Forum Replies Created
Thanks buddy. Which TintMCE plugin is it? There seems to be a number of different ones.
Is it safe to update to Metabox 4.17.2?
Hi. I sent you another email on 6th Feb but again no reply. I really need this fixed quickly as this is stopping us from using your plugin. Our website is being impacted. Thanks.
Hi. I sent you through details to the site above, but I have not heard anything back. Can you come back to me please as this is urgent. Thanks
I am currently running Auto Listings – Multiple Dealers v1.1.0.
Is this the latest version? If not can you send to me please. Thanks.
Im sorry I need more instructions than that. You need to give me an example so I know how to make the changes. For example I want to move the Make and Model to the top section. How would I do that?
To change to KM:
1. Go to WordPress Dashboard
2. Click Listings
3. General Tab
4. Under Measurements, change to Metric
5. SaveMetric is KM
Imperial is MilesHope that helps!
Yes I’ve been able to get it to work without Multiple Dealer. Hopefully I will get a new version of that shortly.
I would wait as looks like you will definitely need it!
1. Still waiting for new Multiple Dealers plugin to be emailed to me.2. The biggest problem of the Plugin not working has been fixed, but it has taken me 1.5 days to get working. I think the biggest change is to refresh the Permalinks, in which i did not change anything and just saved again. I think that bought back the vehicle listings and made the links to each car work again.
However the listings then do not show any car images, so to bring the images back you have to go into each car listing from the front end of your website. This seems to refresh it, and then the images appear in the list of cars. Its a pain to have to open 300 pages, but this seems to refresh.
Also by re-saving the Permalinks, the search has started to work again.
3. Shortcodes raise up a PHP error in the back end of WordPress. In the front end there is no error. Its very annoying as if ever I need to edit a page I have to deactivate the plugin first to then be able to edit. This needs to be fixed.
Hi. Thanks for the quick reply.
1. I have sent you an email. Will wait for your reply.
2. I have had a look at Permalinks but everything seems normal there. The problem has now developed. Yesterday the Listings page was only showing the Search feature, and no cars. Now the Listings page is showing cars but no search. I have tried to add the search with the shortcode, but that has not worked. (
On a separate test page ( I have added the shortcode. Adding this makes the Search fields appear, however when I use it to search, no results are returned, even though I have 300+ cars in the database.
3. As mentioned above when I added a shortcode to a page, the page stopped working. This is no longer the case, and I do not get the PHP error anymore. However as mentioned above the search itself does not return any results.
Message sent. Thanks.
I see you have created a v.2.0.1. What is included in this change, and does it fix the problem above? last time i installed the update it stopped working and broke my site.
Problem 1 – It appears that “Auto Listings 2.0” is conflicting with “Auto Listings Front End 1.0.1”.Problem 2 – The Listings page normally shows 10 cars for sale, below the search section. There are no cars on display.
Problem 3 – When I search for any cars, nothing is returned. This is probably linked to Problem 2.