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  • Plugin Author Jess


    So are you not able to use a child theme of any kind with this plugin?

    No. I’m saying that the beta version that you used eliminated the embedded child-themes, ie: the themes that came with the plugin. You should be able to use whichever theme you like — though you may need to make some adjustments to that theme.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Your plugin will show the comic on the front page when I use the default theme (Twenty Sixteen), but when I use a child theme it does not. I have tried both the version here and the beta version on your github.

    Could I have a link to your site so I can see what is going on? Thanks!

    Also, while using the default theme the front page shows only the comic and navigation. It does not show the comment section below. When the navigation is used to click to another comic, it takes you away from the main page to the single comic page. Like clicking a post and going to it.

    Is this typical behaviour of this plugin? Do I have something setup incorrectly?

    Yeah, that’s expected behavior. Basically, the Latest Comic page — I’m assume that you’re using that — is a WordPress page, which doesn’t have comments by default. It sounds like you have that particular page set as your home page in the WordPress Reading settings page.

    Also, the beta version has eliminated the embedded child-themes entirely. That’s a big reason why I haven’t released it yet. I’m afraid of all the sites that will potentially break when I do release it ??

    Plugin Author Jess


    You would put that in the comics/comic-archive.php template that is inside the twentyeleven child theme. That would be under mangapress\themes\mp-twentyeleven. The code should fix it, though I haven’t had any time to test it. If not, I’ll log it as a bug and see what I can do from there.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Hi, what theme are you using? What you could do is adjust the margin of the .comic-nav-hlist-wrapper class and see if that fixes it. Without seeing your site or the kind of theme you’re using, I can’t offer much else in the way of support.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Are you using one of the child-themes that comes with the current version of Manga+Press, or are you using a different theme?

    There are a few different approaches you can take — one is a quick-fix and not really ideal if you should upgrade the plugin. Basically, you can add a function that uses pre_get_posts to change the loop’s post order, here’s an example that you can add to the comic-archive.php template which is located under mangapress/templates/content/: I haven’t had a chance to test this out yet but on paper, it should do what you need it to do. If you are using one of the child-themes, you could drop that code into the comics/comic-archive.php template that exists in whichever theme you’re using and you should get the same result.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Out of the box, Manga+Press doesn’t support more than one comic at a time. However, what you could probably do is use the Series taxonomy and the “group by category” feature instead of the latest comic page.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Just a head’s up. Looked into the Jetpack problem a little more this evening and found out officially that Jetpack doesn’t support subscriptions for CPTs (which is what Manga+Press uses for comic management). Apparently, it’s a todo feature for the Jetpack plugin author. This thread [here] all of the details. However, it does look like the Jetpack team added in support for Publicize on custom-post-types and its a one-line code edit so I’ll have a release for that addition coming up pretty soon!

    Plugin Author Jess


    Hmm, I’m not sure where the problem could be — it almost seems like a Jetpack issue. I I just did a test of the Jetpack Subscription add-on and from what I can see, it only works on the default WordPress Post post-type, not custom post-types (lame, if you ask me). It does give me an idea for a new feature or add-on! Unfortunately, that doesn’t help you out for this issue, sorry ??

    Plugin Author Jess


    It looks like your image isn’t actually getting cut off — it’s getting resized to fit into that column.

    What could be going on is that your comic page image size isn’t getting set. Most of the time, you don’t need to do this but Manga+Press has its own thumbnail size, called comic-page. In a default Manga+Press setup, this thumbnail size isn’t defined so Manga+Press will use the default WordPress image size large — which looks like that is what is happening here, considering that the image has a class called attachment-large assigned to it. You can enable comic-page by going to Manga+Press Options (under Settings in the WordPress Admin) and clicking on the Comic Page Options tab. Click the checkbox for Generate Comic Page and then click Save Changes. Afterwards, you’ll need to use a plugin such as Regenerate Thumbnails to see the changes to your images.

    Finally, it looks like you’re using the ComicPress theme — which from what I’m given to understand, provides the same functionality as Manga+Press. This could be part of the problem since I don’t think ComicPress is really compatible with Manga+Press — they might be conflicting each other in some way.

    Hope this helps!

    Plugin Author Jess


    Are you using a plugin to add the “Share Buttons?” If you are, then that plugin might not allow adding share buttons on custom post-types.

    If you’re adding the share buttons manually, then you’ll need to add that code to your comic-specific templates, which should be inside your theme or child-theme.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Are you using the TwentyThirteen child-theme that comes with Manga+Press, or your own child-theme? If you’re using your own child-theme, there’s two things you can do:

    1. “Insert Navigation” is enabled by default (I’m going to change that in a latter version), so check if its enabled in Manga+Press Settings (under Settings in the WordPress Admin). If it is, then clear out that checkbox and hit Save.

    2. Copy over the single-comic.php template from the Manga+Press TwentyThirteen theme into your own theme. Place it in a directory called comics inside your theme. If you want, do the same for the other comic-specific templates since this will allow you to fine-tune the appearance.

    Plugin Author Jess


    I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking, since everything you’ve described Manga+Press does out of the box.

    When I open a page, well as I said the next/prev buttons cycles through the entire comic!

    That’s expected behavior when the “Group by Category” option isn’t selected. This option is on the Manga+Press Settings page (under Settings in the WordPress admin).

    I do have documentation on how to configure Manga+Press, which can be found here, if you need more information to get you pointed in the right direction.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Just a head’s up but I just released a new version of Manga+Press that should address the 404-ing Comic post problem.

    Plugin Author Jess


    Finally, a quick workaround while a fix is being worked on: assign your comics a Series taxonomy by using bulk actions in the WordPress admin (instead of on the Edit Comic screen). Also, make sure that your comics are actually set to “Published” and not “Draft.”

    Plugin Author Jess


    Some tentative good news. I think I may have found the bug — comics aren’t getting assigned to a Series taxonomy on save. Basically, if a comic isn’t assigned to a taxonomy, it messes up the comic’s visibility and navigation. So, if WP_DEBUG is enabled in the config file, you’ll also see a PHP error when you attempt to assign a series to a comic post on save. Seems like this behavior is occurring either on existing comic posts (ie posts that existed prior to upgrading to 2.9) or on comic posts that are created directly after upgrading to 2.9.

    With that, I’m going to continue working and see how many times I get this error to happen. Hopefully, I’ll be able to release a fix at some point in the next week.

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