Ok so i tried this
FIXED!!!! OK gang – if you run the script and can then LOGIN but only get the Dashboard and Profile, you must do 2 things 1) In you wp_usermeta table make sure your meta_key entries are correct (e.g. wp_capabilities and wp_userlevel on a default configuration. 2) delete the extra wp_capabilities entries the script has added to the end of your table. by default if will add a:1:{s:13:”subscriber”;b:1;} to your wp_capabilities – which makes your admin account a subscriber only.
And now i have way more options in my panel but i still don’t have the widgets option, the add new plugin option and i can’t administrate any user etc.
Any ideas?
This is my usermeta table
Though I don’t think the problem is in the wportal_usermetadata anymore. :\