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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NextGen Gallery CutsomizationThere’s a plugin to add a link to any image in a NextGen gallery. It’s actually a general purpose custom fields add on, but I have been using it to link images:’m not sure if that is what you want since it looks like you want to be able to go from thumbnail to full-size image (which NextGen automatically does in a lightbox), and then from full-size JPG to the link. “On the JPG page, I’d like to be able to link to a PDF” suggests something a little different because NextGen goes to the larger image either in a lightbox or in a browser page that is automatcially generated by the browser (e.g., is not a page you create).
Anyway, maybe taking a look at the NextGen Gallery Custom Fields plugin will help you answer that. . .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Nextgen Gallery do_shortcode not working?I wonder if it is the single quotes in
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[slideshow id=1 w=475 h=390]‘); ?>
The following is working just fine for me:
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[slideshow id=8 template=galleryview images=0]”); ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Business Directory] Phone Numbers Not DisplayingThank you everdawn!
What a pain it was trying to figure that out. The hotfix for the functions.php file at
worked perfectly. For others using this extract for the functions.php file, note that the cut and paste instructions mean for you to KEEP the lines above
// CUT FROM HERE (around line #250)
and below
// TO HERE (about line #258)and put the replacement code in between those lines that you are keeping.
I think posted my question about excluding the Add to Any Share button in the wrong thread.
In any case, I found the answer at
Just put this in any page or post where you want to exclude the Add to Any Share button:
<!–nosharesave–>This is a generic issue/solution, not related to any particular theme.
I’d like to exclude the Add to Any Share button from one page (a shopping cart contents page), but I can’t find any instructions on how to exclude just a specific page. It looks like I can modify a template, but I don’t want to make a global change, I just want to keep the button off a checkout page.
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NextGen Gallery: Alternative to JW Image RotatorALSO: For superb slideshow software (not a WP plugin) at less than $40, take a look at There’s a standalone version and a Flash component version. The interface for image upload, sorthing, putting in albums/galleries is easy enough for my clients to use and has many nice features. I’ve been using it for years and it is reliable, well-documented, beautiful, and affordable, and not limited to using in WP. You could embed the swf anywhere in your blog, or try the new WP plugin, SlidePress (I have not tried the plugin):
“SlidePress is a WordPress plugin that allows you to publish slideshows (using SlideShowPro Standalone) in blog posts and pages. Works with WordPress Media Library content, Media RSS feeds, and our asset management and publishing system SlideShowPro Director.”Forum: Plugins
In reply to: NextGen Gallery: Alternative to JW Image RotatorIf you can go back to a previous version of imagerotator.swf, that’ll do it. It looks like the JWPlayer overlay was added in later versions.
With the imagerotator.swf file from a download I did last fall, I got things running fine w/o the JW Player overlay.My configuration:
WordPress 3.0
NextGEN Version 1.5.5
imagerotator.swf dated August 12, 2008Having worked in software development for a lot of years, I can say that I am scrupulous about paying for stuff and honoring restrictions (copyright, logo, licenses, etc), but I have been using this stuff for a long time now and I agree that NextGen Gallery/JW Image Rotator should have disclosed that upgrading to the latest version would mean paying to remove the annoying overlay. I have a lot of client sites committed to NextGEN, so switching was not a good option, and suddenely finding out, after installing, that I had to for what I had for free–especially w/o notice–seemed pretty cheesy.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Business Directory] Submission problem in 0.8.4 betaMany thanks, alexmansfield.
The proper code in the requests.php file did the trick for me. Now the Submit button works, even on WP 2.9.2.Now I need to get the listings to display contact information. Right now each listing has to include the contact info in the description. It is a weird directory that does not display phone, and email, just a link to the business Website. Where I live, not everyone has a Website. If anyone has had success with displaying other contact info, I’d welcome hearing how you did it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Google Doc Embedder] Google asking for username / passwordHow do I disable the Google login on embedded documents?
The viewer is of no use in serving up public PDFs on my own server if my many readers all have to have and log in to a Google Account.
I want to server my own docs to everyone without the annoying Google login. Mist of my site visitors do not have Google Accounts, and I do not want toforce them to create a Google Account just to read my public PDFs.
There’s a plugin called nextgen-resize. I am just installing it and have not used it yet, but the description says it will upload/resize to whatever you have set for Gallery > Options : Images.
The one thing I wonder about the plugin is what happens if you change the Images default size to something larger in Options. Would nextgen-resize then try to enlarge the 72dpi JPG and ruin the resolution. . .
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Gallery Showing Verticalmarkzero: I had the same problem. In my case I had moved the blog to a different domain and server, so I had exported the database, made the necessary changes for the new URL, and imported it to the new domain.
Your situation might be different, but what I found out by checking various things on this forum was that nextgen was NOT automatically writing a link to it CSS files to the header.php file of my theme. Maybe there is a way to get this to work automatically, but I just made the link explicit in my header.php file. I added this above the </head> tag:
<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />After that, my thumbnails were back to normal, in rows and not in one single vertical row. I hope that helps.
For the forum thread about the missing link to the CSS file, check out:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] nggallery.css link not written to headerI had the same problem: The css file was not written to the header. I had to add it manually. Once I did that, another problem was also fixed: Gallery thumbnails were displayed in a vertical row that was just one thumbnail wide. Once I added this to the header.php file, the display returned to normal: ‘<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”” type=”text/css” media=”screen” />’.
The problem occurred after a move to a new server, so maybe the database export/import was to blame.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Featured Content GallerySome folks have recommended Dynamic Content Gallery. had so many problems with FCG, I installed the Dynamic Content Gallery, but it broke somethings in my blog.
Finally, because I already had NextGen Gallery installed, I just used it for a home page slideshow. The downside is that it doesn’t pick up images from pages and posts, although it might do that with a custom field; I did not look into it. The upside is that it is much easier for my client to use because it doesn’t require that you indicate an articlimg custom field and enter a URL for it (tricky for my novice users).
To put the NextGen Slideshow in the featuredtop div, I commented out the include for FCG and entered this PHP in the home.php file inside the featuredtop div:
<div class=”featuredtop”>
<?php echo do_shortcode(“[slideshow id=8 template=galleryview images=0]”); ?>
<!–<?php include (ABSPATH . ‘/wp-content/plugins/featured-content-gallery/gallery.php’); ?>–>
</div>I had to activate FCG to get the featuredtop div to be honored. Setting height and width in CSS did not seem to do the trick. Not elegant, but until I can figure out how to separate FCG from StudioPress themes, it’ll have to do.
I’ve got to agree that FCG is so troublesome that it is not worth the effort. I have tried to get it working on two different sites and think that it would be much easier, not to mention far more versatile to use the fantastic SlideShowPro Director for home page slideshows. SSPDirector is not a plugin, it is a separate piece of software. I had hoped for a simple plugin that my client could handle on his own. FCG is not that plugin.
My most recent problem: The slideshow works for 3 out 4 images. I have checked the proper usage of articleimg, every URL, and the pages that I listed in the FCG options. I can see that the page is discovered because its title appears, but the image does not show, no matter how many ways I tried this (deactivating other plugins, deleting the page/articleimg from where I want FCG to get the image and starting from scratch, checking permissions, re-uploading the image, emptying the cache.
As for doing more with it, I cannot find any documentation on how many images I can use, or whether FCG cares if the page ID is for a main page or a subpage.
I am done with this plugin. For what it actually does, it is not worth the hassle. Even if I got it working, what happens if my client installs a plugin on his own and breaks it. Now I need to figure out how to untie this plugin from my StudioPress theme. The StudioPress themes I use seem to require it. Ick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Integration of nextgen gallery and estore pluginYes.
Instructions are at: