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  • Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi keila91,

    In file plugins/an-gradebook/database/Database.php, uncomment line 7 (Remove the backslashes from that line). Save and refresh your page. The errors should go away.

    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi keila91,

    In file plugins/an-gradebook/database/Database.php, uncomment line 7 (Remove the backslashes from that line). Save and refresh your page. The errors should go away.

    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Thank you. I will try to recreate this bug locally. Hope to have a fix for you, and soon.

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi Keila91,

    Let me take a look at this. Can you send screenshots of the error and, with google chrome DevTools open with the console showing?

    Can you try to deactivate all plugins except GradeBook?


    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi Zimm,

    Let me take a look.

    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi Vanessenstudio,

    This sounds like a great feature to add to the gradebook. At this time I am working on just that feature but for a gradebook written in perl – a headache as well.

    I hope to add this feature, along with others, in the near future.

    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Marking as resolved.

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Resolved in v4.0.10.

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi jbemiss,

    If you are adding a new user, then the user_login input field must be left empty.

    Can you try to add a new user without entering their user_login?

    Aori Nevo

    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi jbemiss,

    Can you do some troubleshooting for me? It would require you to take some screenshots with Chromes Developer Tools window open.

    Here is what I would like you to do.

    1) Open Developer Tools in Google Chrome (View -> Developer -> Developer Tools).
    2) Make sure the Network tab is selected from the Developer Tools window.
    3) Make sure the javascript console is displaying as well by click on the vertical three dots at the top right corner of the Developer Tools window.
    4) Clear the results in the Network tab and then navigate to the GradeBook page.
    5) Take a screenshot after the page has loaded.

    Also, could you answer these questions?
    1) Have you tried different browsers (Safari, Firefox)?
    2) Are you upgrading from a previous version of AN_GradeBook or are you trying it for the first time?
    3) Who is your hosting provider?

    Aori Nevo

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Suggestions
    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Ok, we are missing a bit from the original code. Add this just before the function an_gradebook_shortcode.

    function an_gradebook_ajaxurl() {
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var ajaxurl = '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>';
    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Suggestions
    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    It looks like you are getting two errors. Click on the console tab and send me a screenshot.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Suggestions
    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Select the XHR tab and click on the item named admin-ajax.php?action=course_list. Send me a screenshot of this.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Suggestions
    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Can you send me screeshots of the page with Google Chrome Developer Tools window open and the networks tab selected?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [AN_GradeBook] Suggestions
    Plugin Author Aori Nevo


    Hi asimjaved,

    You’ll need to do two things. First, edit an-gradebook/GradeBook.php. Place the code below at the end of the file just before ?>.

    function an_gradebook_shortcode (){
    	$an_gradebook_develop = true;
    	$app_base = plugins_url('js',__FILE__);
    	wp_register_script( 'init_front_end_gradebookjs', $app_base.'/../init_front_end_gradebook.js', array('jquery'), null, true);
    	if( 1==1){
    		wp_register_style( 'jquery_ui_css', $app_base.'/lib/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.css', array(), null, false );
    		wp_register_style( 'GradeBook_css', plugins_url('GradeBook.css',__File__), array('bootstrap_css','jquery_ui_css'), null, false );
    		wp_register_style( 'bootstrap_css', $app_base.'/lib/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css', array(), null, false);
    		wp_register_script( 'requirejs', $app_base.'/require.js', array(), null, true);
    		wp_localize_script( 'requirejs', 'require', array(
    			'baseUrl' => $app_base,
    			'deps'    => array( $app_base . ($an_gradebook_develop ? '/an-gradebook-app.js' : '/an-gradebook-app-min.js')
    	} else {
    	return '<div id="wpbody-content"></div>';
    add_shortcode('an_gradebook', 'an_gradebook_shortcode');

    Second, add a new file under the an-gradebook directory named init_front_end_gradebook.js and inside this file insert the code below.

    	var _x = window.location.href + "#courses";
    	window.location.href = _x;

    Also, you will likely want to change the value of $an_gradebook_develop to false. This will shorten the load time of the page.

    Let me know how this turns out.

    Aori Nevo

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