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  • Hello there, excellent plugin, I like the way it looks and how easy it is to configure via backoffice.
    I have a question however, is there any way to show the categories in a drowpdown list to filter?
    Like, if I use [catablog] by itself on a post or page, I’d like to have a dropdown list or a similar method to click and show only articles in a given category.
    Also on a similar train of thoughts, is there a way to model categories through CSS? Like, making “General” have a bluish background, “Others” have a reddish background, etc, and so on. I’d really like to have something in this vein.

    Anyway, I’ll await for your comments, keep up the good work.

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    So… Nothing?
    I noticed two new updates which I’ve applied, but this problem still persists. When I try to authenticate, it still shows this message:

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class OAuthSignatureMethod_HMAC_SHA1 in /home/content/i/m/a/imacion/html/comunicas/wp-content/plugins/simple-twitter-connect/OAuth.php on line 82

    Everything is on its place, so I know it’s not a problem of following instructions.

    I figured it would fail, but I guess we didn’t lose anything for trying.
    Anyway, I just looked up on the Twitter help, and what you should do is add to your search words the following:


    If you pair it with the other search terms via OR, you’ll get all these results you want.

    PD: Oh and of course, remove the previous code modification you made, that won’t work.

    On search word, put “word1 OR word2”. This will show results for either word1 or word2.
    Now on the second case, you’re gonna have to edit the code a bit, and I don’t know how it’d turn out since I haven’t tested, but you can do the following:
    Open the index.php of your theme, and look for the line 26 to 28:

    <script type="text/javascript">
                $('#twitterSearch').liveTwitter('<?php echo $pt_twitvalue; ?>', {limit: 10, rate: 5000});

    Now, change it for

    <script type="text/javascript">
                $('#twitterSearch').liveTwitter('<?php echo $pt_twitvalue; ?>', {limit: 10, rate: 5000});
                $('#twitterUserTimeline').liveTwitter('<?php echo "TwitterAccount"; ?>', {limit: 15, refresh: false, mode: 'user_timeline'});

    “TwitterAccount” should be the one you want to display results from, without the hash. If it does work, add other lines with the other accounts you also want to follow.

    I’m actually having the same problem with WP Multisite, I posted about it a few days ago. Maybe it’s related to it.

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    I tried to use a separate Twitter account with its individual app for tweeting for another subsite, and it doesn’t work. It seems as if I can’t use the plugin in a Multisite, because it works only for one of the subsites created. At least in the case for Publish.

    Unless it’s a plugin conflict, but I don’t think that’s the issue since I don’t have anything else enabled that could interfere with it.


    Install that instead.

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    So… No replies.
    I’ve also tried to reinstall WordPress from scratch on the same site, but I keep getting errors with the admin section, not even using the same table prefixes. I deleted every file, including the plugins, and in some cases I got a “redirections” problem and in other cases I just couldn’t login on the admin section, every time I tried it redirected me to the same login page, not even saying if there was a mistake or anything.
    I actually tried debugging this section but I couldn’t figure out what the problem was. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    Tried both and it didn’t work. This is the only issue I’m having, because it’s sending other kind of mail without any problem.
    I tested both by deactivating all the other plugins first, so I know it’s not a conflict with other stuff I could have installed previously.

    I could debug the site, but in what page should I check for errors related to this problem? The “successful register” page?

    PS: I’m using Godaddy, btw. I forgot to mention that.

    I’m having the exact same problem, and I can’t figure out what to edit or modify to make it work the way it should. Plus, it doesn’t show up anything on the database that resembles the text or the paragraph it adds (<p>Share</p>) so I don’t know what’s causing that error.

    BTW, this shows up for me only in these posts with an image, others are fine.

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    Sorry ianhaycox, I was a bit busy the previous days, but I already sent the error logs to your e-mail address. Like I said in the mail, the bug doesn’t happen only in the part I mentioned, it happens in all the tables (an option like this one for instance https://site.tld/blog/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wcp2010_config&modifyteam_id=21 would break the admin user), so it’s a critical bug, maybe only happening with WPMU.
    Thanks in advance man.

    Edit: Filtering predictions by users doesn’t work either, causes the same effect (pass reset). Pretty much anything that resembles a query from the user.

    Thread Starter AntaresMHD


    Upgrade from a previous version (V1.1), and no, no error messages.
    As soon as I emptied the predictions list (or tried to), it logged me off, sending me to the login screen. No error messages nor anything special in it, just the form asking for username and pass.
    I’m not sure where to look for the server logs since it’s a Godaddy server I’m using (it may be really easy to find but I’ve never really needed to use them so I never bothered to find the option). Also, it’s the first time something like this happens with WordPress, so it has something to do with this plugin.

    I didn’t perform any other upgrade or anything, in fact I’ve had the WordPress 2.9.2 on hold because of some other plugins and hacks I’ve made previously. Also I’m not sure if this happened with the version 1.1 because I tried the functionality after installing it as 1.1 and upgrading it.

    It’s almost as if you were reading my mind- yesterday I left a message in the author’s official site to report this problem with WordPress MU.

    I’m glad you posted this solution, it works nicely. However, there’s still problems with the rest of the sections, for instance, the Write Post template. If I deactivate an option for the Authors (for instance), the Admin account(s) are affected as well. Not sure why is this happening and I can’t quite see how to edit the plugin to fix this, specially considering it’s related to WordPress MU and not the regular WordPress distribution. Any help would be appreciated.

    Just extract it on a local folder, upload it to the /wp-includes/plugins/ folder, then go to Dashboard > Plugins, click on Upgrade Automatically (under Maintenace Mode), and it’ll work.

    Not sure why this happened though, the zip doesn’t seem to have anything wrong.

    Meh, I ended up deactivating this plugin because it kept freezing every time I attempted a scan in the servers I administrate. I know for sure they don’t have viruses, but the plugin freezes each time it finds an include statement, and I’m forced to kill the browser application.

    I don’t understand why this happens, it doesn’t even let me check the template files as “safe”.

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