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  • Hello me again.


    I suspect in my case it was connected with using ALL IN ONE MIGRATION PLUGIN>

    Anyway, I have fixed it as follows:

    1 create new empty wordpress site
    2 BEFORE Upgrading to 4.5.2 migrate the backup to the new site
    3 update all plugins and themes etc BUT NOT 4.5.2
    4 check it works (mine did)
    5 upgrade to 4.5.2.
    6 stopped working and got error message immediately.
    7 have a cup of tea and relax (I am british)
    8 google the issue again
    9 found this site
    10 part way down page found this

    Change Site URL Without Access to Admin Area

    In case you don’t have access to WordPress Admin area, you can still update these settings by defining them in wp-config.php file. Simply connect to your website using an FTP client. Once you are connected to your site, you will find wp-config.php file in your site’s root directory. You need to download and edit this file using a text editor like Notepad. Simply add these two lines to the file and don’t forget to replace with your own domain.
    1 define(‘WP_HOME’,’’);
    2 define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’’);
    Save the file and upload it back to your web server. Now try to access your WordPress site. If you still can not access your site, then try to add your domain with www prefix.

    11 did as suggested, using my own local host URL where it says “example “
    12 It worked
    13 Have another cup of tea and make another backup.

    hope that helps




    this happened to me the moment I upgraded to 4.5.2.

    Am about to roll back to previous version. Thank heavens for backups!

    Do you have any further ideas? I’rather use the latest version of WordPress

    I can’t link to site as it is on localhost

    Will keep you posted.


    Thread Starter AndyZuntz


    Sorry, I have found three more detailed questions. I do hope you can help me answer them.

    Sorry to be a nuisance.

    1 I want to stop the “related videos” screen appearing at the end of my videos. I have found the Youtube parameter that stops this happening: it is to add “?rel=0” to the end of the URL when you are using the Youtube embed code. I have tested that and it works using the embed code on its own. However, I have tried adding this to the end of my URL in SYG and it has no effect. Can you help with that ?

    2 It is a small point, but the close button (a circle with a cross in it) appears at the wrong place on my video window. I think it should be top right of the screen, but it appears at about 20px to the left. Can you fix that ?

    3 I don’t quite understand how the Video Format setting in the Gallery Editor actually works. It doesn’t seem to have much effect.

    Sorry about these questions. I think it is a super plugin and I am keen to use it.

    Many thanks


    That is interesting, it looks OK now that I have pasted back in here . Clearly something about the way it looks in Chad’s version one above. Ignore me if I am not helping


    I am only a beginner at this game, but I think there might be some double pasting in the advice from Chad above.

    Rather than

    comment_form( array( ‘must_log_in’ => ‘You must be logged” rel=”nofollow”>”>logged in to post a comment.’ ) );

    I think it should read

    comment_form( array( ‘must_log_in’ => ‘You must be logged in to post a comment.’ ) );

    It worked for me , anyway, once I had got the brackets all clear in my head

    Thanks Chad for a great great plugin


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