Forum Replies Created
Good to know. Thanks for posting a reply. I didn’t know about this.
Why do you think Gravatar requires a user with the ID of 1?
I’ve had this same problem on one site running WordPress Multisite. For whatever reason, BWPS is deleting other parts of the .htaccess file that it shouldn’t. I had to delete the .htaccess file and recreate it, as well.
Sorry for the delay; I didn’t get notified that you had posted a reply.
The command I posted doesn’t go in a file. It’s an example of a command you’d schedule and run with crontab in Linux/Unix.
Okay, I figured this one out now. I don’t know if it will work for anyone else but it worked for me. The problem I had was that Better WordPress security was blocking execution of a page using both wget and lynx. I added a custom user agent to the lynx command and now it works fine. Here’s the line:
lynx -useragent=”Lynx” -head -dump
I found the solution to my issue. It seems that one of the agents that Better WP Security blocks is “wget” which is the method I was using to call wp-cron.php. I commented that line out and it seems to be working now.
Turns out this didn’t solve the problem. The search continues…
I have the same 403 error and can’t figure out what’s causing it. I’m not running BuddyPress or bbPress but can’t run wp-cron.php using crontab without getting the 403 error. It works fine if the plugin is disabled.
Oops. I take my previous comment back. The backup emails are sent but the attachments are encoded in the body of the messages…
I second this suggestion. If the plugin used wp_mail() instead of PHP’s mail() function it would give much more flexibility and support things like sending messages over SMTP. I tested just changing mail() to wp_mail() in wp-dbmanager.php and database-manage.php and it seemed to solve the problem but my testing was not extensive by any means.
This seems like pure hubris by the designer, Michael Torbert, and kind of a d-bag move. There’s nothing about AIOSEO’s settings that require breaking the WordPress menu convention to put his plugin in such a prominent location in the menu. Looks like it’s time to go check out WordPress SEO from Yoast.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin] Exclude Page/Hide Page not PostI’m not an expert with your plugin, by any means, but I’ve looked at the plugin code and it seems like it would be very easy to alter the display_related() function in class-core.php to accept a parameter that contains a list of IDs to exclude. It would be similarly straightforward to add a textbox in the settings where users could could enter IDs to be excluded.
I’m not sure why this isn’t an obvious feature. Using tags and categories is a problematic workaround since you end up with a stray category (for example) that would show up in places you don’t want to see it all to support using your plugin.
If nothing else, it would be nice if the UL/LIs that your plugin produces had the an id or class property on them that included the post/page ID so that we could at least hide the LIs for particular pages/posts using CSS.
KevinForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Options Framework] Default options and WP MultisiteIf anyone is curious, this is how I accomplished what I was after:
// get the array of default option values $values = of_get_default_values(); // set the value of one of them $values['myfield'] = $myvalue; // save the option values update_option( 'optionsframework', $values ); // force options framework to save its required settings // otherwise you have to browse the admin area first to get // the settings to "take" optionsframework_init();
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Options Framework] [Plugin: Options Framework] Top Level MenuI’ve often wondered the same thing for two reasons:
1) The theme options page has applications other than just Theme Options. For example, if I wanted to use it as a place for the admin to enter, say, default blurbs of content for the front page. Granted that may not be what you intended the plugin for but I suspect it’s pretty commonly used for such things. These things aren’t really options related to the theme (although they kind of are). I would go so far as to say it would be nice to be able to have multiple options pages so some items can remain under Appearance and other items can appear elsewhere.
2) I’ve done a few installations for clients where the backend was locked down pretty tightly and the users needed a very simple interface. In those situations, I had to hack the Options Framework plugin so it would display at the root of the menu and have a name like “My Settings”. Of course, I’m not longer able to do automatic updates without reimplementing my changes and I’d really like to be able to do auto updates.
Thanks for a great plugin!