Forum Replies Created
@supportadtribes Oh, good to know ??
In my case FB feed stopped working because <g:description> disappeared from the feed for unknown reason -> recreated the feed and all works again.Thank you for you reply and sorry for misleading!
@supportadtribes Hi, I have the same issue. I believe the reason is that the plugin generates Google feed instead of Facebook even if the last one was selected from drop down menu.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create feed
2. Select “Facebook Catalog Feed / Instagram”
3. Save it
Result: a Google XML file (with their namespace) is created:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rss xmlns:g="https://base.google.com/ns/1.0" version="2.0"> <channel> <metadata> <ref_application_id>160825592398259</ref_application_id> <ref_asset_id>TnAKhIIxP0YOICxLacLl0E32WIhBgc74</ref_asset_id> </metadata> <title>Facebook feed</title> <link>https://insta-moda.cz</link> <description>WooCommerce Product Feed PRO - This product feed is created with the Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce plugin from AdTribes.io. For all your support questions check out our FAQ on https://www.adtribes.io or e-mail to: [email protected] </description> <item> <g:id>2189</g:id> <g:availability>in stock</g:availability>
Even if I change the mapping with a Facebook fields they all will be changed back to “g:elements”.
Plugin version: 13.0.1Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] po aktualizaci na verzi 1.5.0 Fatal error@zasilkovna Dobry den,
Muzu jen potvrdit, ze i verze 1.5.2 se v poradku nainstalovala a nepada. Chybu, co jsem hlasil, bohuzel primo otestovat nemuzu – ve Firewallu hostingu muzu URL jen povolovat.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Packeta] po aktualizaci na verzi 1.5.0 Fatal errorZdravim, jen pridam trochu nerelevantni informace, kdyby tady nekdo skoncil kvuli jine Fatal error ve verzi 1.5.0: “Uncaught Packetery\Module\Exception\DownloadException: cURL error 7”
Vyresi se to zmenou nastaveni na Firewallu hostingu, vice zde: https://github.com/Zasilkovna/WooCommerce/issues/389