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  • sorry, ill get back to you tomm, we can still make this work, its a little late here (2:56AM) in India, need to get some sleep, we will get it done tomm, there is another way around using custom fields, maybe u can read about it.

    there is a cache that timbtumbs makes.. its inside the theme/functions folder tho i doubt that is the problem.. since we have currently disabled timbthumb from the theme.. though i still find it very strange that your problem is not solved.. is there a way i can use or see your admin panel..? i think thats the only way for a solution now..

    try this..
    1. select the image in the media gallery, and say edit..
    2. crop it as you want.. and then click the crop button..
    3. select apply changes to all image sizes.
    4. click the save button.. **it doesnt auto save**
    5. close media library..
    6. go to the desired post that you want to change the featured for..
    7 if featured image exist.. removed featured image..
    8 now tell it to use the newly cropped image from the library..

    it has to work.. it works at my end with the same theme, save settings, same edits.. do u have team viewer?

    yeah actually.. i did some more testing on my end and what file edits are done was enough.. now u just need to crop your thumbnail as you want.. and insert it as the featured image..

    see this link..
    it is important that u need to crop all image sizes.. and then u will see the featured image like the way you cropped it..

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image directory

    so let me get this right.. what your saying is you basically want to refrence that path so that it is easier for you to change it later on.. like u would change one instance of it and it would apply to all relevant paths.. is that what you want to do?

    well you can use the tag – <?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>
    its a very widely used tag, what it does is it refrences your wordpress current theme directory.

    so ur example would become..
    <img src=”<?php bloginfo(‘template_url’); ?>/images/ks.gif” width=”112″ height=”37″ border=”0″>

    great.. knowing that everything on your end is working for you..
    P.S – please move this thread to resolved status it everything is resolved. ??

    in the same file for

    $heighpop = $('#pop_border').outerHeight();
    	$heighrcp = $('#rcp_border').outerHeight();
    	if($heighpop != 0){ $('#pop_border .postblock').css('height', $heighpop); }
    	if($heighrcp != 0){ $('#rcp_border .postblock').css('height', $heighrcp); }

    and replace with…

    $heighpop = $('#pop_border').outerHeight();
    	$heighrcp = 0;
    	$('#pop_border .postblock').each(function(index) {
    		$temp_heighrcp = $(this).outerHeight();
    		if($temp_heighrcp > $heighrcp)
    		$heighrcp = $temp_heighrcp;
    	$heigh_padding = 50;
    	if($heighpop != 0){ $('#pop_border .postblock').css('height', $heighpop); }
    	if($heighrcp != 0){ $('#rcp_border .postblock').css('height', $heighrcp+$heigh_padding); }

    u can edit the $heigh_padding according to how much you need… sorry for the delay this took some extra brain power ??

    i dont know if u know this.. but before my solution i couldnt see thumnails on your site.. after u did what i told you thumbnails are visibe.. and as per your example (
    this example is on a post page.. what i told you to edit was only the main loop page.. we havent gotten to editing that as yet.. once we are done you will get to where you want to go.. one step at a time. ??

    i dont know which page your looking at.. but this page seems like your thumbs are now good to go.. ?

    edit the file loop-blog.php..

    search for this code.. it should start from the 27th line..

    <div class="postimg">
    					<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/functions/timthumb.php?src=<?php
    				 	if (  (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail())  ) {
    						echo $thumbnail[0];
    					} else {
    						$postimage = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'post-image', true);
    						if ($postimage) {
    							echo $postimage;
    						} else {
    							echo catch_that_image();
    					?>&h=<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_height ?>&w=<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_width ?>&s=1" width="<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_width ?>" height="<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_height ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a>
    			</div><!-- /postimg -->

    replace the code with the following code..

    <div class="postimg">
    					<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title(); ?>"><img src="<?php
    				 	if (  (function_exists('has_post_thumbnail')) && (has_post_thumbnail())  ) {
    						echo $thumbnail[0];
    					} else {
    						$postimage = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'post-image', true);
    						if ($postimage) {
    							echo $postimage;
    						} else {
    							echo catch_that_image();
    					?>" width="<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_width ?>" height="<?php echo $xs_thumbnail_height ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a>
    			</div><!-- /postimg -->

    refresh the main blog page.. and let me know if that part of your problem is solved.. ??

    sorry for delay.. gimme 5-10mins.. seeing a solution

    yes.. ive got the solution.. but the thing is you will need to edit 2 files to get everything working.. so do u know who to edit theme files ?
    it is also advised to backup your previous theme.. just to be safe..

    hmmmm.. can i get a screenshot.. cause thinks work fine at my end..

    i can understand your frustration at this time.. let me just have a look at that fresh and clean theme u mentioned.. will reply back with the solution in a few minutes..

    are u having problems finding the file.. cause i downloaded the same theme.. and js_functions.js file exist inside the js folder..
    are you using version 1.1 of the theme?

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