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  • Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Thank you

    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Please stop with your attempt to claim I am not contributing. In fact, there are ample requests I have seen in the WP forums for people to help to rid this community of plugins that violate the rules.

    Whether or not I have a record of giving five stars or one star, I give honest evaluations based on what I find. You have already been told that you are wrong in your position by someone who is a part of the mods here. Are they not contributing positively?

    There is no need for you to continue to try to put me down for my comments. If I violate a rule, as I have said before, then I will be dealt with. This conversation is going nowhere. The plugin has been referred to the people who make the decisions.

    I don’t have to reveal the behind the scenes activities I am involved with that contribute to this community to be qualified to evaluate a piece of software I installed on my website and found to be in violation of the rules and post a review of it.

    You have said you won’t change it, so my review stands. It’s that simple.

    Now, let’s leave this to the people who are going to make the decision on whether or not your process of forcing your link and your information into the frontend of websites is violating the rules.

    And you are partially correct with regard to shareware. Some shareware does limit based on time. The rest limits functionality. Which in your plugin you clearly state that certain of the options that are able to be checked do not work unless someone pays for your software. That is limited functionality.

    Argue all you want. That’s what you are doing. You have admitted it and then turned around and attacked me for my record claiming I am not a positive contributor of this community. For what? a dollar sign? Oh well…

    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Definition of Shareware:

    Shareware is software that you can use on a trial basis before paying for it. Unlike freeware, shareware often has limited functionality … Once you pay for a shareware program, the program is fully functional …

    Sounds pretty much like what is being done here.

    Actually, you keep referring to my negative comments. Please.. I’m not making any bad comments about your work. And because you don’t see my contributions as positive for the rest of the community doesn’t make it so. Whether or not I have authored something does not mean I don’t contribute. So, stop trying to build yourself up by comparison. That’s not what this is about. I raise the issue of a violation of the rules. The rest of the stuff you are saying is just stuff to make an argument that is already going to be decided by someone else who is looking at the rules, not whether or not you or I are the better person or the most active on WP forums or plugins creation.

    We are both part of a community. That community has rules. If my comments violate the rules, I will be dealt with accordingly. If your plugin violates the rules, you will be dealt with accordingly. That’s just the way it works.

    So, since this has already been sent to the people who make those decisions, let’s let them decide. Not the 50,000 who have downloaded your product. 50,000 backlinks is quite impressive. Nice job.

    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Reference to how many users are happy with that link is nowhere in my post. So, that can’t be another part. That is your justification for putting a backlink on websites.

    Sure, I can hack your plugin and remove the link. I can (or should) be able to go into the code and remove the limitations (if you followed the rules). But upon update, I will have to hack the plugin again. That isn’t the way it is supposed to be done.

    I recognize and respect your desire to make money off of your work. That isn’t the issue I raised. The issue I raised is that the plugin the way it is being presented and distributed violates the WP rules for plugins.

    I will default to Jan and the plugins team. Thanks Jan.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Author: WP Symposium] Why?
    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Probably a good idea. Those kind of things have a habit of haunting.. lol

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Author: WP Symposium] Why?
    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Yes, it is 4 months old. Had you responded to the question in the first place, there wouldn’t have been the further question, and thus my responding to the question and request to supply the documentation I had.

    It might be a good idea to address questions in a timely manner to avoid situations like this in the future. However, given the fact that files currently available here have that code in them, I think it is important for potential users to be aware of it.

    As far as non affiliated third party information, here is one. I know there are a lot of good reports. But this one is pretty in depth.

    This is an issue of the past. We all hope it stays in the past. Right, Simon?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Author: WP Symposium] Why?
    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss


    Short answer, I don’t see where they are currently doing it (4 months later)

    Long answer,

    The offending code that I saw was in wpsymposium.php, on lines 117 and 118 of version 13.05:
    `// Notify developers (feel free to comment out the next line)
    @mail(‘[email protected]’, get_bloginfo(‘url’).’ installed v’.WPS_VER, get_bloginfo(‘url’));`

    And it was there until version 13.08. As far as I can tell, it is no longer there. WPS Support would have been better off to say, “We stopped doing that”.

    All versions currently available on (as of today, 12/09/13) in the developers link for WP Symposium, up until version 13.08 still contain that code. Something to keep in mind should anyone decide to install an older version of this plugin (I don’t know why).

    The issue I had with it at the time (4 months ago, when I made my post) was that the plugin not only phoned home, but it sent via the hosing account, not through the WordPress mail function. That provided the username of the hosing account in the sent from of the email along with the WP version and the URL of the website. And at the time, the developer had said in another support thread that they weren’t doing it. That was very disturbing to me. That thread can be found at .

    The developer later said it was an oversight, but it looked pretty intentional to me.

    So, in response to your question @ionuke, yes, at the time I made the post, they were doing it. Currently, I don’t see where they are doing it. The offending code can still be found in the older versions available here, prior to version 13.08.

    Since they have denied it before, and were doing it at the time of the denial, I would check the code myself to make sure it doesn’t do anything you don’t want it to do.

    Yes, I am quite sure you see a lot of plugins the rest of us don’t see. And we are grateful for that. And I am sure you try really hard to monitor everything to make sure everything is done by the rules. And I do believe you, all of you, are human and you make mistakes. That is one major reason why WordPress won’t be automatically updating my sites.

    That is why I agree with the rest of the people posting on this thread.

    Sometimes those plugins can sit in the repository for quite a while and be downloaded over one hundred thousand times before it is caught. Only after another user finds and reports it is it removed, or forced to change that code. As well as other violations, this seems to be more the norm than the exception. Once reported, yes it is rejected until the corrections are made.

    Thread Starter arrogance-is-bliss



    I’ve ‘heard’ a lot of things. Would be nice.

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