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  • You could try this solution I posted earlier:
    At least in my case it worked…


    At least for me the problem was with the byte order mark.
    I used this tool to check all my wordpress files for BOM and what do you know few of my plugin files actually had BOM in them. I opened those files and saved them again without BOM (note that in some cases I had to do it few times before the file actually was saved w/o BOM).

    After that everything works! The preview buttons href doesn’t have the bom string in the beginning and there is no problems with saving.

    Hopefully others with the same problem will find this helpfull!

    EDIT: even tiny mce is working now, I use FCKeditor cause I used to have problems with the tiny mce. Who knows, maybe BOM in some files affects even tiny mce?

    Two new things I noticed.
    1. If I disable the autosave function saving works. I did this simply by escaping the “wp_enqueue_script(‘autosave’);” line from post-new.php.

    2. I also noticed that when this problem occurs also the preview function won’t work. The reason to this is the value of the href: “%EF%BB%BF”.
    Notice the odd string “%EF%BB%BF” in the beginning. Now, if I try to preview and remove that string after pushing the preview button the preview works without a problem. So, it would seem that there could be a similar address related problem with the saving?

    EDIT: The string actually seems to be a byte order mark. Could the problem be with a file that has bom in it? Still, why does everything work fine when i disable all my plugins? And yes, I checked that all my plugin files are saved w/o BOM.

    I would really like to hear comments from someone more familiar with the code.

    It seems that the only real solution the plugin creates is that it dies ??
    Anyway, there is some problem with the new ajax referer function.

    Same problem here.

    The interesting part is that I had the old ajax-referer-fix plugin in my plugins folder(never worked for me in 2.3). Now the plugin causes the automatic draft saving to fail (red box with -1 appears) in 2.5. The real news is that with that plugin on I dont get the “Your attempt to edit this post” error message!

    So, it would seem to me that the problem is with the ajax referer!
    I’m just starting to check the pluggable.php for the new ajax referer function.

    Edit: propably turning on the ajax referer fix plugin in 2.5 will create some safety issues, but maybe someone with more knowledge about the whole wpnonce thingy will find this helpfull. Just to add my server has safemode on and it insists putting the port number ( behind the site url. Removing the port number will cause the site to break down. I had problems with the same ajax referer in the older versions especially with deleting things from lists (posts, comments…). I always suspected that it had something to do with the address that ajax referer uses, maybe it has a problem with the port number?




    Try Gengo:
    Note that the stable version only works with 2.1.x, but there is a project to get it work with 2.3

    I’m using gengo with three languages (en, fi, sv) and it works nice, allthough it adds quite a bit queries.

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