Forum Replies Created
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Plugins not activatingI am having the same problem on my fresh install of WP2… This fixed it!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 Pluginokay! Do you have any idea how I can identify the gallerysid cookies for my site within IE? As there doesn’t seem to be any way to selectively remove cookies…
Sorry, I’m probably just being a bit dim today!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 Pluginversion a2 seems very good! I could easily install the plugin and quickly get it all in and looking nice!
Any progress yet on the cookie front?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginArnold, don’t give up on this!! It is far and away the best looking G2 plugin available to date!
Do you have any idea why when using IE, it won’t allow me to login to gallery once I have visited the wp-gallery2.php page, unless I clear my cookies?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginDo you mean when you go back to the admin site?
I am having a similiar problem when I go back to the regular gallery page, I can no longer log in… I have tracked this down to something to do with the cookies but short of deleting all my cookies (which I have done once!) I don’t seem to be able to login…
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginThanks Arnold! You have been a great help! I shall have a play with this today and let you know how I get on…
By the way I would love to see an option page within the admin section to alter these settings. Keeps it all nice and neat!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginArnold,
I tried what you suggested but it didn’t work… SoI played about with it and managed to get it working by putting the <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”> in like this:echo ‘<div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>’;
echo $g2data[‘bodyHtml’]; //Display the gallery content
echo ‘</div>’;I also had to add a </div> to get it to work…
That said I am still getting some form of black border around the background that shouldn’t be there!
Any ideas?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginI tried putting it in but it didn’t work!?! It’s probably my very poor CSS skills though!!
It adds in a <div=”content”> but this is immediatley follwed by a <div id=”gallery”> from the
echo $g2data[‘bodyHtml’]; command…As a result nothing moves…
Also it has added a black border around the bacground image…
Any ideas what I am doing wrong…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: WordPress Gallery 2 PluginThis doesn’t seem to work very well with the kubrik default theme…
Everything seems to be offset by a few milimeters…
Any idea how to fix this? I had the same problem when I tried to integrate the theme myself!
To see what is going on have a look at: this is definatley a move in the right direction!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Hitchhiker’s Guide PluginYeah. This is the original textbased adventure game…
All they have done is spruce it upwith some graphics…
Have another look I’m sure you will recognise it once you start!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Hitchhiker’s Guide PluginNot a plugin for WP but I think this is the game you are looking for