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  • OK, more data for anyone working on this problem. In Firefox, I manage to get all the RTE buttons up with a cache clear and reload. Using (for example) the insert link button calls up a little java window, where we find the usual options. The insert and cancel buttons are there, but you have to scroll down to them for some reason. However, there’s not much point, because they don’t work! Pressing either causes the editor page to lock up; the java window stays there and cannot be closed. A Page reload sets you back to square one. Java console packed with warnings and exceptions that mean nothing to me – but I can supply them if it’s any use to anyone, just let me know.

    So, tried in IE7 (ugh). Here, the java window opens, but you can’t scroll down to find the insert and cancel buttons. However, in this situation you can actually close the window and get back to an active editing page.

    Hope this is of use to someone; if I have garbled it and made no sense, or if you want the java console error codes, just let me know and I’ll post ’em up. In the meantime, I think I can live without the RTE for a few days – the other improvements more than make up for it!

    Thread Starter armchairanarchist


    Thankyou chaaban! Just to clarify and make sure I understand;

    You are saying I should:

    1) reinstall to a fresh, empty database in the same directory position as my previous installation, and then…
    2) restore the old database over the top of the fresh one, making sure the URL settings in the admin panel match the ones I had before.

    [When you say I may have to ‘drop the new database’, I assume this to mean I’ll have to delete it *before* restoring the old one with the same database name.]

    If I’ve understood you correctly, thankyou very much indeed! If I’m missing the point, please correct my errors if you have the chance. Thanks again…

    Would you believe it, found a solution that involves no hacks or plugins deep in the codex, under a different topic:

    (scroll about 2/3 down the page to the ‘Post & Page Parameters’ heading)

    When I’m a bit more confident about messing with my templates, I’ll give that a try…but I hope this discovery proves helpful to anyone else struggling to implement a static homepage with minimal messing about, hence me posting it in this thread.

    Thanks again for the help, mastermind. Peace…

    Cheers mastermind, that works like a charm…only now the blog page has the sidebar displaced to underneath all the post data! I think I have an idea how to fix that though, using the ‘blog.php’ template from the Codex. I shall give it a try…thanks for replying, you’re a star! ??

    OK people, this is confusing the living hell out of me. I’m no superfly coder by a long chalk, and the huge number of conflicting methods is making my brain hurt.

    Basically, I’ve been trying the method mentioned in the codex here:

    I got the static-frontpage plugin, installed it etc. I made a ‘home’ Page in WP, and then made a ‘blog’ Page with the blog template defined at the above link.

    When I set it all running with the plugin turned on, *both* the root address of ‘’ and ‘’ display the ‘home’ Page I created.

    If I then turn the plugin off, both of those addresses show the normal wordpress blog layout (index.php, I’m assuming).

    Now the only thing I *think* I could be doing wrong here is not making a home.php file…that codex page says to make one, but doesn’t tell me what it needs to contain. I tried using jpmcc’s method above, and got blank pages when trying to view my site. dherren’s method works, but you can only access the blog content via the archives…what I want is a home page at ‘’, with links on it to my blog at ‘’ running as normal, and the possibilty of links to other static pages also.

    Is the lack of a ‘home’ template the problem, and if it is, what should go in it? Or is this data redundant with the new version of WP (the codex having no ‘last updated’ data to let me be able to guess)? Your advice would be appreciated…please note that the static-front plugin is currently off should you view my site (address in profile). I hope I’ve not come across as too ignorant, but I started learning php when I installed WP a week ago; I have searched through these forums, and this is the closest thread to answering my question, so I decided to post my question here. If I am in error to do so, please accept my apologies.


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