Aslam Doctor
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rearrange Woocommerce Products] plugin not workingAny updates?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rearrange Woocommerce Products] Category sort not workingAny updates?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rearrange Woocommerce Products] Plugin Causing Critical ErrorDid the update fix the issue for you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Rearrange Woocommerce Products] Plugin Stopped Working with Avada ThemeCan you try updating the plugin to latest version and let me know if that fixes the issue for you?
Thanks for confirming @jmtorrero17
Marking this as solved.
- This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Aslam Doctor.
Thanks you @vetalp
Please don’t forget give some good ratings to the plugin ??
@vetalp @keysuck @automatix @jminst I have published the updates based on @automatix’s suggestion now. Please update your plugin and let me know if this solved the issue.
Thank You,
AslamOK, cool. I will be publishing an update tomorrow morning after further testing. Thanks for the help in testing @automatix
It must be coming from global translations over here’s great if it is showing categories now. I thought of doing it but using $_REQUEST is not a very safe way. I will try to make it more safer and will publish an update by tomorrow.
Thanks @automatix
@automatix What happens when you disable this code?
if ( $pagenow && ( 'toplevel_page_rwpp-page' !== $pagenow->base && 'rearrange-products_page_rwpp-sortby-categories-page' !== $pagenow->base && 'rearrange-products_page_rwpp-troubleshooting-page' !== $pagenow->base ) ) { return; }
That’s strange. Translatepress isn’t supposed to do that. If I remove that page check code, the assets will load on all the pages under Admin. I will look into this later today. Meanwhile can you also ask Translatepress support why they are translating the URLs too?
@automatix I have implemented a fix locally. Can you try replacing this method code and let me know if that fixes the issue for you before I publish an update?
public function enqueue_assets( $hook ) { $pagenow = get_current_screen(); // die( print_r( $pagenow ) ); if ( $pagenow && ( 'toplevel_page_rwpp-page' !== $pagenow->base && 'rearrange-products_page_rwpp-sortby-categories-page' !== $pagenow->base && 'rearrange-products_page_rwpp-troubleshooting-page' !== $pagenow->base ) ) { return; } // Stylesheets. wp_register_style( 'rwpp_css', ( RWPP_LOCATION_URL . '/dist/css/main.css' ), false, '3.0.8' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'rwpp_css' ); // Javascripts. wp_register_script( 'rwpp_js', ( RWPP_LOCATION_URL . '/dist/js/main.js' ), array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-sortable' ), '3.0.8', true ); wp_localize_script( 'rwpp_js', 'rwpp_ajax_var', array( 'url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'rwpp-ajax-nonce' ), ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'rwpp_js' ); }
Yep, its just how woocommerce structured the query. Anyway I have published the fix and you will see the version 4.1.5 available to update now.
@carazo are you using the latest version of the plugin? Because I pushed some updates 2 days ago. I just tested other options on my local setup on categories page by changing orderby option to Price (Low to High) and it seems to work fine. Here are the screenshots.
Default sort order (Admin):
Default sort order (Frontend):
Price – low to high (Frontend):
I also tested other sorting options like popularity, average rating, latest and all seems to work fine.
So just need to fix the sort by “Latest” option.