Similar support was requested on the official TDO Mini Forms forum here. As far as I know the author of the plugin has not addressed this issue. I attempted to modify and recode the plugin for custom post types, but its actually very complicated and a large portion of the code needs to be rewritten from scratch to support custom post types. Not an adventure I want to embark on my own.
Pretty much the WordPress community needs a different plugin or more frequent support for this. Considering the high demand for custom post type non-logged in user submissions. Would be nice if WordPress built an API for fields that could accept submissions for post types. But right now, thats probably not at the top of their agenda.
After doing some research it looks like Gravity Forms is adding support for custom taxonomies and custom post types. You can even do it now with a simple hook statement. Looks like I’m forking out some money for a copy (paid plugin).