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can you tell me how to come back to the version 1.31?
Hi, I think I found the reason of the problem.
Structure that I got:
section (otter block) -> section column (otter blocks): header (WP block/guttenberg), advanced heading (otter block), forminator form.
When I’ve tried publish directly forminator form without putting it inside any block or in column (WP block/guttenberg) is responsive well also on mobile.
The answer is – forminator is not cooperating with plugin Otter block. Can you solve that or I can’t use it on that page?
Please let me know asap, I need to finish that page asap and the form is very important part of it.
“Are you referring to the Select Field? I’m not sure whether I fully get the issue regarding the above, since its expected for the lines to break inside the Select Fields if there are long texts inside options.”
Yes. When the text in multiple answes fields is in each of them shorter the form is responsive with the screens minimum 420px.
If the text in multiple answes fields is loger (like in my shared form) the form is responsive with the screens around minimum 600px only.
The text in the lines brakes properly. But the whole form is not visible in the block properly – it is visible only its central part – does not fit in the block – means is not responsive ??
I’ve tried in new page. Tbe problem is the same.
Besides that in the block section with 2 columns is even worst – visible only on the desktop.
Can anyone help me? Or it’s time to use different plugin?
Again my form available for longer time:
Hello @wpmudev-support7
I’m waiting for your reply.
Meantime, here is the form if its still necessary:
I’ve changed some text for share public, but its length is similar.Thanks for your reply. It looks like somethin is better, lets call it: magically start to work better after yor reply ;)) and thats great because the form is more reponsive. Visible well on the part of mobile now. Thanks for that! (Yes, my text in the form was longer and now it brakes in two line where necessary).
Yet, has still the same problem with the screenes narrower than around 420px (ex. iPhone SE, iPhone12Pro, samsung S8+, Galaxy ZFold5). I think it should be till 300px.
And the same problem on all mobiles when text in “multiple answer” is long and brake in two lines, form is not responsive on mobile, and it has a problem with changing just choosen answer for another in that field also on desktop (when text in multiple answers is in one line I don’t identify that issue)
PS Blocks without the form are responsive well.