Hi Ben.
Great. Many thanks for the Fix. The tracks theme is superb, I really fell in love when I saw it. I’m running it on a website of my own. https://www.thehiddenangle.com
However i have some requests to see if it’ possible to add. I think they will improve even more your work.
* First, if you look at the footer, I had to include some hard code in the footer to make some social icons to appear. Since your theme needs a full screen size, the only possible place to put things is either in the header or the footer as there is no space for a sidebar. Is it possible to add some functionalities to the footer or header or an extra menu in the footer?
* I also wanted to put a search box in the header, but i did not managed it properly to appear without looking detached from the main theme. Is it possible to add one that smoothly integrates with the design?
This is so far what i really miss. If you are interested I may come up with a few other ideas, but thank you really for your work. It looks really amazing.