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  • Thread Starter antekapa


    Yes for sure, this is the plugin:

    and Yes this plugin do everything what you mention in your post, but doing it when IS NEEDED, so not all the time only when the visitor actually add something in the Wishlist, and also what is even better with this plugin is that when you as a visitor REMOVE all of your added items from the Wishlist, it stops the AJAX calls until you add something new.

    And another clue about this plugin – it uses 3 different types of AJAX operations, I don’t know what is the difference between them, I’m not developer, but the method “WP Loaded Hook” work best on my staging site ??

    I hope that will be helpful for you and soon to see it in your plugin ??


    Thread Starter antekapa


    Hi, thanks for your reply.

    I know how to disable the AJAX loading, but like you said this will cause Cache issues, anyway, I did not ask you how to stop this, I ask you how to Prevent the AJAX request until actualy is needed, for example to work only after something is added to the wishlist.

    I alredy found another wishlist plugin which doing exactly that what I asked for, but I still use your, because is compatible with the theme which I use. If you like I can send you a link to the plugin from where you probably can get an idea – it’s free and is on wordpress repository.

    But please I don’t want to change plugins, just make it work better, I’m sure that will be good for everyone not only me.


    Thread Starter antekapa


    Thanks a lot, it works now, very nice support!!!!

    Thread Starter antekapa


    Hi, sorry that I get back to this topic, but I see another similar issue with unnecessary Ajax calls when your plugin is disabled for a specific product.

    The issue is that, even turned off for a specific product, it still do a request to /?wc-ajax=pi_load_location_by_ajax when a visitor choose a variation of the product and do it every time when choose another variation and that affect a lot another AJAX calls which actualy are needed.

    Is it possible to be fixed somehow?

    Thanks a lot!

    • This reply was modified 7 months, 2 weeks ago by antekapa.
    Thread Starter antekapa


    OK thanks!

    Thread Starter antekapa


    I just did it and it look works.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter antekapa


    I sent you an email to your “sales” email which I get from your website.

    Please check it and respond to me here.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter antekapa


    Ok, Thanks!

    Thread Starter antekapa


    Whatever, I can’t explain you in another way.

    If you want answer if don’t just don’t:

    The Crawler run at any time even when not actually run….

    If you decide just close the ticket….


    Thread Starter antekapa


    Sorry, but still not get what I mean….

    I don’t know how to explain it better, but I will try for a last time:

    Just imagine the Crawler set by me is finished the process in full and everything is fine and Cached properly, few hours later you checking the SERVER log and you still see a NEW requests in every few seconds by the crawler, at this moment the crawler not run if you check in the plugin Crawler page.

    And this requests never stops, also these requests not trigger CACHE the page just some requests going through the site.

    I guess it is some kind of CRON job and probably have a reason for it, but I’m wondering why?


    Thread Starter antekapa


    I’m sorry, but do you read my post, in case you are not I will post it again:
    ‘I have Crawler and what is very strange for me (you probably have explanation) the Crawler “WORK” even if is no trigerred by me. It do requests on every few seconds and they looks like that:

    [09/Feb/2024:19:58:20 +0000] “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=async_litespeed&nonce=f42d5fa004&litespeed_type=crawler HTTP/1.1” 200 21 “-” “WordPress/6.4.3;’

    Look this screenshot I’m talking about when the Crawler is finished or just on run at the moment.

    even when the crawler NOT running, I get requests in the log file like this one above…

    That what is strange to me, WHY when NOT running it actually ruinning.


    BTW: I found where is the problem with the Coutry Check and is not from LiteSpeed so sorry about my first post!

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by antekapa.
    Thread Starter antekapa


    Yes you are right that’s should happen, but beacuse it happen from the same IP it should be just once.

    Any way, I’m maybe wrong, because at the first moment I think that the Crawler do it, because was at the same time, but yesterday I revert to the old version and trigger the Crawler and nothing…, but during the night (when the crawler was off) it happen again.

    So with your plugin update I update few more, now return backup from this moment and I think the problem not exist, so now I will start update them one by one and will see. I begun with your plugin, but the full results probably will take few days, because I don’t know what exactly doing it. I will post back here if I found something.

    But I found something else during these days tests. I use LiteSpeed server as well so that’s why I have Crawler and what is very strange for me (you probably have explanation) the Crawler “WORK” even if is no trigerred by me. It do requests on every few seconds and they looks like that:

    [09/Feb/2024:19:58:20 +0000] “POST /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=async_litespeed&nonce=f42d5fa004&litespeed_type=crawler HTTP/1.1” 200 21 “-” “WordPress/6.4.3;

    If I disable the Crawler at General settings of the Crawler (ON/OFF) only then stops, but other wise it continue doing this requests at any time. I don’t know from when that’s happen because I not check these requests often (is not reletad with the plugin version)

    I hope you can help me with this, until I found the another problem.


    Thread Starter antekapa


    Thanks to you both, but the topic is a bit old and at now I can’t EDIT or Report it, so I guess I have to try with Google removal?

    Answer to @macmanx
    The topic contains links to my website and custom build code only for me, is not suitable for others, but because of the raw code there I don’t want someone to use it for malicious purposes.


    Thread Starter antekapa


    Yes me too, I still have these at least once per week, but I not seen that to affect anything so I just ignore them…

    Thread Starter antekapa


    Thanks for your reply!

    You probably don’t get it right, I’m talking about the exact “Color picker” button, see the screen shoot:

    You know, this function exist on almost every Image editing software (e.g. Paint) and when press this button you can point to any part of the image and the color from there where you click will be auto populate in the color palette.

    If the plugin still can’t do that is not a problem, but it is an idea for a future update ??


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