Hi. I have a blog with wordpress which is an online blog, not created on a local host and then transferred, but simply directly created on the web.
I would now like to change that and am working on a blog which is currently on the local host on my computer. I would like to make it live online when I am done.
I have 3 quetstions, though:
1. I would like to keep the web address I have, however, since it is a business. How can I give the new live wordpress blog the address of my older web-based blog and then delete the older one?
2. In order to make the new one live, must i have deleted the older one, since the webaddress and domain have to then belong to the newer one?
3. My domain expires in a month. I am confused if I need to keep the domain to have the webaddress?
any help would be super.
thank you