Forum Replies Created
You’ll find the answer from Alex Rabe himself on this forum page:
He instructs on how to reverse the default sort order of galleries in an album so that the last one is dislayed first.In: ngg-db.php line 244
$album->sortorder = serialize( $wpdb->get_col("SELECT gid FROM $wpdb->nggallery ORDER BY gid DESC") );
Just look for that line; I think that the only thing changed is the ORDER BY value, which is changed to DESC from the default ASC I think.
Someone else on that forum page describes a change to sorting by NAME:
$album->sortorder = serialize( $wpdb->get_col("SELECT gid FROM $wpdb->nggallery ORDER BY name ASC") );
I beleieve that the ngg-db.php file is in the lib folder.
I should note that I researched this but I don’t recall the steps I took in actually implementing it. I assume they matched what I found on the forum page in the link above.
Best of luck.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [cTabs] cTabs plugin: How can I link to a specific tabI gave up on cTabs and wwent with WordPress Post Tabs you have your tabs set up, you can hover over the tab name and use your browser’s “Copy link location” feature and that’ll give you a link to go directly to a tab:
See how links to two different tabs work at and
Those are two different tabs (About, and Financial Information) on the same About Us page in a site that I created for our animal shelter.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media Library Edit Image Crop not workingNot sure if you mean you cannot crop at all after rubber-banding the area you want to crop, but if that is the case, this will help:
Basically, you click the faded-out crop icon, rubber-band the crop area which then makes the crop icon active, then CLICK CROP AGAIN. Then the Save button.
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: How to remove first image from the_content?vinay,
Oh my. I have been looking for something like this for a long time. So many themes have no sensible way to limit images in archives. I get both a thumbnail and the full-size image. Until now. Thanks for this code.
That is one of the (numerous) annoying things about NextGen. What you do to one gallery on a page affects the other gallery or galleries on a page.
My workaround was to create an Album and put my Galleries into it. That has its own annoying drawbacks, like you cannot sort the order in which Galleries are listed under the Album except by modifying the NextGen lib/ngg-db.php file to change the default sort order (by Gallery ID) to alphabetical, or to change ASC to DESC. Pretty limited because there is no way to drag and drop a sort order. But at least when you use an Album each Gallery in it then behaves independently.
The names are just plain dumb, so to be clear an Album is the big container and the Galleries are the smaller ones, each of which contains your images. The naming should be the other way around.
But at least by inserting an entire Album, I was able to get Galleries to behave independently of one another.
The shortcode for putting an Album into a page is of the form:
[album=2 template=extend]
Where I have “2”, enter the ID of the Album you created. The template choices are “extend” (a horizontal list that allows a description and shows a bigger thumbnail) and “compact” (a vertical display of smaller thumbnails).When you click on one of the Galleries listed on the page where you inserted the Album shortcode as above, you get a page with just that Gallery and its thumbnails or slideshow with whatever effects you have chosen. It behaves just like a page with a single Gallery on it. To make sure folks get back to the page where you inserted the Album, you can add a link at the top, above the [album] shortcode, e.g, “Back to Portfolio” linked to the page where you inserted the Album.
Here’s a nice little video on creating an Album and dragging Galleries into it: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom comment background color for all AdminsI spent some serious time on this, and finally found out that since Version 2.7, WordPress outputs a CSS class that you can use (see WordPress excerpt below). The class is “byauthor”, and adding this line to my style.css did the trick in setting the author’s comments apart:
li.bypostauthor {
/* CSS styles for author comments */
background-color: #d4e5b1 !important;
}No need to edit the PHP, just using and styling the WordPress-created class did the trick.
The new comments loop automatically puts every comment into a list (li) tag, and threads them as well. It adds classes on all HTML list tags that surround every comment in this fashion:
* comment, trackback, pingback classes get added depending on the type of the comment.
* byuser gets added if the comment is by a registered user of the site.
* comment-author-authorname gets added for specific registered users.
* bypostauthor gets added if the comment is by the author of the post the comment is attached to.
* odd and even classes are added to odd and even numbered comments
* alt is added to every other comment
* thread-odd, thread-even, and thread-alt classes are the same as the odd/even/alt classes, but these only apply to the top level of each set of comments and replies
* depth-1 is added to the top level comments, depth-2 to the next level, and so on.
* children class is added to all threaded comments below the parent list
——-I leave it to someone else to figure out the multi-admin problem, but these links might provide some clues: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom comment background color for all AdminsThanks, esmi.
Yes, and unless I mistaken (not being a PHP expert), it doesn’t. There is only this:
/* This variable is for alternating comment background */
$oddcomment = ‘class=”alt” ‘;I have tried a few plugins and none work. Either they are old and the code they tell me to replace in comments.php doesn’t match anything in comments.php, or using their php-free set up interface does nothing at all to change comment colors.
I think I am using a pretty non-standard theme
Foundation 1.0.3 by Organized Themes has its own additional comments-functions.php file something I have never seen on any other theme. That one might have soething I can work with?
<li <?php comment_class(); ?> id=”comment-<?php comment_ID() ?>”>and <div class=”comment-content”>
<?php if ($comment->comment_approved == ‘0’) : ?>
<p>Your comment is awaiting moderation.</p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php comment_text() ?>
</div>But I don’t know PHP well enough to tell.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom comment background color for all AdminsHey, devvv,
I am finding out more info by seeing if there is a plugin that does this. I found one but it was done in 2005. In the meantime, take a look at this from the site:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Custom comment background color for all Adminsdevvv,
See if this page helps you: matches the user id, so it looks like you would just have to modify it to test for multiple user ids for all your admins. If you can’t modify it, you might just have to have one user (one id) be the official responder to comments.
I hope the link hleps you. I am about to give it a try myself and will post something if I learn anything useful beyond what that link tells you.
I think I found my problem.
Make sure that this setting is correct:
In Gallery > Options > Slideshow
Stretch image noneAll the same, to get more control over sidebar slideshows, here is what I did:
Installed Widget Entries plugin
This allows you to create a custom widget the same way that you create a Post. It adds a menu item called “Widgets” to the WP admin Menu. From there you Add Widget and edit your custom widget. This gave me more control because I could use shortcodes instead of the NextGen Slideshow widget.
E.g. [slideshow id=1 w=280 h=259]To use the Widget you created, you just go to Appearance > Widgets and you will see a “Widget Entry” widget that you can drag to the sidebar. Within the widget, you select the custom widget that you created from a pulldown menu.
And, again, make sure that this setting is correct, too:
In Gallery > Options > Slideshow
Stretch image noneSeems like a hassle, but the Widget Entries plugin is very handy for making Text Widgets that you can edit like Posts, so I am using it for other things besides sidebar slideshows.
About sizes of slideshows and images in general, I find it nasty that you set global settings in Options, and then when you set something else on a gallery, the global settings change. Weird. You should be able to manage galleries with their own settings without that changing global sizes. If I missed something in how NextGen works on sizes, I’d welcome the info. Maybe the ticket is to always use shortcodes for sizing. The trouble is that means teaching my Web clients yet another thing about adding a gallery to their Pages and Posts.
Same problem here. The NextGen slideshow widget destroys the aspect ratio. You can set the size in the widget, so I tried different sizes to account for my different image widths and heights, but that doesn’t help.
Off topic, but I had major problems with this plugin, like images not showing up, 403 errors (had to disable Flash uploader), etc.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [One Quick Post] [Plugin: One Quick Post] This plugin is not workingYani,
I gave up on One Quick Post and went with Gravity Forms. Gravity forms costs $39 for a single site license, but it did what my client wanted.
Sorry I can’t help you with One Quick Post. I have no recollection of how I got it to make a form show up.
On shortcodes, check to be sure you are in HTML mode when you out that into a post or page, and check on the syntax–does it require double quotes or single around the form name.
Take a look at the support forum for the plugin:
Good luck!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Lightbox 2] Disable Lightbox on specific images..?I found this:’t know if that helps.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: pop up text issueI had a similar problem a long while ago in which WP would save a post, but without the changes/additions I had made. It reverted back to a previous version of the post until I changed some words. The words were not offensive, but I found that by adding a sentence at a time until I found the one that broke the ability to save I was able to work around the problem. Oddly, the word “from” was causing the problem.
The thread link below helped me understand why and might contain something useful for you. The word “from” makes sense given the description on this thread, but “drug” makes no sense at all. So maybe it won’t help you. . .
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: wp simple paypal shopping cart and nextgen gallery integrationThere is a folder named view in the nextgen directory:
That folder holds templates for the various options of displaying a gallery. You are just going to add this eStore template:
Then where you insert the nextgen gallery shortcode, add the info for that template. For example:
[nggallery id=2 template=wp-eStore]More info available at: