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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: WordPress shopping cart websiteI got a trojan warning from that site
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseRedhouse painter,
I have Zenphoto all up and working, just need help to integrate it with my wp. Which plugins do I need I see there are a couple and do I have to change any php’s.
Please answer as if I were a 3yr old because I know nothing about this stuff LOL!
Thanks so much for all your time and advice!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseHello People,
Me again!
I have completely changed it all , including removing the “photoblog” theme, that I loved, because it wouldnt show properly in firefox, and I have opened it up to comments. If you think I have crowded it up again and taken the focus OFF the paintings please be straight with me, I would appreciate feeback.
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseRedhousepainter,
Thanks for taking the time to go back through to the site and thanks also for the link to Sociable, I thought those save boxes were awfully messy myself but didnt know how to get rid of them,now I do. I went through to the links you provided and see you are a absolute goldmine of information so I have linked myself your site so I can go back and have a good look around for other bits of useful tidbits.
I should have known I would put too much in my wedsite, I put too much in my garden, too much in my paintings and you should try my stew,LOL! I should be on the look out for that particular character quirk constantly.
Problem is I just dont see it until someone points it out to me.
Thanks again!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseStrange,
So sorry to confuse you, what I was saying is I use IE and it looks fine but I recently downloaded and installed firefox and when I looked at it using firefox the pages intruded into the header template and some of my images were all squashed up.
No I am not using Mac.
Is it possible to test a theme without downloading and installing all four browsers?
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseRedhousepainter,
I know you made your own template( great job mate! )but have you seen anything (FREE OR CHEAP)around that may do a similar job for me?
Anyone, I installed the photoblog theme but it behaves differently in different browsers, and there is a box with “written on art by Bob that has appeared out of nowhere ( have a look) which I would like to edit, I opened every folder in the theme and couldnt find it, any idea where it may be??
I feel I really need a sidebar and widgets so I think I will keep looking for something like phaushow,redhousepainters site which does it all!I know I said I want to sell my art and indeed that is primary but I would also like a chance to explain the process and the journey .PS I love the “bad painting competition”, sure I could walk away with a prize in that one LOL!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseHello Strange,
LOL!you have solved a puzzle for me, yesterday I went thru to my site and the photoblog theme looked awful but today it looks fine, but yesterday I went in on firefox and today on IExplorer is it possible that this is why it looked all jumbled up??
I have been re-installing new themes as the advice comes through,trying to keep up with all the good links and advice being offered, I want everyone to know that I am trying to do it all but in my haste I may not be offering up the best pic of the painting, I want to get it all set up right while I have help from you wonderful people and once everything is in the right place and working I will get some better quality content( I am a losuy photographer LOL!)
I will have another go at zenphoto today!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseToo late I have already paid for this one and for Cpanel,anyway I am confident that with help I will get it off the ground.
I went to Justins Paintings and it is just what I want!Reinforces what you all have said about getting the fluff out of sight!
I also went to phauxshow too and and it was a great site with catchy stuff happening,made me want to stay and look around. It had little thumbheaders to other pages and lots happening but the art was still the main focus.I downloaded and unzipped into my wp/plugins folder ,zenphoto but I dont know whow to configure it and it doesnt yet show up in my plugins on my site. I may need some help with the cofig page??
Tomorrow I will remove everything from the front page but the art!
I have changed my theme a dozen times since writing in to try and comply with some of the suggestions so some things my be a bit out of wack , like say left when it used to be right LOL!
I downloaded the photoblog theme but it didnt like me and ( maybe it not 2.51 compatible) because everything was out of wack?Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseHello again whiskeylima,
thanks so much for helping me, I got rid of the black background as I
think it was more interesting than my content LOL! and found a more boring one where the areas are more clearly defined, I also have another wp- hosted account but with the same domain name, do you think perhaps I should open another with a more search friendly domain name or develope it (the wp hosted one)into my blog, do you know if being wp hosted rather than self hosted has any drawbacks as far as developing a more indivudual blog go? I moved almost all of my content off the front page but I believe you are right it has to be just art there, as for selling should I list prices or is that vulgar?I am proficient in psp and quite able to add my own bg and header if I can fight the right theme , as you say that suits my needs, just not real sure I would recognise it if I saw it LOL!Just run that past me again?Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseHi! jonimueller
Do you think I need to buy a premium theme if I want to stand out, I followed the link you gave me and drooled over the most beautiful sites I have ever seen! but dont see any download buttons, people must have paid a LOT of money for these themes??
I have spent the morning moving most of my chat off the front page and on to a blog page as was one suggestion. I had trouble getting some of the photo plugins to work ,photo exhibit was one and picasa easy link or something like that was another , I used my list of 2.5 compatible plugins to find them , is there somewhere else I should look??
I found the list of free 2.5 compatible Themes a little uninspiring,nothing like on your link.
I appreciate all and any advice as I really want to get it right !
I do believe that presentation is enormously important!Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseI would like to add that I did not and would not be able to design a template, I can tweak a bit,( with careful instruction) a little bit but thats the limit of my expertise(nil).If you have seen a template or plugin you think might suit my purpose better dont hesitate to leave a link. My purpose, reading back, I realise I didnt state it is to sell my art,should I get rid of all the bloggy stuff all together?, is it too confusing?. I have changed my template for the time being until I find a better ready made as I was told it is too hard to look at, I will act , happily on all and any advice shared with me. In gratitude for your time taken to assist me.You Rock!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleasePoena, dont want to appear stupid but what do you mean by “Domain”,is it “Artrato3”? If so I am stuck with it but see now it was a poor choice for searh engines, neither expicit nor catchy.How can I overcome this?
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: site review pleaseThankyou very much for taking the time to help me
I will act on every word
Thumbs up
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Examples of WP that don’t look like blogs?wonder what plug in that Ford Guy used???
LeeForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: theme feedback pleaseI think its really nice but would change the gravatars,why not make your own doggy one and register it with the gravatar site.