Forum Replies Created
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink /%postname%/ makes >> "That page can't be found"btw you think i should change topic to [resolved] since i’m not quite sure what was the solution?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Permalink /%postname%/ makes >> "That page can't be found"Thank you very much for your response, but i’ve managed to resolved it myself.
I’ve simply deactivated all plug-ins, change to /%postname%/ and i’ve started to activate them one by one.
Without apparent reason it started to work.
I’ve no idea what was wrong but now works perky ??Maybe you know what could be the problem? So other might resolve their problems.
And thank you very much for your response. WordPress community amaze me every time. It’s sunday, 11:48, and someone spends his time to help someone…, so please don’t forget you’re awesome!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] [Polylang] Running Polylang alonside Pagebuilder and Vantage ThemeHello,
I have overpassed problem with both plugins by creating separate homepage from ‘original’ homepage (in Polish) for other language (in English) and adding it as static homepage for English.
But this created issue with redirection of logotype to homepage after clinking on it (when you were on English homepage it redirected to Polish homepage).
So i’ve disabled the link on logotype and i’ve added separate link in menu which redirects to homepage without changing the language.Effect:
I know its not an ortodox, php solution but for me worked fine.
If you have some simple solution for logotype link issue pls post it ??I hope i’ve helped.
Ps. love Portugal, especially Coimbra. Great memories.
J?drekForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] [Polylang] Running Polylang alonside Pagebuilder and Vantage ThemeGot solution not best one but it works.
i’ve turned of langugae switched and made my own one with ‘menu image’ plug-in + flags from famfamfam.comlinks below!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Polylang] [Polylang] Running Polylang alonside Pagebuilder and Vantage ThemeHowdy,
I’m also using polylang and pagebuilder.
In my comment i’ll refer to 3rd paragraph of the 1st thread of florian_r comment.
As he did i also have build a dedicated english home-page and now i’m trying somehow to have polylang auto-forward the user to this page.
In other words i’m trying to redirect language switcher from standard URL ( to custom URL like (
Any suggestions will do.
In the end i’d like to thank Chouby – the plugin author – it’s piece of art man! Many thanks.