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I am able to output CPT-onomies data but only the taxonomies that relate to the active post type. For example, in the theatre’s page, if I attempt to iterate through all movies (not just those from the current theatre) and, for each movie, find all actors in those movies (and list them out in an indented multi-select), I cannot. I can get all the movies, but when I query actors in a movie (based on a CPT-onomies relationship), I receive an invalid taxonomy error.
I am using the same meta-box code that I’ve been using for some time. I have not attempted to use the meta-boxes included in the plugin.
Yep, I can share my code. How would you like to see it? Shall I email you?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Fundify Crowdfunding (Moved)] Successful Campaigns?Hi Jan,
We’d love to but there isn’t really another way (at least that I could find) of contacting the authors and thus we came here. My hope is that the authors check this regularly and can answer my question.Thanks.
Good to hear @johnravrasta. I have not had any issues with this fix so do not know the status of the plugin @mariosm18.
This worked for me. I received the same error as you. I’m running WAMP 5.3 on Windows 8. Essentially all I did was enable openssl in WAMP.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Tabs Slides] [Plugin: WordPress Tabs Slides] Use in theme?I have the same need and this plugin seems the leanest I’ve found for tabs, including the ability to link to a specific tab. Unfortunately the author did not implement this as true shortcodes. Here’s how I solved it.
In my template PHP file…
<?php $tabs_slides = new tabs_slides(); ?>
<?php $content = "{tab=Tab 1}
Content for tab 1
{tab=Tab 2}
Content for tab 2
{/tabs}"; ?>
<?php echo $tabs_slides->formatting( $content ); ?>
Thanks Rachel. This is what I was looking for. I ended up finding likely an equivalent way to do this using variations of the functions you have here, namely get_the_terms (in place of wp_get_object_terms) and get_post_custom (as opposed to get post meta). My guess is that both do the same.
My qT setup is pretty much out of the box. I changed around the languages only.
I did a quick Google search and found that this server variable is not available on all servers or it is the same as REQUEST_URI. In my case, it returned the very important prepended URL (e.g., “/es/…”). You may try to output all the server variables while on the page with the post tabs and see which one produces the correct URL string.
The other option, which will certainly fix your code but is a much less scalable solution is to use the qtrans_getLanguage() function in the post tabs plugin. This has the obvious disadvantage of linking the two plugins.
$pageurl = function_exists( 'qtrans_getLanguage' ) ? "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/" . qtrans_getLanguage() . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : "https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
Something like the above might work. I haven’t tested it by the way.
It appears WPT does not support the rewritten URLs that qTranslate can be setup with. I also had a problem when I was using the default pre-path URL (e.g., /es/page). It seemed to load the page on top of another. I have not tested with the two other qT URL mod options but those may work fine.
The fix for me was to update line 236 of wordpress-post-tabs.php. Replace REQUEST_URI with REDIRECT_URL. So…
$pageurl="https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$pageurl="https://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'];
It is obviously not a good idea to update a plugin directly. It was needed in my case and I hope the plugin creator notices this and adds the change.
Both are great plugins.