Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Output all posts to a single XML file?macmanx,
That worked perfectly! Stupid me had completely forgotten that you could jack the post syndication count up that high. Thanks!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: JavaScript CSS = I need a little help.Nope. That breaks that whole script and the tab never does it’s initial change. It needs the == there.
Anyone else? I really need to get this figured out so I can launch this new blog.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin to deal with trolls?You mean the SpamKarma blacklist?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin to deal with trolls?Nevermind…I’m just using deny,allow in .htaccess. Works like a charm. ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Feedback Please: yunglee.comThe site looks great and the calendar design is very, very cool.
The only thing is, in FireFox (at 1024×768 rez), the search box extends to the right out of the grey into the white area. You might want to make it just a bit more narrow.
Other than that…lookin’ good! ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: please let me know what you thinkI love the layout. The whitespace is perfect. The Korean flag and ideograms are perfectly placed and balance everything out nicely. Good job!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: wiphey dot comYou should publicly crucify the jerk who stole your layout. It (from the screenshot) looks pretty nifty and you should be using it, not some thief.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgrade 1.5 > 1.5.1I used this guide (mostly, I got lazy and just used my ftp overwrite on the root files) and everything is running smoothly. *thumbs up*
Also, like I said, I used overwrite on the root files and it worked for me, but it might not work for you. Follow the guide to the letter. ??
Edit: btw… if you use dropdown_cats with the code edit to template-functions-category.php, the code to comment out is now on lines 196 and 215 (not 208 and 227 as it states in the codex).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Plugin Manager ProblemI downloaded 1.8 for a friend’s blog I was building and it wouldn’t install anything. Something is seriously wrong with 1.8.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP-pluging manager suddenly not workingWell.. I’ll be watching. The minute Dave approves it, I’ll be using it. ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: New online journal based on “Connections” theme.Thanks for taking a look, vkaryl. ??
I’m going to be tweaking out the design a bit more (as per request) and will be including a newsletter script and possibly a fully functional calendar script.
If I add these, I’ll make a new post and let people know how well the standalone scripts integrated with WP. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP-pluging manager suddenly not working“Fatal Error: Remote file opening disabled on this install of PHP: this plugin cannot properly function.”
Yeah. I’ve got 1.8 and get this error sometimes. Also, with it tries to install scripts, most of the time it just says “plugin installed”, but it’s not installing the plugin.
I’m assuming this has to deal with the fopen issue as well.
Since one-click install caused problems on most plugins, I just have WPPM installed to see when updates are available and then install the plugins manually. Kinda defeats the purpose, but it’s better than having the stupid freaking WPPM assigning folders and files to “apache” as the user and making the files unavailable.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Open Source Movement dot Org – new blogIt helps when you actually leave a link to your site. :/
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Steal with Pride…It looks good.. but that PNG alpha transparency border makes my 1.2gig thinkpad choke and stutter-scroll. Not good.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Another day, another redesignahhhhhhhhhhhhhh… okay! ??