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  • Hi Dan,

    Please follow the below steps to resolve the issue with “Net Connection not available” This solution will help you play the YouTube videos through YouTube player instead of Flash player as YouTube has stopped support for Flash player and upgraded to Iframe.

    1.go to FTP in the file path ../wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/front/views/videohome.php and open file videohome.php

    ??Search for the? ?code

    /** If browser is detect then play videos via flash player using embed code */
    $div .= ‘<embed id=”player” src=”‘ . $swf . ‘” flashvars=”baserefW=’ . $this->_siteURL . $baseref . $showplaylist . ‘&mtype=playerModule” width=”‘ . $settingsData->width . ‘” height=”‘ . $settingsData->height . ‘” allowFullScreen=”true” allowScriptAccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” />’;

    ??Replace it with

    if (strpos ( $videoUrl, ‘youtube’ ) > 0) {
    /** Iframe code for youtube videos */
    $videoId1 = getYoutubeVideoID ( $videoUrl );
    $div='<div id=”player”></div><script>var tag = document.createElement(“script”);tag.src = “;;var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0];firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);var player;function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {player = new YT.Player(“player”, {width: “‘.$settingsData->width .'”,height: “‘.$settingsData->height .'”,videoId: “‘.$videoId1.'”,playerVars: {“rel”: 0,”showinfo”:0,”modestbranding”:0},events: {“onStateChange”: onPlayerStateChange}});}var done = false;function onPlayerStateChange(event) {if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {currentVideoP(‘.$videoId.’);done = true;}}</script>’;
    } else{
    /** If browser is detect then play videos via flash player using embed code */
    $div .= ‘<embed id=”player” src=”‘ . $swf . ‘” flashvars=”baserefW=’ . $this->_siteURL . $baseref . $showplaylist . ‘&mtype=playerModule” width=”‘ . $settingsData->width . ‘” height=”‘ . $settingsData->height . ‘” allowFullScreen=”true” allowScriptAccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent” />’;

    Save the file.

    2.? ?then go to ./wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/front/views/videodetailpage.php and open the file videodetailpage.php

    ??Search for the line

    $output .= ‘<div id=”flashplayer”><embed src=”‘ . $this->_swfPath . ‘” flashvars=”‘ . $flashvars . ‘” width=”‘ . $width . ‘” height=”‘ . $height . ‘” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent”></div>’;
    Replace it with

    foreach ( $fetched as $media ) {
    $videourl = $media->file;
    $file_type = $media->file_type;
    $imgurl = getImagesValue ( $media->image, $file_type, $media->amazon_buckets, ”);
    if (strpos ( $videourl, ‘youtube’ ) > 0) {
    $videoid = getYoutubeVideoID ( $videourl );
    $output .='<div id=”player”></div><script>var tag = document.createElement(“script”);tag.src = “;;var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0];firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);var player;function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {player = new YT.Player(“player”, {width: “‘.$width.'”, height:”‘.$height.'”,videoId: “‘.$videoid.'”,playerVars: {“rel”: 0,”showinfo”:0,”modestbranding”:0},events: {“onStateChange”: onPlayerStateChange}});}var done = false;function onPlayerStateChange(event) {if ( == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING && !done) {currentVideoP(‘.$videoId.’);done = true;}}</script>’;

    /** Generate youtube embed code for html5 player */
    } else{

    $output .= ‘<div id=”flashplayer”><embed src=”‘ . $this->_swfPath . ‘” flashvars=”‘ . $flashvars . ‘” width=”‘ . $width . ‘” height=”‘ . $height . ‘” allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” wmode=”transparent”></div>’;

    3. Now Save the file.

    If you are using Video stream theme follow the below steps as well

    Steps to solve the issue in Video Stream theme home page banner player.

    1. Go to the file path: wp-content/themes/videostream/html/widgets/contusBannerSlideshow.php

    Find the below lines

    src=”<?php echo $site_url.’/wp-content/plugins/’.$pluginName.’/hdflvplayer/hdplayer.swf’; ?>”
    flashvars=”baserefW=<?php echo $site_url; ?>&banner=true&mtype=playerModule&vid=<?php echo $bannerSlideShow[$i]->vid; ?>&<?php echo $baseref; ?>&Preview=<?php echo $bannerSlideShow[$i]->image; ?>”
    style=”width:672px; height: 315px” allowFullScreen=”true”
    allowScriptAccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”

    replace with

    <?php $videourl = $bannerSlideShow[$i]->file;
    $_imagePath = APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL . ‘images’ . DS;
    $image_path = str_replace(‘plugins/contus-video-gallery/’, ‘uploads/videogallery/’, APPTHA_VGALLERY_BASEURL);
    $imgurl = $bannerSlideShow[$i]->image;
    $file_type = $bannerSlideShow[$i]->file_type;
    if ($imgurl == ”) { ## If there is no thumb image for video
    $imgurl = $_imagePath . ‘nothumbimage.jpg’;
    } else {
    if ($file_type == 2) { ## For uploaded image
    $imgurl = $image_path . $imgurl;

    if (preg_match(‘/www\.youtube\.com\/watch\?v=[^&]+/’, $videourl, $vresult))
    $urlArray = explode(“=”, $vresult[0]);
    $videoid = trim($urlArray[1]);
    <iframcontus type=”text/html” width=”672″ height=”315″ src=”;?php echo $videoid; ?>” frameborder=”0″>

    <?php } else { ?>

    src=”<?php echo $site_url.’/wp-content/plugins/’.$pluginName.’/hdflvplayer/hdplayer.swf’; ?>”
    flashvars=”baserefW=<?php echo $site_url; ?>&banner=true&mtype=playerModule&vid=<?php echo $bannerSlideShow[$i]->vid; ?>&<?php echo $baseref; ?>&Preview=<?php echo $bannerSlideShow[$i]->image; ?>”
    style=”width:672px; height: 315px” allowFullScreen=”true”
    allowScriptAccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”
    <?php } ?>


    We believe that the limit for rows and columns are not properly configured. Please ensure whether you have added the rows & columns settings for category videos in the admin-> Video Gallery -> Settings -> video page settings -> category videos.

    Hi Dan,

    Sorry for the inconvenience. I understand that you have problems in playing YouTube Videos through our player. YouTube has stopped support for the flash player API and that is the reason it is not working. We are aware of this issue and we are working to make the YouTube videos to play through YouTube player instead of flash player.

    We will update the solution to you shortly.

    Dear Customer,

    The plugin does not have option to restrict video based on user privileges. If you need we can customize this feature for you. Please write an email to [email protected], so we will help you customize this feature.


    I understand that you get 404 error when you click on video thumbnail. Go to WordPress admin -> settings -> Permalinks -> Select the permalink type and default and save it. Now again change the permalink type to Post name and save it. Now go to front end and check the video home page, so you will be able to play the videos without problems.

    Hi Luca,

    The plugin does not have the option to pull videos and categories from YouTube channel. If you need we could customize this feature for you. Please write to [email protected], so we will be able to help you with this.


    RTMP videos can be played only in Desktop which runs in a flash player and it does not support Mobile devices. Mobile devices used HTML5 player and it does not support RMTP.


    For now the extension does not have the feature to convert videos from flv to mp4. But this can be customized using FFMPEG.

    Please write an email to [email protected] with your requirements and we will be able to customize the plugin to convert the videos to mp4 format to play in all the devices.


    The RTMP streamer path will be in following format.


    In your case RTMP streamer path is rtmp:// and URL is example.

    In the streamer path text box enter rtmp:// and in file path enter example.flv or the video file format you stream.


    FFmpeg is an encoder user to convert video and audio. In video gallery it is used to convert videos from any format to .flv. The .flv videos will not play in mobile phones as HTML5 player does not support .flv format.

    To know the path of ffmpeg check your phpinfo file and then add the file path in Video Gallery -> Player settings.

    To play videos in Mobile devices add .mp4 h264 encoded videos through normal upload method.


    Yes, you can play vidrail videos through embed code method in Contus Video Gallery. The option to embed videos method is available in the pro version of the video gallery plugin.



    Hi Campsjos,

    The issue you are referring to is different from the original post. The Firefox issue was an update from YouTube and this has been fixed already and updated in the package long back.


    Thanks for choosing Apptha.

    The demo comes with Video Stream theme which is free to download. You can download the video stream theme and Video Gallery plugin from following link We don’t have video turotrial, instead you can use the documentation available at

    Yes all the user can click on user profile link below the player in video page and can watch their videos. If you have difficulties, please contact our live chat support available at for assistance.



    Please go to admin -> Video Gallery -> Settings ->Here you can change the Rows for category page and more page as well.

    Glad that it worked for you.

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