Forum Replies Created

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  • Hey @Bedas – I’m also experiencing this issue, and would be happy to provide you with information. I registered with your forums, and found a relevant thread, but am unable to post a reply.

    I’ll give a bit of a breakdown here of what I’m experiencing. Same as above, I’m getting a massive amount of php Warnings.

    I’m getting the issues in two environments:

    PHP 5.5.38-1 on debian

    | name                                  | status   | update    | version  |
    | advanced-custom-fields                | active   | available | 4.4.11   |
    | all-in-one-wp-migration               | active   | available | 6.63     |
    | breadcrumb-navxt                      | active   | none      | 5.2.2    |
    | column-shortcodes                     | active   | available | 0.6.9    |
    | edit-flow                             | active   | none      | 0.8      |
    | filter-custom-fields-taxonomies-light | inactive | none      | 1.05     |
    | hello                                 | inactive | none      | 1.6      |
    | redirection                           | active   | none      | 2.3.16   |
    | regenerate-thumbnails                 | active   | none      | 2.2.4    |
    | relevanssi-premium                    | active   | none      | |
    | tablepress                            | active   | none      | 1.6      |
    | tinymce-advanced                      | active   | none      | 4.1.9    |
    | types                                 | active   | none      | 2.2.22   |
    | post-type-archive-links               | active   | none      | 1.3.1    |

    PHP Version 7.0.29 on siteground

    | name                                  | status   | update | version     |
    | advanced-custom-fields                | active   | none   | 4.4.12      |
    | breadcrumb-navxt                      | active   | none   | 6.0.4       |
    | column-shortcodes                     | active   | none   | 1.0         |
    | edit-flow                             | active   | none   | 0.8.2       |
    | filter-custom-fields-taxonomies-light | inactive | none   | 1.05        |
    | redirection                           | active   | none   | 3.2         |
    | regenerate-thumbnails                 | active   | none   | 3.0.2       |
    | relevanssi-premium                    | active   | none   |    |
    | S3-Uploads                            | active   | none   | 2.0.0-beta2 |
    | sg-cachepress                         | active   | none   | 4.0.4       |
    | tablepress                            | active   | none   | 1.9         |
    | tinymce-advanced                      | active   | none   | 4.6.7       |
    | types                                 | active   | none   | 2.2.22      |
    | updraftplus                           | inactive | none   |   |
    | post-type-archive-links               | active   | none   | 1.3.1       |
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by aphoenix.
Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)