help…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Twenty Twelve] Twenty Twelve Logo and FooterActually, donniebrasco, I’d say that the header footer issue is a big embarrassment for WP. 95% of the users are going to want to change header/footer, but it’s like no one at WP has ever thought of putting a USER INTERFACE on this process that all users have to go to. And no, the instructions on this forum are NOT clear or collected in any useful way. So everybody is forced to crawl across the sand for a couple days while the sysops act irritated. Not an optimal situation, I wouldn’t say…
Here’s my suggestion. When a new annual theme comes out, some theme maven should write a comprehensive, definitive how-to describing how-to change header and footer. Would save EVERYBODY a huge amount of wasted time…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child theme footer KOs header imagePerhaps I should clarify. My Twentytwelve child theme worked perfectly, EXCEPT that it killed the logo image in the header.
Here is the entire text of the child theme that KO’d the header image already in place…
/* Theme Name: Twenty Twelve Child Description: Twenty Twelve Child Theme Template: twentytwelve Version: 1.0.0 Tags: responsive-layout Text Domain: twenty-twelve-child */ @import url("../twentytwelve/style.css"); /* =Theme customization starts here -------------------------------------------------------------- */ .site-info { display: none; } div.credits { font-size: smaller; } img.footer-image { width:100%;height: auto; }
Really appreciate your help…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Comprehensive Google Map Plugin] hyperlinks not working in bubble markersForgot to mention, you can see this at Then click on the lower right marker for the Pepper Sisters. Thanks again for the great work…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Bug in your forum software?Happened again. So you’re discouraging people from being active on the WP Forums? Curious…
BTW, I posted there because the WP forum navigation too me there. The Forums need better navigation on the top — so like when you click Themes you are taken to a page where you choose the Theme sub forum you want. Would save guys like you time…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: I want to build a forum websiteWhat about IPB — Invision Power Board? I believe it’s the most robust forum software out there…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Best WP Security Plug-in?What about WP Security? It seems to automate many of things I would have to do manually to harden a site, such as rename admin directory and adjust the pointers in the underlying code. It would be nice to have a bunch of that stuff done automatically. Does WP Security work well? Or does it cause more problems than it fixes?