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  • It looks like if something is messi here… So, i tried the code now and don’t work propertle (so menu looks in right place now… I think the better is revert all CSS position cahnges and look what’s going bad)

    See u monday, man ?? it’s weekend at last!

    it’s allowed, don’t worry

    Can post a link to your website?

    Hey, man… It works now?

    when you go to login page or there is a way to reset your password (image) just click in “Lost your password?” it will send a message to admin’s account e-mail with a link to reset password

    there’s no place called “the loop”. The loop is the function of wordpress than grabs the info of BBDD and displays it in the browser (a page, a post, lastest posts).

    By convenience we call “the loop” as the page of your template than does it and many people uses the “loop” when display lastest posts only (not single posts or pages).

    When Wordrpress retrieves info form DDBB displays it a function like this

    <?php if (have_posts()) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
       <h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
        <?php the_content(); ?>
    <?php endwhile; endif; ?>

    This function is the loop, all info anf meta of post (like author, permalink, content, custom fields, timestamp…) is accessible inside the loop.

    You can display additional info on it…. But require some PHP encoding skills to edit code from your template or by creating a child template.

    Anyway, inside the loop the info about “the author” of a post is avaible in wordpress, no custom field required… As you display the title calling the function

    <?php the_title(); ?>

    you can display a post author using

    <?php the_author(); ?>

    But you’ll need edit code to it, too.

    Another option is use some plugin like Fancier Author Box to it. It’s a easiest solution… i guess

    Link appears not work propertly

    You can se the page of theme’s developer in a link, in theme settings, under the screenshot, there is a brief description and info about the author, version, and stuff… There you can view the link to the authors site.

    yes, coding comes now…

    I’m pretty bussy right now… I’ll respond you later (sorry) but in advance… Willbe great if you can post here your code (index.php and single.php) cause i guess there are the two files we need to edit… Maybe “archive.php”

    By the way, the easyest way to do it is if you link here the place i can download the template you’re using to take a look to ti’s code.


    that’s ok… Then we can find some solution…

    I can tell you i would do it… so, i mean it’s only my solution, i can’t ensure it’s the better solution… Just how i’ll do it if i need do…

    I understood you need use it on posts, not pages ?It’s right?

    1. Install (if you didn’t yet) Types plugin, it will allow you to create and manage custom post types and custom fields very easy (and it’s free) i use it in almost all my projects.

    2. Once installed and active, create a custom field group in types/custom fileds (image) and [add custom field group]

    3. Create a “single line” field value (there’s a image option, but it’s to upload a file) like in this (image)

    4. Make this gropu only visble in posts, there’s an option to it in the builder “where to display this group” it will avoid show it in pages

    5. If you go to edit a post now… You should see the new field in editor (image)

    Now you can add the link to the featured image and store it in your posts, so we made a half of the way…

    Sorry, i mispelled position… I wrote postion

    .cf, #header-container, #contentwrap { position:inherit; }
    .forma { position:absolute !important; top:117px; right:0px; }

    Try this

    Actually it’s right aligned (i supose) your page must have some wrapper with a fixed width to avoid the page become too wide if is viewed in a big screen…

    It’s like a “invisible box” than contains all site’s elements…

    By the way, if you want keep it aligned in the right of browser (instead of the right of wrapper) there’s a way, unsing position:absolute…

    inspecting your code your Language buttons are in a div with .forma class

    <div class="forma">
      <ul class="qtrans_language_chooser" id="qtranslate-chooser"
        <li class="lang-en active"
          <a href="" hreflang="en" title="English"><span>English</span></a>
        <li class="lang-si">
          <a href="" hreflang="si" title="Slovenian"><span>Slovenian</span></a>

    Using again the Custom CSS Manager you could try add this rule

    .forma { positon:absolute !important; top:XXpx; right:YYpx; }

    Where XXpx is the number of px you want of distance to top of browser viewport area (for example, an top:117px is equivalent to its place right now) and yy the pixels distance to right;

    Something like:

    .forma { positon:absolute !important; top:117px; right:0px; }

    But if you try this… The lanhguage button will be in the same place! Cause is inside a wrappper marked as “position:relative” to explain it fast… A position:relative parent element affect to child elements when using position:absolute… Making it absolute to parent element instead of browser.

    To it working need remove “postion:relative” from parents… And inspecting the code there are 3 “relative” parent elements ( .cf, #header-container and #contentwrap ). So you should replace with position:inherit; Like this…

    .cf, #header-container, #contentwrap { position:inherit; }

    An apply the style to .forma container (contains your language buttons)… All put together should look like this

    .cf, #header-container, #contentwrap { position:inherit; }
    .forma { positon:absolute !important; top:117px; right:0px; }

    By the way it can affect to another elements, so use the Custom CSS Manager plugin to you can revert changes easy if mess something

    ?Are you using a template you download or using a theme did by yourself? Cause you’ll need edit code, and a lot of code!

    in a brief inspect on ypur web sourcecode i find a solution….

    If i undrestood you want the “actual” language button don’t be shown ?it’s ok? so…

    You shoukld download Custom CSS Manager plugin, it allows you to create and add your changes to CSS file… You also can edit your css file directly, but any change will be lost on theme update… Use the plugin is a better option.

    In your source code can see there is a well formatted structure to “active language” button…

    <ul class="qtrans_language_chooser" id="qtranslate-chooser"
      <li class="lang-en active">
        <a href="" hreflang="en" title="English"> <span>English</span></a>
      <li class="lang-si">
        <a href="" hreflang="si" title="Slovenian"><span>Slovenian</span></a>

    So you can create a css selector to it…

    .qtrans_language_chooser .active { }

    any CSS rule will be applied to active language link (whatever this language be). Just make it be non visible using “display: none”

    .qtrans_language_chooser .active { display:none !important; }

    The !important attribute is to ensure this will be applied even if there is some other display mode apllied to selector, than could mess with it.

    I hope it be usefull to you.

    ok, ok, i get now… i missundestood you

    I guess you should inert code manually, not with function. Can you post a linmk to your site so we can help you?

    you can use a custom fields, use one to store a link and edit your template to usea that value as source to one image source…

    So you’ll need edit code… If you’re confortable with it is a good solution

    If you hace some images right now as “featured image” you’ll need some conditional to select if it’s a featured image or a hotlinking image

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