Andrew Tegenkamp
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Replacement for post_row_actions?I’m probably way too late to help, but it looks like you can just hook into manage_posts_custom_column and use the <div class=”row-actions”> or at least that’s what the Automattic plugin Grunion Contact Form uses in the function grunion_manage_post_columns to setup the Spam and Trash links.
As for editing what Quick Edit does, I haven’t gone through it fully but believe solves that as a tutorial.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Can't add custom post status with register_post_statusA month later but I was doing the same and found that new post status’ are not yet built into the admin it seems. There is at least one workaround plugin at that seems interesting.
Also, I noticed on your code that builtin is true. That probably should be false since it’s not builtin but it won’t help get things going like you (and I) were initially hoping when finding this function in the codex.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: When clicking on my site from google, users are redirected…I’d say follow the advice in the links esmi posted, esp the first since that’s the official FAQ for getting hacked. You are fine replacing the core files IF you have not modified the core files (you could even use a program like WinMerge to compare yours and a fresh download to see if there are any differences if you are curious). Themes and plugins should be fine but could depend on the theme/plugin so I’d back up wp-content to be safe if you end up removing/replacing that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: When clicking on my site from google, users are redirected…You may have gotten base64 hacked too. I’d search your PHP files for “base64_decode” and/or reload fresh files from WP. Some of these will only redirect from google/facebook/etc so it takes the owner longer to figure out.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Contact Form 7] Can't send emails to its own domainI know this is old, so hopefully figued out, but generally you need to contact your web host. If your host has CPanel you can go to “MX Entry” and enter the information there or just contact your host and tell them your email is hosted elsewhere.
Your email provider should have the MX values you need. For example, Google Apps (GMail for your domain) has theirs at (option: I can’t configure my MX records).
If you can get email when it is sent normally but you have probably made the changes at your Registrar (, etc) correctly. If you cannot get mail from your website to your domain as described here, those changes probably need to made at your host (BlueHost, DreamHost, etc like
Basically, the host says “oh, we host and it is sending email to so no need to go out to the internet, we can handle it internally” when in fact you need that internal mail to go out because your email is NOT hosted there.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Remove Span elements from Contact form 7My issue was simply adding a new line inside my code and that was turning into a break tag in the output (much like WP auto format). The span tags on the current version do not cause a problem for me when putting the contact form in a table and having fields next to each other as long as I keep the fields on the same row of source code so you could try upgrading but YMMV.
Did you ever solve this? The new version mentions “Fix for export/import issue” in the change log ( but I haven’t seen anything built-in.
A standard WP custom post type (CPT) is just a standard way of storing data in the already built WP database tables. It’s explained in detail at but basically a CPT lets you add all sorts of post types to go with Post, Comment, and Page, which are the defaults. Grunion creates one called “Feedback” to store the data so it will Export under Tools -> Export. That just creates an XML file, so you would need something like a plugin to make it a CSV file.
Nickyboy, yea, what I said about /wp-admin/options.php just is an unlinked page in WP Admin that shows you all the wp_options table choices in WP’s Admin in case you can’t or don’t feel comfortable accessing via phpMyAdmin so I think you’ve done what everyone has said one way or another. I’ve changed this before in single sites and it’s been fine, so you should be good ??
Have you tried going to /wp-admin/options.php and changing either the home value and/or the siteurl value? I’d try a few of those combinations as I believe you can work with those to change the main url around even after setting up a network. If not, let me know as I will be needing this setup for a project in development myself so I’ll certainly help figure it out with you!
-AndrewWe’ve run into this in development when we can’t really mess with DNS and I’ve been able to add the domain and point it to site ID #2 and then go into the database and manually change the wp_domain_mapping table, and it has always worked out pretty well. I can’t recommend or attest to it on live, and it does not let you edit them in the admin interface, but we haven’t seen any ill effects yet to doing this while developing so our hosts file works out ok.
I’ve gone through this before and just had to dump the whole database and go through it manually searching for Going to (just remove -general from General Options) sometimes helps find it too.
I usually search the whole file set to in something like Textpad just to be sure but that is usually just wp-config as you mentioned.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Audio Player] [Plugin: Audio Player] Download Link?Just noticed this ~ what trouble? Is it not showing one or the other or both? Hopefully you got it by now, but if not and you want to give it another, let me know with some more details!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Help installing dream Templete themesThe link you gave agove says it is a wordpress theme. Their support says “Your theme folder contains files such as index.php, functions.php, *.php” and I would echo that and add style.css as WP needs style.css to recognize a theme in the Dashboard. I would say look for style.css and index.php and functions.php in a folder together.
Those should end up in FTP at /wp-content/themes/bluewood/style.css for example (assuming the folder they gave you is called bluewood)
Try to find the functions.php, index.php, and style.css files as it may not be working if you are uploading a whole folder including the HTML/CSS template and a PSD (Photoshop) file when you only need to upload the WordPress theme.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [zBench] [Theme: zBench] Most recent post at top of homepageAdmin >> Appearance >> Widgets should let you put in whatever widgets you want to override the default.
Otherwise, zBench uses Recent Posts on single posts and Random on lists of posts (archive, index, etc) and you can change that in sidebar.php. Just look at lines 32-56 and you can delete [code]<?php if ( is_singular() ) { ?>[/code] on line 32 and delete [code]<?php } else { ?>[/code] on line 44 and [code]<?php } ?>[/code] on line 56. Then it will have Recent and Random on all pages and you can delete the block for random (everything inside that div class=widget code)
Does that help?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 3.1, Now my Permalinks Dont work!FYI, we have just /%postname%/ for our setup and are on 3.2.1 and WP No Category Base has it figured out. I detailed more of our setup and issues in another thread if anyone is curious.