Forum Replies Created
It is not resolved because the banner is still present despite the fact that the page most definitely includes the [user_registration_my_account] and this is evidenced by the fact that the page correctly renders the my account details. Clearly there is an issue in your logic which is testing the selected page and is apparently unable to find the shortcode on it. If it helps, we use Beaver Builder and the shortcode is not the only thing on the page in question. Please can you either fix the logic or just provide a mechanism to dismiss the banner as @websanityofficial clearly needs.
Kind regards
AndyThe screenshot of the banner is at:
The previous topic was:
By the way, the sub-menu replacements are still happening.
Hi @sanzeeb3,
Thanks for checking, I will disable your test account for now if you have finished with it? Is there any way of updating users who were registered before I implemented your plugin so that they can have the same profile viewing/editing experience?
Kind Regards
Hi @sanzeeb3,
The URL is
And no, I have not modified any templates.
Kind regards
Hi @sanzeeb3,
If you can support both Polylang (the one we use because it has a free option) and WPML (probably the most popular but with no free option) then that would be ideal!
Kind Regards
Hi @sanzeeb3,
Unfortunately, this doesn’t help because the string I want to translate is:
“This field is required”
which means it needs to be in the pot file.
The strings on the Frontend Messages screen – like the emails themselves – only support a single language at a time.
Kind regards
Hi @sanzeeb3,
As requested, I have sent you a screen shot as I do not seem to be able to add one here.
Kind Regards
Thanks @sanzeeb3
Excellent reply and just what I was after, thank you @sanzeeb3
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] Unable to Translate Search Widget Placeholder TextThank you The Coder and Courtney for taking the time to respond, I appreciate it – unfortunately our site supports dynamic language switching so I don’t think either solution will work – I will of course check the theme files for the string and if the file it is contained in is localised then I should be able to just edit it in place, but if not I think the users will have to live with an English placeholder.
Hi @sanzeeb3,
I am not sure I totally understand what you are asking me.
Our website supports English, French and Portuguese – the user can select their preferred language on any page. Thus we expect a Portuguese speaking user to select Portuguese and view the pages in Portuguese whereas an English speaking user will view the English pages. Ideally when a new user registers and they use the Portuguese registration page we have created for them they should ideally receive emails in Portuguese whereas an English user will use the English registration page and get emails in English.
As it happens, I was not happy with the default English emails and edited them from the Settings page and then created the Portuguese version in the translation file. However, as you say, because the default email has been edited the value is now coming from the database and the translation is not referred to. In my view there is no need to have the emails in the translation file at all, just put them in the database and support multiple language versions there?
Kind Regards
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Clean Login] Redirect After Login Not WorkingHi,
No I didn’t have SSL enabled, I was testing the plugin in a local sandbox version of WordPress using standard http. I went with a different plugin in the end that had better support for our multi-lingual site and in fact better support generally – the authors of this plugin have never even bothered to respond to this issue.
Kind regards
Hi @sanzeeb3,
I can see that you registered and you will have received an email message that should have been in Portuguese but was in English, furthermore, I have now denied your registration and that also should have been in Portuguese but was in English. With the initial registration email you should be able to figure out which language to use for the email based on the page calling whatever function actually creates the user account. However, I am not sure how you could know what language to use when sending the approve and deny emails given that they are initiated by an Admin who will almost certainly be using the admin console in English unless you perhaps store a custom property against the user being ‘preferred language’ say which is set at registration time based on the language of the page they used?
Kind Regards