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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.9.2 CentOS 7 permissionsHmm if you tell it…, really I’m using this for our systems, when I install httpd (Apache) by yum (but WP not, it is deploed by custom macro) and it never stuck at this (I mean since our first linux ~about Redhat’s first releases) on anything like that… and these servers (VMs) are behind firewall (in DMZ) and it is accessible just for few responsible users (admins…) => selinux is really unnecessary for us…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.9.2 CentOS 7 permissions@claytonjames I’ve never discover this on RHEL distributions, but always selinux get things inoperative, like file writes for webapps wordpress etc.
@crispee If you think, that this stupid software can protect you?, no just from discretion that you have just install wordpress site…, it is the world’s most hackable CMS…
It doesn’t help with anything to get things better, if you need “security enhancment”…, it is better to write your own…Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.9.2 CentOS 7 permissionsI don’t know, what is your security requiments, but for anybody, who doesn’t know how to use selinux you can turn off it with equanimity (btw it is bad to compare it with firewall and windows, it ISN’T like that !! – selinux for 99% systems cause more problems than benefits – it is useless software)
and supplement for my last post:
setenforce 0
is temporary solution until reboot, for permanent set (you don’t have to set it after every start) … you have to edit/etc/selinux/config
and set instead ofSELINUX=enforcing
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.9.2 CentOS 7 permissionsSorry, It was just stupid SELinux!!!
I’ve just entered:
setenforce 0
and it now works ??Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 3.9.2 CentOS 7 permissionsYes, I’ve done it several times…, but it doesn’t help ??