Hi ! Thanks for your reply ! Yes I have thinked about something like that because yes I need an archive too, but which could be customized. But The problem of this thing is that it works for the simple case I said, but not for more complicated ones.
Indeed, sometimes, I will also have parent/child things with multiple layers. I’ll continue with the example of fruits :
On a page named “red fruit salad recipe” I want to have dynamic links to the fruits used (so it works as you were supposing it with a taxonomy) but I also need a link to the parent page, which here for example is “fruit salad recipes”. You could tell me that I can create “fruit salad recipes” as a taxonomy too, but then my problem is that if I create a sub-sub recipe named “strawberry salad recipe” I want it to have “red fruit salad recipe” as parent.
So does anyone have an idea of what can I do exactly ?
Thank you in advance !