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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultYou sir. Are an absolute hero. Thank you so much for your time and efforts. Please go to bed now! I’ve sussed it, and it’s all working fine.
Can’t speak more highly of how helpful you’ve been.
Thank you so so much!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultUnderstood. Thanks for your time Drew, sorry for the rally, really appreciate the help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultI’ve put that code into the functions.php and the second link doesn’t work.
It white screens again with this url –’ve flushed the permalinks and it doesn’t seem to have an effect.
The first download now doesn’t work.(Next problem… I’ve updated my theme, and it appears you, and the rest of the world are viewing it as the old one. It’s cached somewhere. Don’t suppose you’ve any thoughts? I found this code, which doesn’t seem to work…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultNo wayyy! Which browser are you using? This might be a problem…
That code doesn’t help the new link. it goes white screen.
Previous code has been removed.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultOk ok ok! So! It’s working!
Check the link –
If you hit ‘Download’ it works!
The song is located and coded as – [download label=”Download here”][/download]I’ve moved the audio folder into wp-content as you said.
The track above is not inside this audio folder.If you hit ‘Download 2’ another test track i’ve uploaded. It fails.
This song is located in – [download label=”Download here 2″] DJ Ease My Mind (Jakwob Remix).mp3[/download]What am I doing wrong here…
So close!I also tried dropping in that code you wrote above to the function.php, and it breaks the working download…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no result^ I’ll give that a try…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultI’ve uploaded all my MP3s into the Audio file of my FTP. Thus the
I’ve had to manually upload the files because they are bigger than what the uploader in wordpress permits.
Is there any way we could edit the download shortcode to permit ‘audio’ instead?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultDoesn’t seem to make a difference unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultOoop! Sorry! Gotcha!
ignore ‘Download’ … That leads to another open tab.
‘Download Here’ is the one to focus on.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no result^ That. Was awesome.
Thank you!Ok, where can I find this download shortcode, URL link and do you mean to post it into the functions.php?
I think i’m missing something… Does Download Shortcode bring up a front end user menu? Because, at the moment all that seems to have happened is, i’ve downloaded the plugin, and it has no areas for user interaction. – will I have to write this – [download label=”Download here”] and [/download] into every post?
Sorry about this Drew, thanks for being so persevering!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultMy functions.php looks like this…
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/utils.php’); // Utility functions
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/init.php’); // Initial theme setup and constants
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/admin.php’); // Back-end functions
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/envato/index.php’); // Auto update
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/config.php’); // Configuration and constants
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/cleanup.php’); // Cleanup
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/widgets.php’); // Sidebars and widgets
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/template-tags.php’); // Template tags
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/actions.php’); // Actions
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/scripts.php’); // Scripts and stylesheets
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/post-types.php’); // Custom post types
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/shortcode.php’); // shortcodes
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/metaboxes.php’); // Custom metaboxes
require_once locate_template(‘/lib/custom.php’); // Custom functions
add_filter( ‘fds_rewrite_urls’, ‘__return_false’ );I’m guessing it’s okay to just drop that snippet in at the end like that?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultRighto, I’ve done the permalinks refresh. No change there.
What do you mean when you say write my .htaccess file?
I’ve searched for it in my FTP. It appears, but opaque compared to other files.
I’m guessing this means it’s hidden? Anyway, after downloading it to my desktop it doesn’t appear, so i’m not sure how i’d check if it was written or not!?I put that snippet into my functions.php file and it doesn’t seem to do anything.
I’m still getting that white screen on download.Really stuck on this one, sorry. Wish i was better at this!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultAh, ok scrap that…
Is there a tutorial, something I should be doing or some code I should be inserting with the mp3 link?
I had a go at copying some code from some of the previous threads, and now I have a white screen show up with the URL
the short code i’ve put in reads –
[download label=”Download here”] Cat – Round Table Knights Remix.mp3″[/download]Sorry, am an absolute novice here so wil need as detailed walkthrough as possible!
Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Download Shortcode] No effect / no resultNothing seems to be happening at all ??
Is there a tutorial, something I should be doing or some code I should be inserting with the mp3 link?