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  • You have probably found what you are looking for by now, but in my explorations for something similar I found these:
    “AutoFocus” by Allen Cole. It’s simple and easy to modify. I’m using it for photography at and have had success with it. Check it out at Allen is very kind about answering questions.
    Even more minimalist are these “Photo Nexus” and “Photo Scroll” themes from Theme Forest ( ($20). Each theme has both a white and black background version.
    The David Zwirner example you like isn’t a WordPress theme. A similar traditional Web site template to that is this “Animated Portfolio” theme: ($12).



    VERSIONS: WordPress 2.7 and 2.7.1; PHP version 4.4.7; MySQLversion 4.1.22-standard, Server OS – Linux. Hosting service provider:

    PROBLEM: Categories and Tags disappeared from the WordPress admin, and were not visible on the blog (none displayed in Posts > Categories or Posts > Manage Tags). When editing a post, I could see “Most Used” but not “All Categories.” All posts had their categories changed to “Uncategorized” in both Manage > Posts and on the posts in the blog.

    I could see the Categories and Tags in the database.

    SOLUTION: Restart the MySQL Server.

    If you manage your own server, you can restart the MySQL server from the command line. I am a hosting reseller, so I could use the Web Host Manager. If this applies to you, go to your WHM, click Restart Services, then click MySQL Server. If you don’t have that access, contact your hosting service provider to restart the server.

    WHAT DID NOT WORK: Deactivating all plugins. Upgrading WP (2.7 to 2.7.1, in my case).

    My research indicates that this ia a mySQL server problem, not a WordPress problem. A number of other Web posts and forums indicated that a MySQL server restart also worked in their cases.

    It remains to be seen if the problem is solved for good, but all is working as it should now.

    There is an Ohz menu for 2.7 and it works fine.
    I just wish I could get back to the old horizontal menu. Ohz brings us close, but it is a pulldown so you can’t have submenu items visible all the time. At least it is sanely horizontal! A vertical menu on the left side of the page makes no sense and uses up valuable space.

    Some changes in the 2.7 interface are good, like being able to get rid of items displayed on the dashboard main page, or move them around. Ditto for being able to move things on the write/edit post page. But that main dashboard menu is really awkward–and yes, I have tried it long enough to know I won’t get used to it, nor do I think I should be forced to get used to it. The horizontal menu with visible submenu items is very much easier and preferable to an expand/collapse menu on the left side. It is not only more usable, but wastes less screen real estate. I don’t know who did the usability testing, but they must have all been left-handed. This is what I get for obeying the “upgrade now” directive.

    At least give me the option for a horizontal versus vertical menu.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: BDP RSS foreach error

    Go you!

    Thank you, 4K!

    Put <?php announcement_banner(); ?> in your Main Index Template (index.php) in the “loop” that begins with

    <div id=”post-<?php the_ID(); ?>”>

    Then whatever text you entered for “Announcement Banner” in Settings > WP-Sticky will appear, e.g. “Hot News,” “Announcement,” “TOP STORY,” etc.

    disable-autop was the plugin that did not work for me. It went back over all previous posts that were just fine and stipped out the line breaks.

    And I just realized that the problems I am having with the Code Editor ditching my formatting are happening on Pages, so maybe WP 2.2.2 fixed the post editing problem, but not the page editing. . . seems like they’d be the same?

    This bug has been described all over, and none of the offered fixes worked for me (at least not in Firefox on the Mac, if that matters). What didn’t work: The disable auto formatting plugin (sorry, I forget the name), changing “force_br_newlines”, “force_p_newlines” in that evil little tinymce.js, using Shift-Enter to create a new line, and a couple of others that seemed to be about an earlier WP version (I’m on 2.2.2).
    The only thing that worked was writing the page content in a plain text editor, creating a div, coding each paragpraph with p tags, ending the div, then copying and pasting the whole thing into the Code Editor. When I viewed the source, the paragraph tags were there, and the page itself was fine. BUT, I could not change so much as a space in the Code Editor without losing everything. So I made all my changes in the plain text editor and repeated the cut/paste operation. Insane.

    I just found yet another plugin to try:
    But have not used it yet because I spent 3 hours writing a page and have had it.
    Related posts:

    I apologize for adding to the lengthy discourse on this one. But if you are desperate, the plain text editor/cut & paste/div option seems to work on a one-off basis.

    Thanks, whooami. I did finally save the file with the .php extension, but still had a problem until I discovered that my plain text editor (Mac TextEdit) messed up the quotes instead of rendering them in plain text. Another of your replies on was also helpful.
    Many thanks!

    “The code above didn’t work for me regardless of whether I used a relative or absolute pathname for require wp-blog-header.php”

    I figured as much, and I did try a relative pathname first, but that didn’t work either. From index.html in the root directory, to the “consumers” directory where the blog is installed (shown without full syntax):
    php require(‘consumers/wp-blog-header.php’)

    Anyway, using exactly as described, via plain text editor cut & paste of whooami’s code, and using the relative pathname has not worked.

    But thanks, anyway.

    The code above didn’t work for me regardless of whether I used a relative or absolute pathname for require wp-blog-header.php, or whether I used the directory name or the subdomain URL. I used the code exactly as given, except to specify my own pathname.

    Is there some PHP trick I am missing?

    Details: Two WP 2.2.2 installations, each in its own directory, of course. Working with just one to pull recent posts onto a regular home page. Can’t give URL, site is being developed for a client.

    WP 2 has builtin widgets. I get that. But I can’t get to the sidebar code that the widgets handled in the previous version. That is, there is nothing in the Admin panel to manage what was formerly in my widgets, and the code is not in the sidebar. Stuff shows up, but can’t be edited.
    [Example: Everything in “IF YOU SAW IT ON ARTSMONTANA” at the bottom of my left sidebar does show up, but I can’t edit it.

    I read that I should still be able to handle widgets from the Admin panel, but there is no Widgets tab anywhere to be found.

    Any ideas?

    I tried removing widgets.php from the plugins folder and still have no Widgets Subpanel (tab) in the Presentation menu. (Also deleting the whole widgets folder did no good.)

    I’m using WP 2.2 and the Half-Life theme (but I know this has nothing to do with this fine widget-ready theme).

    I don’t think this widgets-in-the-core idea is very good at all.

    Oddly, the widgets I set up BEFORE the upgrade to 2.2 are still showing up in the sidebar, but there is no way to edit them.

    Ideas welcome: how to edit the old widgets? how to get around the widgets-in-the-core craziness? how to get the Widgets tab back into Presentation?

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