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  • i am not able to see unpublished pages as wordpress does not allow it anymore by default. either publish the post for 5 minutes as im online for next hour or so or install and post the new link again please ??

    no you dont have to import the styles in the Tiny options. importing the styles is the third option i decribed earlier.

    hmm, its weird for the clearing not to work if the images are in line with the rest of the body. post a link to your page, i’ll take a quick look if you like ??

    the second option is to add the following two lines to your style.css in your wordpress theme …

    `.clearleft {clear:left;}
    .clearright {clear:right;}’

    … and add these classes to the floated images (or any other elemenst) when you want them to drop below the ones floated above.

    third option is that TinyMCE has ability to import classes from a designated stylesheet and you can apply those styled classes to the elements in the preview mode and the styling will be applied in your preview window, please see the tickbox just above where the “Stop removing <p> tags …” option or go to the plugin website.


    the “Stop removing <p> tags …” option can be found at the bottom of the page under Settings > TinyMCE Advanced. i use it too and it is a great plugin. not sure how much you know, but float:left; clear:left; are CSS properties and there are a number of ways you can insert them into your posts, see which one you see fit.

    one does not require any setup but is most mundane as it needs to be done per each image. if you go to the html view of your post, within your image tag you write style="clear:left" if you have floated left or style="clear:right" if you have floated right. so your image tag would look like so:

    <img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-2855" style="clear:left" title="GreenToys" src="" alt="GreenToys" width="229" height="91" />

    i would suggest doing this first to test that the clearing will fix your problem.

    im not sure if you want to display those images in a vertical stack or a horizontal row but if you want them aligned vertically, you can use the following “float:left; clear:left;”, which will force the left cleared element to fall below the one that is floated left above

    the difference between keywords and tags is that some time ago keywords used to be used by browsers for indexing the content. as people abused these, keywords do not influence SEO much nowdays apart from when the whole page is done in Flash and there is no alternative text on the page.

    tags are used to correlate and indicate relevancy of the content to the users, they offer [should offer] a quick way of determining whether the blog article is relevant to the viewer but they also can be used to group cross reference other articles on your site or other websites such as technorati use them to group and list other blog posts / content that is using the same tags.

    keywords are for browsers and are put in the HEAD
    tags are for people and are put in the BODY

    Yep, this is definitelly on my must-have plugins for WP. It saves time and interface workspace. Thank you Ozh for creating it … and keeping up the updates. *****

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