I’ve also been having problems with our podcast. https://fbcls.church/sermons/feed/ doesn’t validate through https://validator.w3.org/feed/ or https://podba.se/validate/. Validator.org doesn’t seem to like my URLs claiming that they’re not a “full URL.” Could this be because of our .church URL as opposed to a more traditional .com or .org URL? Also, it claims “Image title doesn’t match channel title” for my logo and channel title. Does this mean that I need to change the name of the logo file?
Podbase, on the other hand, validates well except for 2 things. It takes 1.5 seconds to get the feed and my server doesn’t “support HTTP HEAD requests.” I assume that speed and HTTP HEAD requests are the fault of my hosting server.
Note that when I go to https://www.feedvalidator.org/ I get the same error message immediately without any option to test my feed’s URL. @donaldwong You might try some other validators.