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  • WordPress does #1 out of the box and you can search the plugins for #2 and #3 as both have many options. Here’s just one review/post on how this guy did it…

    To update what I said about changing $temp_ID I have found that affects using custom_fields on adding so I’ve gone back to just saving a draft if I need to do an attachment or custom field.

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    It looks like your solution works well in FF and IE for me. I was trying to get it to download the PDF rather than embed it like you have done so I will have to see if this will work just as well, as I think it looks rather nice how you have done it!

    Can I ask if your page at is automatically updated when you add a sub page like ?

    If so, may I ask how you went about that? My ultimate goal for this project is to make a quick news list out of a category that is automatically updated when you add an item to that category. I think it will look a lot like but I am hoping to have posts automatically added to the list as the users all add things.


    For anyone interested I think I found a fix that works for me. I was able to have media work on saved drafts and published items, but not on new posts or pages. I found that changing the temp_ID did the trick for me. I changed this line in two files:

    $temp_ID = -1 * time(); to $temp_ID = 1 * time();

    The files are both in wp-admin:

    1. edit-form-advanced.php
    2. edit-page-form.php

    Hope That Helps,

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Well, I believe after looking at Custom Fields that this is the way to go. I found that using custom fields called “link” and “target” will work to post a link to any file or website with any target (or this code defaults to _blank). Here is how I modified index.php in the default theme. I need to modify the category and archive pages as well but this is the general idea on the blog homepage:

    <div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
    					$post_id = get_the_ID();
    					$linkVal = get_post_meta($post_id, 'link', false);
    					$linkVal = $linkVal[0];
    					if ($linkVal) {
    						$targetVal = get_post_meta($post_id, 'target', false);
    						$targetVal = (!is_array($targetVal)) ? '_blank' : $targetVal[0];
    						?><h2><a href="<?php echo $linkVal; ?>" target="<?php echo $targetVal; ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2><?php
    					} else {
    					<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title_attribute(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
    					<small><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?> <!-- by <?php the_author() ?> --></small>
    					<div class="entry">
    						<?php the_content('Read the rest of this entry &raquo;'); ?>
    				<p class="postmetadata"><?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', '<br />'); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(', ') ?> | <?php edit_post_link('Edit', '', ' | '); ?>  <?php comments_popup_link('No Comments »', '1 Comment »', '% Comments »'); ?></p>
    				<?php } ?>

    Do you have a file manager in your hosting control panel (where you setup databases, etc)? If so, you can see if the changes are saved there. Just browse through to wp-content\themes and your theme and you could probably edit them there or at least see if the changes in WordPress are saving properly.

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Not a bad idea. But there are a few drawbacks that make it not work for me.

    1. When you click on the post it still links to the post instead of leaving you on the page.

    2. In FF the default seems to be to load it outside the window in Adobe Reader so if you load a page that has this post it automatically loads that PDF by default.

    3. It doesn’t work for me in IE8. That may just be me though. I changed it to iframe and it works like FF above but gives me a download file warning.

    Ultimately I’m also looking for a solution that allows you to use an external URL. I could use iframes for that but would prefer a direct link in some cases.

    Thread Starter Andrew Tegenkamp


    Yes, that is what I am hoping to do. Any ideas?


    I’m really liking wpng-calendar which is a Google Code project that integrates great with WordPress. You can see a screenshot of it on a page at my site at and also notice the sidebar which shows events. I have it hooked up to the MLB Braves schedule for testing but it can hook into any public Google calendar and display on a page, as a widget, or both. The admin is just enter your Google key, enter your Google calendar feed, and enter your number of entries and whether or not to show navigation. Pretty simple and just plain works and shows events that are clickable. Plus you can just say “view/download the whole calendar here” and link to Google somewhere on your site so people can subscribe or download your calendar since it’s already Google-fied.

    The plugin homepage is

    What do you guys think?

    I think you have to have permalinks enabled and also edit your .htaccess file for that plugin to work. It’s in the install instructions but perhaps you didn’t get the htaccess file saved and re-uploaded? You can try mysite/wp-calendar.php too as that may show the calendar for you even if you don’t have your htaccess edited.

    Hmm, I don’t have a calendar I wrote myself. I’ve just installed and reviewed a few at my test site as I make a decision on how to display my events.

    It looks like you tried to install and if so, it looks like you put all the files into the plugins directory. Instead, that one requires you to put files in the root so the file you downloaded wp-calendar.php should go straight into your blog home folder which for you appears to be /home/mysite/public_html/

    I hope that makes sense…

    My dev/test site is and I’ve got a couple notes on event calendars I’ve tried going and I’ve got the Gig one installed at the moment. It would have to be retrofitted a bit I think to work as a regular event calendar because by default it just shows upcoming and things fall off to the archive (Calendar Archive on my site) after they happen. And I don’t see a real month view which can be a bummer for Gigs.

    EDIT: Note the post “04/17/08” is a Gigs Cal event. I do like how it gets added to your blog as a post even though it’s not a real post. The sidebar is for Gigs Calendar too at the moment.

    I’ve got it on my dev/test blog right now as I’m looking for an event calendar. No promises on how long it’ll last but you can see the sidebar item and the Calendar and Calendar archive page show the calendar and archive. I don’t see an option to view it like a calendar at the moment though, so it seems it’s down to Gig Calendar or for my needs.

    My site is and I’ve got a couple other notes on event calendars going too. In discussion w another member at on calendars too.

    I have this exact same question!

    In addition, I would like to know how they work with 2.5 as I am starting a new site and would like to go straight to 2.5 and use an event calendar if any are available!


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