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  • Thread Starter ashop1



    el codigo en functions:

    add_action( 'wcfmmp_rewrite_rules_loaded', function( $wcfm_store_url ) {
    add_rewrite_rule( $wcfm_store_url.'/([^/]+)/art_works?$', 'index.php?'.$wcfm_store_url.'=$matches[1]&art_works=true', 'top' );
    add_rewrite_rule( $wcfm_store_url.'/([^/]+)/art_works/page/?([0-9]{1,})/?$', 'index.php?'.$wcfm_store_url.'=$matches[1]&paged=$matches[2]&art_works=true', 'top' );
    }, 50 );
    add_filter( 'query_vars', function( $vars ) {
    $vars[] = 'art_works';
    return $vars;
    }, 50 );
    add_filter( 'wcfmmp_store_tabs', function( $store_tabs, $store_id ) {
    $store_tabs['art_works'] = 'Art Works';
    return $store_tabs;
    }, 50, 2 );
    add_filter( 'wcfmp_store_tabs_url', function( $store_tab_url, $tab ) {
    if( $tab == 'art_works' ) {
    $store_tab_url .= 'art_works';
    return $store_tab_url;
    }, 50, 2 );
    add_filter( 'wcfmp_store_default_query_vars', function( $query_var ) {
    global $WCFM, $WCFMmp;
    if ( get_query_var( 'art_works' ) ) {
    $query_var = 'art_works';
    return $query_var;
    }, 50 );
    add_action( 'end_wcfm_vendor_settings', function( $vendor_id ) {
      global $WCFM, $WCFMmp;
      $wcfm_vendor_art_works = get_user_meta( $vendor_id, 'wcfm_vendor_art_works', true );
      <!-- collapsible -->
      <div class="page_collapsible" id="wcfm_settings_form_min_order_amount_head">
        <label class="wcfmfa fa-cart-plus"></label>
          <?php _e('art works', 'wc-frontend-manager'); ?><span></span>
        <div class="wcfm-container">
          <div id="wcfm_settings_form_vendor_invoice_expander" class="wcfm-content">
          $WCFM->wcfm_fields->wcfm_generate_form_field( array(
          "wcfm_vendor_art_works_options" => array('label' => __('art works', 'wc-frontend-manager'), 'type' => 'textarea', 'class' => 'wcfm-textarea wcfm_ele wcfm_full_ele', 'label_class' => 'wcfm_title wcfm_ele wcfm_full_ele_title', 'value' => $wcfm_vendor_art_works ),
          ) );
      <div class="wcfm_clearfix"></div>
      <!-- end collapsible -->
    }, 500 );
    add_action( 'wcfm_vendor_settings_update', function( $vendor_id, $wcfm_settings_form ) {
      global $WCFM, $WCFMmp;
      if( isset( $wcfm_settings_form['wcfm_vendor_art_works_options'] ) ) {
        $wcfm_vendor_art_works = $wcfm_settings_form['wcfm_vendor_art_works_options'];
        update_user_meta( $vendor_id, 'wcfm_vendor_art_works', $wcfm_vendor_art_works );
    }, 500, 2 );
    Thread Starter ashop1


    Thanks for answering, here I show you how I saw in your forum answer for the brendovi tab.

    Could it be that nothing is shown because there is no template formed? I am a beginner, I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thread Starter ashop1


    I ask you a question, the woocommerce image template on the product page is the one I told you to edit in my previous comment or is there any more related to the product image on the single product page ??????

    Thread Starter ashop1


    fixed in template, please guide me with tabs on store page?

    Thread Starter ashop1


    Thread Starter ashop1


    Hello, I hope you are very well. Sorry for the inconvenience, I would like to know if you can help me with the JQuery code that I am missing so that the product image returns to its place of origin after 200px which would be if I am not mistaken the correct offset before it overlaps the rest of the content of below. It is the first time I do this so the query. Thanks for your reply.

    Thread Starter ashop1


    as with the Email field in the seller profile I need the first and last name (first_name and last_name) to be read-only. I have faith that I can achieve it alone but if it is possible for you to give me some help, I will get it sooner for sure.

    From already thank you very much

    Thread Starter ashop1



    Do you have any such fragment?

    sorry for so many messages …

    Thread Starter ashop1



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ashop1.
    Thread Starter ashop1



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ashop1.
    Thread Starter ashop1


    no, I already tried and it is not what I need I want the profile to be displayed but the fields that I show you are read-only for security reasons of my site since in woocommerce all those fields are read-only to protect the checkout and the purchase by making the account personal and non-transferable

    Thread Starter ashop1



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by ashop1.
    Thread Starter ashop1


    sorry to write to you again. but I did everything as indicated and still does not show what the seller writes in the tab:

    in wcfmmp-view-store.php (overridden within my child theme, then from wcfm / store (I show you a snippet between policies and review add my new tab):

    case ‘policies’:
    $ WCFMmp-> template-> get_template (‘store / wcfmmp-view-store-policies.php’, array (‘store_user’ => $ store_user, ‘store_info’ => $ store_info));

    case ‘shipments’:
    $ WCFMmp-> template-> get_template (‘store / wcfmmp-view-store-shipments.php’, array (‘store_user’ => $ store_user, ‘store_info’ => $ store_info));

    case ‘reviews’:
    $ WCFMmp-> template-> get_template (‘store / wcfmmp-view-store-reviews.php’, array (‘store_user’ => $ store_user, ‘store_info’ => $ store_info));

    in wcfmmp-view-store-envios.php:

    <? php
    $ vendor_id = $ store_user-> get_id ();
    $ wcfm_vendor_envios = get_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘wcfm_vendor_envios’, true);

    and in functions.php: (remove the last part of the code add_filter (‘wcfmmp_store_default_template’)

    add_action (‘wcfmmp_rewrite_rules_loaded’, function ($ wcfm_store_url) {
    add_rewrite_rule ($ wcfm_store_url. ‘/ ([^ /] +) / shipments? $’, ‘index.php?’. $ wcfm_store_url. ‘= $ matches [1] & shipments = true’, ‘top’);
    add_rewrite_rule ($ wcfm_store_url. ‘/ ([^ /] +) / posts / page /? ([0-9] {1,}) /? $’, ‘index.php?’. $ wcfm_store_url. ‘= $ matches [1] & paged = $ matches [2] & shipments = true ‘,’ top ‘);
    }, fifty );
    add_filter (‘query_vars’, function ($ vars) {
    $ vars [] = ‘shipments’;
    return $ vars;
    }, fifty );
    add_filter (‘wcfmmp_store_tabs’, function ($ store_tabs, $ store_id) {
    $ store_tabs [‘shipments’] = ‘Shipments’;
    return $ store_tabs;
    }, 50, 2);
    add_filter (‘wcfmp_store_tabs_url’, function ($ store_tab_url, $ tab) {
    if ($ tab == ‘shipments’) {
    $ store_tab_url. = ‘shipments’;
    return $ store_tab_url;
    }, 50, 2);
    add_filter (‘wcfmp_store_default_query_vars’, function ($ query_var) {
    global $ WCFM, $ WCFMmp;
    if (get_query_var (‘shipments’)) {
    $ query_var = ‘shipments’;
    return $ query_var;
    }, fifty );

    add_action (‘end_wcfm_vendor_settings’, function ($ vendor_id) {
    global $ WCFM, $ WCFMmp;
    $ wcfm_vendor_envios = get_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘wcfm_vendor_envios’, true);
    <! – collapsible ->
    <div class = “page_collapsible” id = “wcfm_settings_form_min_order_amount_head”>
    <label class = “wcfmfa fa-cart-plus”> </label>
    <? php _e (‘shipments’, ‘wc-frontend-manager’); ?> <span> </span>
    <div class = “wcfm-container”>
    <div id = “wcfm_settings_form_vendor_invoice_expander” class = “wcfm-content”>
    <? php
    $ WCFM-> wcfm_fields-> wcfm_generate_form_field (array (
    “wcfm_vendor_envios_options” => array (‘label’ => __ (‘shipments’,’ wc-frontend-manager ‘),’ type ‘=>’ textarea ‘,’ class’ => ‘wcfm-textarea wcfm_ele wcfm_full_ele’, ‘ label_class’ => ‘wcfm_title wcfm_ele wcfm_full_ele_title’, ‘value’ => $ wcfm_vendor_envios),
    <div class = “wcfm_clearfix”> </div>
    <! – end collapsible ->
    <? php
    }, 500);

    add_action (‘wcfm_vendor_settings_update’, function ($ vendor_id, $ wcfm_settings_form) {
    global $ WCFM, $ WCFMmp;
    if (isset ($ wcfm_settings_form [‘wcfm_vendor_envios_options’])) {
    $ wcfm_vendor_envios = $ wcfm_settings_form [‘wcfm_vendor_envios_options’];
    update_user_meta ($ vendor_id, ‘wcfm_vendor_envios’, $ wcfm_vendor_envios);
    }, 500, 2);

    Thread Starter ashop1


    sorry, I just sent you this message and I already figured out how to do it. do not worry I am writing you in vain everything is very clear now I continue.

    you are great and your developments even more. I congratulate you!

    Thread Starter ashop1


    what do you mean by ??

    Add the following code in uppercase and lowercase in the wcfmmp-view-store.php page,

    case ‘brendovi’:
    $ WCFMmp-> template-> get_template (‘store / wcfmmp-view-store-brendovi.php’, array (‘store_user’ => $ store_user, ‘store_info’ => $ store_info));

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