Forum Replies Created
Happy to help! I know what it’s like being stuck with a debilitating plugin. Especially one that disables access to the dashboard! What a pain.
Unfortunate =(. I suppose you could try deleting the plugin folder and seeing what changes. I can’t recall if I had that exact behaviour once but I know I frantically messed around with it until I realized it was working with the procedure I mentioned above. wp-login.php will still redirect me to the forum login if I’m already logged in, but wp-admin worked for me. What happens when you log in and go to /wp-login.php?
If you need to start over, it’s not too hard. SQL dump your database and set it all up again. There’s a conversion tool for phpbb3 to bbpress which you may find handy. Soon I’ll be changing to use buddypress and bbpress cause phpbb3 is just not customizable enough and can’t be forced to play nicely with WP.
I found I was forced to log in using phpbb3’s login page (not widget) and then manually type in /wp-admin in place of /forums in the address bar. Does that procedure not work for you?
Most likely a cache issue.
This is an old issue but I’ll answer for anyone else wondering. To change permissions on your wp-config.php file and the plugin folder, you’ll either need FTP access or SSH access. Stick to FTP access if you’ve got it. Go to your WP directory and right click on wp-config.php, go to file permissions. To give read and write access enter 666 or click the right checkboxes (same thing). After that, go into wp-content > plugins and do the same thing for the dev-and-staging plugin folder.
This plugin doesn’t just magically setup a staging environment for you, it just manages moving files from your existing staging environment to your production site a little easier. If you’re a beginner, this plugin isn’t really for you.
The automated update for 0.3.1 cleared the info for my slides unfortunately. Needed to upload and configure them again.
I’d be nice to have the default cropping set to the entire image as well. Don’t many users that wouldn’t want it to use the whole image since they most likely made it themselves with the right dimensions.
Thanks! I got around it by using chrome dev tools to remove the extra “index.php” in the form action value. Obviously the update makes it much easier :).
Arrows show now too but have poor contrast ( I can just replace the image files for the arrows myself but it’s something to keep in mind. They should have a light stroke on them to make the edges stand out.
Updating through the wp updates interface would be nice as well.
Thanks again Marcelo!
I went with phpBB3 cause of it’s popular support but I’ve found in modding it that it’s quite involved. There’s “automod” packages but these aren’t the clean plug in architecture I’m used to. They edit core files and tend to botch upgrades and such. With trying to design a tournament, league and event system around my community, that’s really not acceptable.
Deep integration between bbPress and WP will have the performance overhead of loading both packages because that’s what it does – loads both. Simple integration (described here:, will have the performance of independent installs of WP or bbPress while uniting user logins. If you’re getting a ton of traffic and are super concerned about performance, be sure to install the wp super cache plugin. If performance is still and issue (very unlikely), drupal or joomla are more lightweight frameworks.
bbPress for now is not a standard but it’s coming up fast, and feature wise, I can’t think of anything you can do with phpBB3 that you can’t with bbPress. In fact we’re posting these entries on a bbPress system right now =). bbPress is made by Automattic, the same company making WordPress.
I’ve run into something similar trying to get a local staging server to be a clone of my live server ( It seems I’ve permanently locked myself out of accessing localhost/gamingottawa/wp-admin/ and it always redirects to Both renaming and deleting the local wp-phpbb-bridge plug in folder does nothing. The live server is still working fine but I’m going to be moving to a different setup for more than this reason.
If you require a community site, with unified users, themes and extensibility I suggest moving to bbPress from phpBB3 (or any other version). You can do what’s called “deep integration” between bbPress and WP. It gets more than just logins united and it’s beautifully clean and non-hack like.
To migrate from phpbb3 to bbPress you can use this: to get bbPress integrated with WP, follow these instructions: integration may not be for you though – simple integration just shares users and their avatars. You can read about the advantages/disadvantages of both here: Plugins
In reply to: [WP phpBB Bridge] [Plugin: WP phpBB Bridge] intergrate theme?Theme blending is one thing I miss from WP-United, even though it broke a whole lot.
It would require a phpBB mod to add hooks and insert the wp-header and wp-footer files into the phpBB theme. After that, it would require some pretty complex styling scripts to sort out styling issues between your wordpress style.css and phpBB theme css files.
Does this plug-in have a repository I could push such a feature to? This is a helpful enough function that I wouldn’t mind creating it myself. Though it might be easier to make a much needed phpBB3 -> bbPress script and just use bbPress ??
Another convert from wp-united here. It was wigging out the style of the forum header and other things too, glad to see it go!
I second this feature though, there should be a switch in the options panel for opting to phpbb avatars instead of gravatar.
About how to do it, WP-United is a pretty heavy mod. It modifies a good number of core files in phpbb, and then writes WP’s “index.php” as “blog.php” after you point it to the WP install location in the phpBB ACP. It takes over wordpress functions from phpbb, so how they do it will likely be irrelevant.
You can add a hook to re-route the avatar get function though, like this:
add_filter(‘get_avatar’, array($this,’site_get_avatar’), 10, 5);
function site_get_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt){
//$avatar format includes the tag <img>
$imgpath = “”;
$my_avatar = “<img src='”.$path.”‘ alt='”.$alt.”‘ height='”.$size.”‘ width='”.$size.”‘ />”;
return $my_avatar;
}Those 5 paramaters are:
1 – $avatar: the avatar given by WordPress with the tag . This is not the path of the default image.
2 – $id_or_email: this is the email or id of the user
3 – $size: size of the image
4 – $default: this should be the default image provided by WordPress or the path given by us when we used get_avatar (third parameter as shown previously)
5 – $alt: this is the alt value given in your img tag.Hope this helps! Here’s more info about it –
Love this bridge script, I can finally abandon the unfortunate wp-united =).
I’m not sure if I need to delete users or reinstall anything to get it behaving properly but this is what’s happening for me. All authentication goes through phpBB as expected, but if I’m logged in to the forum and go to [wp location]/wp-login.php, I am logged out. [wp location]/wp-admin/ works as expected though. Is this normal behavior?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Next and Prev post links screwed upWell now I feel stupid. I had a staging version of the theme activated which had a static post navigation (no php). That must have been a late night.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I’ve been hacked and kicked out as administratorI actually have no idea. It’s a big move for sure. I’d start by googling how to manually backup wordpress. There’s tons of plugins but those assume you have access!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I’ve been hacked and kicked out as administratorIf you have access to the host, back up everything but the users folder then delete everything and reinstall wordpress. Restore your folders and it should be all yours. I had something similar happen to me except the little rat changed the password on my whole host. As if it was ever his!