Forum Replies Created
It’s been 24 hours and my test account still has the role assigned. What exactly triggers the removal? I set the expiry date to Oct 12th, and the status is refunded. Does me manually setting the expiry date not trigger the removal? Or is it the refunded status? Or something else?
- This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by archmaster7.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WordPress Persistent Login] Fatal ErrorWhen I try to delete the free version I get this:
Deletion failed: (function () { if (“undefined” === typeof kintInitialized) { kintInitialized = 1; var e = [], f = -1, g = function (a) { var b = window.getSelection(), c = document.createRange(); c.selectNodeContents(a); b.removeAllRanges(); b.addRange(c) }, h = function (a) {“.kint nav, .kint-tabs>li:not(.kint-active-tab)”), 0).forEach(a) }, k = function (a, b) { if (!a.classList) return !1; “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); return a.classList.contains(b) }, l = function (a, b) { “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); a.classList.add(b) }, m = function (a, b) { “undefined” === typeof b && (b = “kint-show”); a.classList.remove(b) }, n = function (a) { do a = a.nextElementSibling; while (“dd” !== a.nodeName.toLowerCase()); return a }, q = function (a, b) { var c = n(a); “undefined” === typeof b && (b = k(a)); b ? m(a) : l(a); 1 === c.childNodes.length && (c = c.childNodes[0].childNodes[0]) && k(c, “kint-parent”) && q(c, b) }, r = function (a, b) { var c = n(a).getElementsByClassName(“kint-parent”), d = c.length; for (“undefined” === typeof b && (b = k(a)); d–;) q(c[d], b); q(a, b) }, s = function (a) { var b = a, c = 0; a.parentNode.getElementsByClassName(“kint-active-tab”)[0].className = “”; for (a.className = “kint-active-tab”; b = b.previousSibling;) 1 === b.nodeType && c++; a = a.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes; for (var d = 0; d < a.length; d++) d === c ? 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(b = b.parentNode, k(b) ? m(b) : l(b)) : setTimeout(function () { 0 < parseInt(b.a, 10) ? b.a– : (r(b.parentNode), -1 !== f && u()) }, 300), a.stopPropagation(), !1; if (k(b, “kint-parent”)) return q(b), -1 !== f && u(), !1; if (k(b, “kint-ide-link”)) return a.preventDefault(), a = new XMLHttpRequest,“GET”, b.href), a.send(null), !1; if (k(b, “kint-popup-trigger”)) { a = b.parentNode; if (“footer” === a.nodeName.toLowerCase()) a = a.previousSibling; else for (; a && !k(a, “kint-parent”);) a = a.parentNode; v(a) } else “pre” === c && 3 === a.detail && g(b) } }, !1); window.addEventListener(“dblclick”, function (a) { var b =; if (t(b) && “nav” === b.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { b.a = 2; for (var c = document.getElementsByClassName(“kint-parent”), d = c.length, b = k(b.parentNode); d–;) q(c[d], b); -1 !== f && u(); a.stopPropagation() } }, !1); window.onkeydown = function (a) { if ( === document.body && !a.altKey && !a.ctrlKey) { var b = a.keyCode, c = a.shiftKey; a = f; if (68 === b) { if (-1 === a) return u(), y(!1, a); x(-1); return !1 } if (-1 !== a) { if (9 === b) return y(c, a); if (38 === b) return y(!0, a); if (40 === b) return y(!1, a); c = e[a]; if (“li” === c.nodeName.toLowerCase()) { if (32 === b || 13 === b) return s(c), u(), y(!0, a); if (39 === b) return y(!1, a); if (37 === b) return y(!0, a) } c = c.parentNode; if (32 === b || 13 === b) return q(c), u(), !1; if (39 === b || 37 === b) { var d = k(c), b = 37 === b; if (d) r(c, b); else { if (b) { do c = c.parentNode; while (c && “dd” !== c.nodeName.toLowerCase()); if (c) { c = c.previousElementSibling; a = -1; for (d = c.querySelector(“nav”); d !== e[++a];) ; x(a) } else c = e[a].parentNode } q(c, b) } u(); return !1 } } } }; window.addEventListener(“load”, function () { var a =“.kint-microtime”), 0); a.forEach(function (b) { var c = parseFloat(b.innerHTML), d = Infinity, p = -Infinity; a.forEach(function (a) { a = parseFloat(a.innerHTML); d > a && (d = a); p < a && (p = a) }); = “hsl(” + Math.round(120 * (1 – (c – d) / (p – d))) + “,60%,70%)” }) }) } }) (); 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