Aori Nevo
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Editors roleHi woalmoore,
We haven’t implemented a final grade calculator. This is a difficult feature to implement, since different instructors can have different grading policies.
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Editors roleHi woalmoore,
We’re currently working on adding role management to gradebook. That way the admin user can choose who can create and edit gradebooks. It’s turning out to be quite difficult to upgrade the code. I’m not sure when this will be done, but hopefully soon.
For front-end functionality, there hasn’t been much done in that direction. I’m surprised and encouraged by how well the hack works, but there’s still more to do for this feature to be integrated into this plugin.
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] SuggestionsHi sergio345,
Some users have successfully used the plugin on multisite installation of wordpress, but we do not support it. I’ll add this to the list of requested features and see what we can do.
Aori Nevo
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] ExcellentHi vanessenstudio,
Thank you for the positive feedback.
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Display gradebook in pageHi sulazix_1,
You can use the following code to insert the gradebook plugin into the frontend of your wordpress site. This code should go at the bottom of the GradeBook.php file just before the
symbol. It’s a hack, but it should work. Let me know how this works out for you.add_action('wp_head','an_gradebook_ajaxurl'); function an_gradebook_ajaxurl() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>'; </script> <?php } function an_gradebook_shortcode (){ init_an_gradebook(); $an_gradebook_develop = false; $app_base = plugins_url('js',__FILE__); wp_register_style( 'jquery_ui_css', $app_base.'/lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.css', array(), null, false ); wp_register_style( 'GradeBook_css', plugins_url('GradeBook.css',__File__), array('bootstrap_css','jquery_ui_css'), null, false ); wp_register_style( 'bootstrap_css', $app_base.'/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap2.css', array(), null, false); wp_register_script( 'requirejs', $app_base.'/require.js', array(), null, true); if( 1==1 ){ wp_enqueue_style('GradeBook_css'); wp_enqueue_script('requirejs'); if(gradebook_check_user_role('administrator')){ wp_localize_script( 'requirejs', 'require', array( 'baseUrl' => $app_base, 'deps' => array( $app_base . ($an_gradebook_develop ? '/app_instructor.js' : '/app-instructor-min.js') ) )); } else { wp_localize_script( 'requirejs', 'require', array( 'baseUrl' => $app_base, 'deps' => array( $app_base . ($an_gradebook_develop ? '/app_student.js' : '/app-student-min.js') ) )); } } else { return; }; return '<div id="wpbody-content"></div>'; } add_shortcode('an_gradebook', 'an_gradebook_shortcode');
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] SuggestionsHi sergio345,
You can use the following code to insert the gradebook plugin into the frontend of your wordpress site. This code should go at the bottom of the GradeBook.php file just before the
symbol. It’s a hack, but it should work. Let me know how this works out for you.add_action('wp_head','an_gradebook_ajaxurl'); function an_gradebook_ajaxurl() { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>'; </script> <?php } function an_gradebook_shortcode (){ init_an_gradebook(); $an_gradebook_develop = false; $app_base = plugins_url('js',__FILE__); wp_register_style( 'jquery_ui_css', $app_base.'/lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.css', array(), null, false ); wp_register_style( 'GradeBook_css', plugins_url('GradeBook.css',__File__), array('bootstrap_css','jquery_ui_css'), null, false ); wp_register_style( 'bootstrap_css', $app_base.'/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap2.css', array(), null, false); wp_register_script( 'requirejs', $app_base.'/require.js', array(), null, true); if( 1==1 ){ wp_enqueue_style('GradeBook_css'); wp_enqueue_script('requirejs'); if(gradebook_check_user_role('administrator')){ wp_localize_script( 'requirejs', 'require', array( 'baseUrl' => $app_base, 'deps' => array( $app_base . ($an_gradebook_develop ? '/app_instructor.js' : '/app-instructor-min.js') ) )); } else { wp_localize_script( 'requirejs', 'require', array( 'baseUrl' => $app_base, 'deps' => array( $app_base . ($an_gradebook_develop ? '/app_student.js' : '/app-student-min.js') ) )); } } else { return; }; return '<div id="wpbody-content"></div>'; } add_shortcode('an_gradebook', 'an_gradebook_shortcode');
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] SuggestionsHi sergio345,
Thank you for your feedback.
Item 1 is definitely something that needs to be integrated into this plugin.
Item 2 has been suggested in the past, but I’ve been reluctant to add it because I couldn’t find a nice, easy, and reliable way to render the gradebook in the wordpress frontend (there are a ton of themes to choose from, how should I handle rendering the gradebook so it looks the same in all of them). I think now the plugin is in a much better place and better suited to add such a feature.Regards,
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Fantastic Plugin, almost EXACTLY what I needHi jturet,
Thank you for the positive feedback. I’m working on porting the current code to be AMD compliant. This will make it easier to maintain and add features to the plugin.
I like your suggestions, in particular item 1. I don’t know when I’ll be able to implement any new features, but I’ll add these to the list of suggested features. I hope I’ll be able to integrate them, at least item one, soon.
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add coursePerfect! I’m happy to hear that you found a fix and that it wasn’t a problem with the plugin itself.
This is a weird issue tough; I’m interested what they’d say. I use bluehost too and found them to be a great hosting service with excellent customer support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add courseThere seems to be an issue with POST-ing, this is where you get the 403 error. This may have to do with settings on your server. This article suggests somethings to do to fix a 403 error.
I’m interested to see if any of the other plugins that you have active, result in the same error when they POST.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add courseTake screenshots of the following:
1) Have your Developer Tools window open with the Network tab selected, and navigate to the gradebook page. Take a screenshot. In your Developer Tools window, click on the link admin-ajax.php?action=get_courses and select the Headers tab. You’ll want to make this window bigger. Take enough screenshots so that the full content of this window is captured. Also take a screenshot of the window under the Preview tab.
2) Try adding a course and do as in 1) but this time click on the link admin-ajax.php?action=get_courses.
I hope that we’ll be able to resolve this quickly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add courseHere are somethings to try:
1) Refresh the browser.
2) If you have multiple plugins activate it, deactivate them all and then reactivate gradebook. Check to see if gradebook is functioning correctly now. If it is, then there is a conflict with one of the other plugins installed.
3) Completely uninstall the gradebook plugin and reinstall it. You do this by deactivating gradebook and then clicking on the delete option, after the page has reloaded. Then click on the ‘Add new’ button, search for gradebook, and add the plugin.
Let me know what happens.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add courseIs your role ‘administrator’? What version of WordPress are you running? This may be a security measure put in place by the system administrator.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Can't add courseHi jcolonhdez,
Can you try this in Chrome with the Developer Tools open? They are located under View -> Developer -> Developer Tools. Once open, make sure the Network tab is selected. Then try to add the course.
You should see an item labeled admin-ajax.php?action=course in the Developer Tools window. Click on it and select the Preview tab in the corresponding window.
Cut and paste what you see in this window, into your reply. You should see something like this:
id: “2”
name: “Test”
school: “Test”
semester: “Test”
year: “1092”Hopefully this will give me an idea of why it’s not allowing you to add a course.
Also, what WordPress version are you using? 4.1.1?
Aori Nevo
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Assignment Header DisappearsHi forsaken.tear,
I finally go to this:
“is there some whay to show/view the dates(the ones specified when creating the assignment) in both admin page and user page?”
With version 3.5.2, students have a Details option in the dropdown menu for the assignment. This is where students can find the due dates for the assignments.
Aori Nevo