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  • Sarah, I have another solution for you:

    This plugin does NOT use the Featured Image for the slider image. It uses Custom Fields (as I described above), so it’s all done for you, and you don’t have to edit your current theme’s files. It’s a great Featured Post slider for sites using the Featured Image for other purposes as you are.

    I hope that helps!

    If you want a different slider option, you might consider:

    Also, is there a reason you don’t want to use your theme’s slider?

    I think the one above will let you manually link to a post.

    And, in terms of the Featured Image, WordPress creates SEVERAL SIZES of the featured image. So, you can still use the Featured Image for your blog excerpts AND for the slider. You just need to upload an image that is the right size, so both sizes will be generated: the smaller one will be used for the blog excerpts and the larger one will be used for the slider. This is very common.

    If you need yet another image due to dimensions issues, you can use a custom field to upload the blog excerpt image and the Featured Image for the slider. This would require modifying the template that is calling for the blog excerpt so it uses the image from the custom field instead of the featured image.

    I actually think it probably could and does work. It’s just that you probably don’t want to use your slides posts as that is a theme thing. I know that’s an option in the plugin to use a custom post type, but from what you wrote, you didn’t want the slides plugin to use your slides custom post type. So, I think you have misunderstood what I wrote.

    You have regular posts. You can and should use these and control the image size as I’ve written above.

    You have slides posts. You do not as you stated above want to use your slides posts since these are NOT the actual posts. So, please leave that out of the equation.

    So, this plugin is very likely NOT incompatible with your theme. It’s just that you are not using it correctly to set the image sizes.

    Your theme’s slides and the plugin slides DO NOT COLLIDE. You are MAKING them collide by choosing your slides posts instead of your regular posts. And, as you wrote, you WANT to use your regular posts. That would be the purpose. To link the slides to the posts.

    Hi Sarah,

    This plugin works great for me, and I think perhaps you are complicating things by having a theme that includes a “slides” post type. You definitely do NOT want to use “slides” post for this slider as that is irrelevant and obviously not where you want people to go. You want them to go to the posts. So, put your themes custom slides out of your thinking. It is a feature you are not using and need to ignore for this tasks.

    I imagine you have many image sizes to choose from in your slider Template 1 template. And, perhaps you are using the incorrect image size, and that’s why you are getting inconsistent results. What you need to do is:

    1 – Go to the Thumbnails tab in the Advanced Slider settings. This is to the far right of the tabs for the three template types.

    2 – Modify one of the thumbnail sizes listed to be the dimensions you want your image to be. Be sure that the crop is set to true.

    3 – Go into your Template 1 settings and be sure select this image size and that the width of all the containers and excerpt accommodate this image size.

    4 – Upload an image to a post as the Featured Image and be sure it is the CORRECT size for the slider. If it is not wide enough or tall enough, the correct image will not be generated. You must upload this image FRESH, because WP only creates thumbnail images in specific sizes when it is first uploaded to the Media Library NOT any time after. If you have previous images that are the correct dimensions already in the media library, then run the Regenerate Plugins plugin to be sure to create this correct image size.

    5 – Test the slider.

    There is nothing tricky here, so I suspect the big issue is simply not using the correct image size in your slider Template and confusing your theme’s slider with this slider, and the reason the sizes were correct using the slider post is because your theme’s slider “knows” to pull the correct image size because that’s preprogrammed, whereas the Advanced Slider plugin can’t guess at which image size you want to use without your specifying it as above.

    If you post a URL with the slider and have other issues, I can look at those.

    I am not a plugin developer. I am just a fellow user of this plugin and like it a lot!

    Hi Jonathan,

    One suggestion would be to run the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. A couple things are possible:

    1 – You upload your images to the Media Library BEFORE you had set your image size preference in the plugin settings and therefore those image sizes were never generated. WordPress only generates thumbnails the very first time the image is uploaded to the media library, so if you didn’t have those sizes set ahead of time, then they simply don’t exist to use. In this case, use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin to regenerate all the thumbnails for the site, and it should work.

    2 – If the above is not the case, ie you uploaded images to the media library AFTER making your slider preference settings for image size, you may be using images that are not BIG enough to generate the thumbnail size you set in your preferences, so, sort of like above, the thumbnail size you want to use simply does not exist since WP couldn’t “make” that size for you from the image you uploaded. In this case, set a different thumbnail size for the sizes of images you tend to upload or upload larger sized images (in pixel dimensions) that are equal to or greater than both the width and height of your preferred image size.

    3 – Another possibility, though this might be more obvious, is that the width of your excerpt plus the width of your preferred image size is greater than the total width allowed for both in the slider width. In this case, it’s possible the excerpt or image would “fall off” the area of the slider. You can see if this is happening by using Firebug (a Firefox extension) to “Inspect Element” on the slider content area and see if you see the image HTML in your source code. If the img src html is indeed there, then you can tweak your widths to be sure it pops back up where it belongs.

    Good luck. I hope that helps!

    I had exact same problem as Pedro. Wracked my brain to get the post to display and wondered what was wrong. Pedro’s solution to remove that line from the advanced-post-slider.php file worked great! Thanks! Hopefully this will be fixed in a future update of the plugin. It always exclude the most recent post from the slider, which it shouldn’t do. If the post is not the most recent post of all the posts, it’s fine. Whew!

    And Digontoahsan is wrong. It is not only the current page or post where you have the slider. I am showing this slider on a custom home page and use the same PHP code as Pedro for that page, so there is definitely a bug of the plugin excluding the latest post from the slider if the slider is used on the blog home page.

    Thread Starter Angela Bowman


    Hi there, Moonvader, yes, I considered editing that line. I’ll have to make sure my edit isn’t overwritten with the plugin updates.

    IMHO, the widget should go to a valid URL in the first place and be consistent between new installs and updates. At any rate, I went ahead and modified that line since my client can’t continue to have 404 errors randomly. Would love to know why this was generated an error in the first place (albeit randomly).

    I am using Jump Start theme with stretch child and do not have any other non-TB plugin installed. I’m working on MAMP. I can’t see the Google Map unless I turn on WP_DEBUG in the config file. When that is set to true, the map displays but this error is reported:

    Strict Standards: Declaration of ThemeBlvd_Select_Menu_Walker::start_el() should be compatible with Walker::start_el(&$output, $object, $depth = 0, $args = Array, $current_object_id = 0) in /Users/me/Documents/Sites/clientsite/wp-content/themes/jumpstart/framework/includes/parts.php on line 419

    I turned on error reporting in the wp-config file and see the following error:

    Notice: Undefined property: WP_Query::$tribe_is_event_query in /home2/mysite/public_html/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/lib/the-events-calendar.class.php on line 2127

    Thanks, Platt.

    What’s weird is the 404 is random. Some moments it happens, others it doesn’t. I’m not seeing anything in the error log. So, I think the plugin is definitely having issues with generating the output for that page. I installed the free plugin on a test site, and it goes to a different URL than the one that I had updated on a client’s site. So, I’m wondering if there was something with the update that was an issue.

    On other sites, View All Events goes to the events/month/ page

    whereas on the site I’m having trouble, View All Events goes to events/upcoming/ which sometimes displays events and sometimes does not. I’m using the free plugin.

    Actually, my permalinks update did NOT fix the problem — that was coicindental. Intermittently, the following URL displays with 404:

    One minute it doesn’t throw a 404 and the next minute it does.

    I have re-uploaded The Events Calendar plugin. On a new installation of WordPress with The Events Calendar, the View All Events goes to:


    rather than


    Why are there different URLs for the View All Events link in the widget on two different sites using the same files?

    At any rate, the 404 errors are random and deserve some thoughtful attention.

    I think there is a legitimate reason why people are getting 404 errors on the Event List widget. I was having the same issue after updating the plugin. To fix it, go to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes. This updates the permalink structure for those auto generated URLs and gets rid of the 404 error on the events/upcoming URL.

    The documentation for customizing templates has not been updated on the NextGEN Gallery website, which makes this process ever so frustrating. Being able to customize templates is so important. The legacy templates are still in the plugin, but it is not clear where these should be installed and how to work with templates going forward. Clearly, some documentation on using templates needs to be written on the NextGEN site.

    Thread Starter Angela Bowman


    The trouble is, I teach classes on NextGEN Gallery, so I like to do that using MAMP and do need to use current version of NextGEN since that is what my students will be using.

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