same problem… its not working with elementor…!
into the related product section, first it show jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(‘.bxslider’).bxSlider({ slideWidth: ‘300’, minSlides: ‘3’, maxSlides: ‘3’, moveSlides:1, slideMargin: 10, startSlide: 0, touchEnabled: ‘1’, auto: ”, }); }); ul.products li.product.first { clear: none !important; } .bx-loading { display: none; } .wt-related-products .crp-slider { display: block !important; } & after that products but I also cannot customize the look & even the counting of products… Slider option not working… I really like this plugin but due compatibilty it disappointed me but as its a free plugin so technically I cant complaint aabout it. The concept of this plugin is super cool..