Forum Replies Created
Thank you for trying to help and for taking a look at my site. How were you able to see: …if there’s no menu access to it? Do I have a security hole, that allowed you to the dashboard?
You have identified my mistake …thank you for helping me. Somehow I must have entered [location_search_form ajax=1] under Events > Settings > Formatting > Events > Default event list format. I have now successfully replaced it with the desired placeholders, resulting in the actual event details!
Is it possible to make EM’s [category_events_list_group] (below) sort the categories by basic alpha? :
function em_events_list_by_category(){
$EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get($args);
foreach( $EM_Categories as $EM_Category ){
echo “<h5>“.$EM_Category->name.”</h5>”;
echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list category=”‘.$EM_Category->term_id.'”]’);
add_shortcode(‘category_events_list_group’, ’em_events_list_by_category’);
——–…if not, could you please suggest a PHP sorting example or online training?
Thank you so very much! ~April
Thank you for clarifying about level of support. We are willing to pay for this type of support. Does any of the staff do this type of work outside of their main job? If you can point me in the some good direction, I’d really appreciate it.
Most urgently, yes the output of [category_events_list_group] is including “[location_search_form ajax=1]”, instead of the actual event details.
WTC Volunteer Efforts
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]Thank you very much.
caimin_nwl, thank you very much for responding promptly. So if at minimum, I use only this:
[/category_events_list_group]ONE RESULT EXAMPLE:
WTC Volunteer Efforts
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]PROBLEM:
What do I need to do display the events, rather than: “[location_search_form ajax=1]”?Regarding custom code to include other attributes or parameters, would an EMPro account include this type of more time intensive support?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
angelo_nwl & Robswaimea,
Thank you so much for your prompt replies. Please allow me to try to better explain with 2 examples (with line spaces condensed):
METHOD: EM ShortcodesPROBLEM: Data & criteria are correct, but must group & order by EM Categories (preferably by term_group,term_order, but alpha category name would work too)
(great also would be child under parent categories, but if I can limit the category id’s, I can keep all “Hiking” in one page section & all “Cycling” in another, etc)PAGE:
[events_list category=”43,44,45,46,48,49,50″ scope=future orderby=”event_start_date” order=”ASC”]
Saturday Short Hikes
10/21/2017 at 10:00 am – 12:30 pm: “Middle Run Valley Natural Area”Saturday Medium Hikes
10/21/2017 at 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: “White Clay Creek State Park”Sunday Hikes
10/22/2017 at 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm: “New Castle, DE”Wednesday Evening Hikes
10/25/2017 at 6:30 pm: “Chesapeake City, MD”Wednesday Midweek Hikes
10/25/2017 at 9:00 am – 1:30 pm: “Cheslen Preserve, Chester County, PA”Wednesday Miler Hikes
10/25/2017 at 9:00 am: “WCCSP, Nine Foot Road parking area”Saturday Medium Hikes
10/28/2017 at 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: “Elk Neck State Park”Saturday Medium Hikes
11/11/2017 at 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: “First State National Historical Park”Saturday Medium Hikes
11/18/2017 at 9:00 am – 1:00 pm: “White Clay Creek State Park”…like all “Saturday Medium Hikes” need to group together, with dates & event details under
METHOD: Angelo’s 2013 Create Shortcode & EM ShortcodesPROBLEM: It’s trying to group, but no events, & not solving above problems either
function em_events_list_by_category(){
$EM_Categories = EM_Categories::get($args);
foreach( $EM_Categories as $EM_Category ){
echo “<h5>”.$EM_Category->name.”</h5>”;
echo do_shortcode(‘[events_list category=”‘.$EM_Category->term_id.'”]’);
add_shortcode(‘category_events_list_group’, ’em_events_list_by_category’);PAGE:
[category_events_list_group=”43,44,45,46,48,49,50″ scope=future orderby=”event_start_date” order=”ASC”]
WTC Calendar Notices
No Events
WTC Volunteer Efforts
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
No Events
WTC Club Meetings
No Events
WTC Social Gatherings
No Events
No Events
Multiple Day Backpacking
No Events
New Member Hikes
No Events
Saturday Long Hikes
No Events
Saturday Medium Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Saturday Short Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Sunday Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Impromptu Hikes
No Events
Wednesday Midweek Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Wednesday Miler Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Wednesday Evening Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Thursday Hikes
No Events
Multiple Day Hiking
No Events
Holiday Hikes
No Events
Annual Brandywine End To End Hike (E2E)
No Events
Annual Hike Across Delaware (HAD)
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Work Hikes
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
No Events
Whitewater Paddling
No Events
Recreational Paddling
No Events
Pool Session Paddling
No Events
Training Paddling
No Events
Open House Paddling
No Events
Safety Session Paddling
No Events
No Events
Tuesday Cycling
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Friday Cycling
No Events
Other Cycling
No Events
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
Cross-Country Skiing
Event Event Details
[location_search_form ajax=1]
———————————————————————————Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wp-forecast] wp-forecast – no partner idHello,
Updating this post, to note that the problem was not with the weather plugin. I found that I had additional data saving problems. And today realized that when I migrated my site from local to live, the primary keys and auto increments settings were lost. I have restored all of these via PhpMyAdmin and now my known issues are solved.
Dear Sona,
Thank you very much for your willingness to try to solve this issue. I found that I had additional data saving problems. And today realized that when I migrated my site from local to live, the primary keys and auto increments settings were lost. I have restored all of these via PhpMyAdmin and now my known issues are solved. Again, thank you for taking the time to try to help me.
Best Regards,
I also have been trying to get maps working in the “Events Manager” (EM) plugin for several days. It still works great on my local site, but not on my brand new live subdomain site. I realize that this is a very recent Google requirement and believe that I followed the Google Maps API key procedure accurately (several times). I now have an API key that directly in my browser, brings back a large function without error message. On the website, Google maps integration is enabled, but the EM “Google Maps API Browser Key” field will not save any key. Per plugin recommendations: set to a basic WordPress theme and deactivated all of the plugins, only reactivating “Events Manager”. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.